TheHouse is simply using the old, outdated, tired, worn out, conservative, Republican, fundamentalist argument that my partner and I are no better than and have no more human rights than his animals when it comes to marriage, health care benefits, or the right to hospital visitation, etc.
It makes total sense, doesn’t it, that you should compare these human rights on the same level as your pets?? (sarcasm)
This is an inflammatory comment used in the arguments of opponents of the human rights of gay people to confuse those less educated and less able to follow and logical train of thought. If you tell someone that giving gay people the same rights the rest of the human population has, then you are just leading us down a path that will allow some guy down the street to marry his dog and claim them on his health insurance.
Not only is it insulting to constantly hear our right compared to those of people’s pet (although mine have pretty high placement in the pecking order around here! LOL), it is an insult to the intelligence of everyone having a conversation to bring in such dated material. Get something fresh and bring it to the table or stay home.
If you don’t want gay people to get married, then don’t marry one. If you don’t like gay people, stay locked in your house. If you don’t want us to have human rights, move someplace where they still kill us for being gay. It’s really that simple. Otherwise, don’t hide behind your worn out, lame arguments that hold no water in the face of intelligence.
Oh, and Tonya42, THAT is what JenV was refering to as “feeding the troll.” Sometimes people find it best to not get involved in arguments with folks who only throw out that kind of post to get everyone fighting. In forums, those are commonly known as “trolls” and “feeding them” is doing what I just did. So, JenV was being neither rude nor obnoxious.
There’s my rant on the subject. I’m done now…