Oops! After I posted the Kenyon Hall Christmas Vaudeville suggestion, I received an email from their mailing list and realized the show is only Dec. 21-23, and your company won’t arrive until the 25th.
But fear not, there will be a different show Friday & Saturday, December 28 and 29 • 7:30 p.m called, Orville Johnson & Casey McGill: Blues, Ballads, & Boogie Woogie. I do not have more details.
I am such a Kenyon Hall enthusiast, I can’t stop myself from posting info on the Christmas Vaudeville anyway. (Note: I am not associated with the Hall in any way shape or form other than being a happy occasional patron for many years.) From Lou Magor’s promotional email:
“This Friday & Saturday at 7:30, and Sunday at 3, we’re presenting Christmas Vaudeville, a holiday entertainment for the whole family.
We begin with the master of the Wurlitzer, Bob White, accompanying a holiday silent cartoon, and continue with a variety of music and comedy that’ll lift your spirits and tickle your funny bone.
I first encountered Traci and Spencer Hoveskeland, the Bottom Line Duo, many years ago at a wedding reception. My table happened to be near the stage, and though all of us at the table were avid conversationalists, we instinctively spoke softly so that we could hear their fascinating musical offerings. In the past few years, this unique cello and bass duo have become one of Seattle’s treasures. They appear all over the northwest, and have recently become a popular favorite on public radio’s Says You. We’re delighted to welcome them back to the Kenyon Hall stage this weekend.
Joining Traci and Spencer will be Belle of the Hall Connie Corrick, singing holiday songs old and new, Bob Bailey III, comedy juggler extraordinaire, and yours truly, leading an audience sing- and play-along of Ken Darby’s ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas. Please join us!
Reserved table seats are $14. Row seating is $12 general and $10 seniors. With a reservation, row seating is only $10 general and $8 seniors. Elementary, middle & high school students are $5. Pre-school children are free, and Root Beer Floats are still only a buck.
To make a reservation, please e-mail kenyonhall@earthlink.net with your request. You’ll receive an e-mail confirming your reservation. For complete program information, please visit http://www.kenyonhall.org.”