Re: Go Barack



Support Obama if you want to support the only real Democrat on the Democratic side.

The latest conventional wisdom from the Clinton side indicates that 30% of Clinton supporters will not vote for Obama (and, in fact, will vote for McCain.) Only 23 percent of Obama supporters claim the same about Clinton. This supposedly proves that Clinton supporters are more passionate and the Democratic party should succumb to blackmail and nominate Clinton “or else.”

First of all, what happened to party loyalty?

“Will you vote for any Democrat?” etc. Second, an alternative view of the numbers is that Clinton supporters really are closer to DLC/Lieberman “Republicrats” than to true Democrats and that their willingness to support McCain only reflects the party line of their bosses.

Makes sense, for a candidate who boasts of her support by Richard Mellon Scaife and whose surrogate, Ferraro, is a commentator on Fox news…who appears on Fox news the minute the campaign thinks it has something new to WHINE ABOUT.

Their latest attack is on Air America talk show host Randi Rhodes, who I don’t particularly like. Randi said bad words about Hill and Gerri in a speech in San Francisco. Video of the speech appeared on YouTube. And the off-with-their-heads crew were ready to pounce.

SO, rather than just being suspended, she should be fired. The same tack taken by the campaign when David Gregory, was suspended by MSNBC for using the phrase “pimp out” when talking about Chelsea. Suspension was not enough — fire him. Their grasp of the first amendment matches the Bushies grasp of the rest of the Bill of Rights.

I believe the major difference in Obama and Clinton supporters is that Obama supporters will be disappointed and angry if their candidate is not nominated, but very few of them will vote for McCain. Most of the disaffected Clinton supporters will move to McCain because that is a more natural alliance for them than that scary real Democrat, Barack Obama.

What it really comes down to is traditional party hacks are angry because someone new is beating them at their own game. And they are even angrier when some of their fellow hacks defect.

Perhaps Lieberman and the Clintons can start their own party.