That’s heartening news! Thanks for the info. I’d just read a v depressing W Seattle blogger’s entry where not one TOT came by. So sad. We live on a very visible st, so I’m hoping we’ll have plenty of TOTs. My favorite time of year.
W/ re to the lists, the ones I remember seeing them advertised in other communities, and they were distributed through the schools etc, and I believe they only listed address, so no critical info for scammers and telemarketing agencies (but still seemed to make parents feel safer). Neither here nor there–porchlight is obviously easier. I’m just thrilled to know that kids are out strolling the neighborhoods w/ parents in tow. My daughter’s too young to go, but I’m really looking forward to taking her out as soon as she is old enough.
JoB: I’m all for the bonfire. Bonfires and cider (maybe some extra-warming cider for the exhausted adults)!