Re: Elections are just around the corner



For those of you in favor of “reasonable” Republican pols in state and local government, consider:’


In November 2005, King County GOP Vice Chairman Lori Sotelo was dead wrong in her claim that voter registration addresses were not those of legitimate residences. She clearly violated RCW 29A.08.810 when she signed the affidavit that asserted:

” I,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that I am a registered voter in the State of Washington and that I hereby challenge the voter registration of:

<< registered voter >>

I have personal knowledge and belief that this person is not qualified to vote or does not reside at the address given on his or her voter registration record, as evidenced below. I have exercised due diligence to personally verify the evidence presented.”

The only evidence Sotelo presented was the fact that the addresses she challenged were in areas of Seattle that housed, predominantly, commercial buildings. She, nor any of the King County Repulicans, had actually walked the streets and knocked on doors to verify the theory reached by comparing registered addresses to city maps.

A day after the Republicans lost their challenges to ballots cast Nov. 8, the King County prosecutor Norm Maleng (Republican) said he would not be charging Sotelo with anything. He said his office had investigated the matter and found no intent by Sotelo to make false statements.


In March 2010 Republican Attorney General joined with 11 other State AGs to file a frivilous challenge to the historic, hard foughy and just passed Health Care Legislation. He had and has absolutely no legal leg to stand on.

When Democrats give up and vote for Republicans, that is what they get. Blatant thumbs in the eye to Democratic voters.