Re: Rant: Cell Phone Users on Busses



A few weeks ago as I was riding in to work downtown, a man got on the bus after making the bus driver extend his wait for him with the door open while he kissed and hugged a woman goodbye.

Only moments after getting on the bus he answered his cell phone, launching into a long conversation I can only surmise was with the woman he just left at the bus stop. He made no effort to lower his loud voice, saying – to the best of my recollection – “I can’t say it back… I can say L-O-V, but no E yet. That’s just how it is right now.” Good god, this man looks to be in his 20s and he’s talking about his relationship with this person in terms of spelling out the word ‘Love?’

The only positive was that he was seated all the way at the back of the bus and I was in the middle so did not have to be next to him. I rolled my eyes and hoped that this man does NOT procreate.