your insurance rates have gone up because insurance companies are greedy bastards. It’s as simple as that. I, as a health care provider, am being reimbursed for treatment with lesser and lesser amounts, while they make money hand over fist.Obama is not responsible for everything that happens in the world that you may disagree with, including insurance rate increases ! And…many aspects of the ACA have not even been implemented yet.
Oh, and obesity is NOT always under a person’s control. Sadly, there are sometimes mitigating factors. Yes, our country has people who simply indulge. Look at the hoohah over Twinkies. Oh, my god, what would we ever do without them? Or bacon…everyone loves bacon. I’m betting you eat it every now and then, too. We are the land of plenty, and some people are starving..do you care about that? Maybe you should start educating people, instead of coming on a forum to complain every now and then…ever thought about that?