Re: Feds Overstepping the Constitution




“it’s a small thing in the greater context. A very small thing.”

this is a small thing only to those who don’t require the medications that are used for birth control…

or who don’t require any medication that could possibly be conceived as being against the “scruples” of their employer.

this small thing is creating a hole big enough to drive a truck through..

that moral exemption thing that is wide enough to deny women even referral to life saving health care if it somehow threatens the “morality” of the caregiver responsible for the referral.

You talk about the catholic church supporting humanitarian causes?

I would ask how humanitarian it is to allow your “morals” to determine every individual’s access to adequate health care?

because this “small” issue isn’t just confined to the employees of the catholic church…

a fact your bishops were well aware of when they made this a public religious crusade…

come to think of it.. political crusades haven’t exactly been the high point of Catholicism, have they?

It’s way past time that religious organizations reminded themselves that their mission is to save souls… not legislate morality.