Protecting sacred cows… the public school system that I graduated from was ranked second in the world. The public school our children graduate from ranks 27th and 23rd .. in math and science. Since the formation of the DOE .. we have seen a steady and persistant decline in our world rankings. If we ranked 1st, 2nd or even 3rd in the world, we wouldn’t be discussing charter schools.
Well, you can form unionized work forces with a majority vote.. why not a charter school. I am willing to take the risk of 4% of our students attending charter schools. Or, has education become so sclerotic that the very idea of experiment and trial is an anathema? 41 states allow charter schools.. and the scope and success is rising. We defy the trend. I will never support one cent of increased public school funding until the systems commits to reform. Yes, we see some glimmer of hope.. but you can bet the reason is they are feeling the heat. Keep the pressure on if you want school reform. No pressure, no reform. Sorry angelcrest,,, but my daughter had 11 years of foreign language.. not in SPS. Educators have turf to protect…. wadda surprise they are not for it. The monopoly isn’t working. While Gates may not be an educator… his former company makes more petition to allow foreign educated workers under critical skills visas.. than any other company. You are being told loudly and clearly…you are not preparing the future workforce for a productive economic future. Take heed. Charter schools are primarily located in failed urban systems. We spend in absolute and inflation adjusted dollars more than any major economy in the world.. and persist in declining international standards. Sorry, but I am no longer rewarding failure. I am supporting charter schools… if not this time, then next time, or the time after. It will not go away.