Re: Official Electoral College Prediction Thread!




i am pretty sure Mitt was asked to give factual honest testimony to the court too..

do you think he lied about the viability of his friend’s little company.. staples.. on purpose..

I do.

Do you think that little fib paid off financially for him?

I do.

“the Supreme Court said enough is enough… we are not going to permite the Democratic Party to continue to manipulate the system until they have an outcome they can live with.”

well that’s an interesting interpretation of what the supreme court said…

and a real case of the pot calling the kettle black since democrats weren’t the ones meddling with that election.

You really should stop getting tutored by drop-outs..

I am all for self educated people, but unfortunately either those talking heads don’t know how to build a solid argument..

or they think you won’t notice

or won’t care if you do.

you sound more like Glen Beck every day kootch

and that.. is not a good thing.