Whoa.. some people sure aren’t into the spirit here…
I can understand why some of you might not be into the spirit of anything that celebrates community
what i can’t understand is why it is so important to you to paint it as trivial or worthless or downright sinister…
so important that you insult other posters to make your point.
Bah humbug!
i think you need to grow a thicker skin if you think Cait’s chart was an insult.
You make value judgments about other people’s opinions all the time.. including telling me i knew nothing about race in this conversation.
You keep forgetting that you are addressing an idealistic young woman of the 60s who not only volunteered in her local ghetto.. but lived there during the riots.
I think your assessment of me given the facts is an insult..
but not one worth calling you out on… i’d much rather challenge your ideas.
dare i hope tomorrow will be better?
we get to talk about the economics of community.