We had two greyhounds. One we adopted intentionally and the other we fostered… and you know how that turns out. About the only high energy activity those two boys did was to race to see who would get the cushiest bed when they came back indoors after their last potty break for the night.
These were polite creatures; always wanting to do what pleased us. Ours were both males and they were big dogs and took up space with big beds and the best floor space in front of the fire.
We loved them dearly and sadly parted with them at the end of their lives.
Greyhounds don’t have the genetic disorders that some other dogs seem to have. Collies have theirs, poodles too, etc. Because Greyhounds were bred for the track, if any bad trait, such as week hips was seen, the dog was put down. Therefore, genetic disorders were “bred out.”
As long as there are tracks there will be dogs available. And although it may be illegal to put down these dogs when an owner is through with them; owners, handlers and breeders do sometimes live outside the laws; and do what they wish.