retired60…I am 66, and I doubt I know any contemporaries who have that kind of money in the bank. Especially if one of them acquires a long term illness, and it prevents them from working much. I foresee a lot of house sharing in their/our “golden years”.If there is/was a pension or 401K in their lives, the latest recession/almost depression surely tanked those. I have socialized medicine of a sort, too. Medicare is just that, and I am thankful for that. I can’t imagine anyone would opt out of having health insurance, including young people. Sh*t happens, and it doesn’t play fair sometimes, and can affect a person of any age.
Rich…please tell me what the Republicans have done for me lately.Passed a jobs bill? Allowed all people, whether gay or straight to be safe in their jobs? (ENDA – you know, the one that Mr. Boehner refuses to even bring up for a vote, something he does a lot).
And your comment of abortion to be “somewhat legal”. No, Rich, it’s legal…yet look at the Repubs in Texas, preventing as many women as possible to not be able to get that legal procedure. Yet, heaven forbid that companies should have to include birth control coverage in insurance policies – they’re trying like heck to make that a fact. But not one, not one, has a problem with Viagra, etc. Because it’s LEGAL.No need to mess with it. Oh, even some will do commercials for it. I could go on and on , but you catch my drift. Do not sit in your house and attempt to tell me that the Repub/ Tea Party are blameless, and care about constituents. I simply don’t believe it. And, for the record. I don’t approve of everything the Dems do, either – but I do think they’re a little more compassionate towards their everyday constituents, instead of the top few.
We will simply have to agree to disagree, Rich. Hey, if we all felt the same way about everything, how boring would life be?