We are Mac diehards here at WSB HQ. Got an iPhone last summer and love it to bits. Unfortunately, we dropped it a month ago and its screen now has festive cracks, although it still works … so if you get one, get an extended warranty in case this happens to you. We have used it to update the site, to monitor the 911 website when we’re out and about, to of course check e-mail (both the account we default it to, and also webmail on another account) … Never used a Blackberry so can’t speak to that. Also, the camera on the iPhone is not too shabby …. we have used it as our first shot from various news stories because it’s so easy to snap a pic and e-mail it.
Cons: The AT&T wireless service isn’t so great, for voice. We have two other phones with a different carrier which DO work OK so it’s not too huge a deal, but if it’s going to be your exclusive phone … there has been some dropout trouble around West Seattle, particularly here at HQ (uphill from south end of Lincoln Park).