Re: Favorite Cooking Embellishments?



Speaking of fresh spices & herbs…flat leaf parsley is super easy to grow from seed and even somehow manages to live through snow/ice/cold. I take up to 1/3 of the leaves and it grows back within a week. Also, for $3.00 I bought a little bay leaf plant at West Seattle Nursury 5 years ago. I pull off a few fresh bay leaves when making sauces and haven’t managed to kill it yet. It’s a pretty little bush that takes up very little space. I understand it could turn into a tree if I left it alone, but I use the leaves too quickly for it to really grow into anything substantial.

We live in the perfect climate for rosemary, lavendar, thyme, tarragon, oregano, sage and summertime basil. If you have a little sunny spot in your yard, these plants are very rewarding and effortless. Everything except the basil either lives through the winter or in the case of tarragon, dies back then returns come spring.