Re: Killing Anwar al-Awlaki



@anonyme: Sincerely, with all due respect, al-Awlaki was not targeted and assassinated to squelch his ‘free speech’. If that were the case, there’s enough loudmouths saying inflammatory things to keep the drones busy 24/7 all over the world. Of course, we don’t know the strength of the evidence that implicates him anything more than rhetoric (which is the truly troubling part), but I am highly skeptical that the U.S. would waste the resources on someone who was only talking.

I am in no way trying to defend his assassination, and I do find it quite troubling that the President can apparently unilaterally order the assassination of a US citizen without any due process. However, in this case, I think it’s a distraction and a trivialization to claim this was about free speech.