full tilt: very well-said.
yes, it’s funny that cable is expensive, and that’s the government’s fault. it can’t possibly have anything to do with comcast getting a sweetheart monopoly deal from us, the people. or their big, bloated advertising budget.
there are at least a couple of republicans here in the forums who flatly admit that the only reason business has tightened up in the u.s. is because obama is in the white house. i.e. wall street is not creating capital for smaller business and the top 2% are not creating jobs for the middle and lower classes until they get their “tax cuts.” it’s basically a temper tantrum.
and if hooper’s theory is correct, microsoft should be hiring like crazy. instead, they’re laying people off.
meanwhile, they’re proving that trickle down doesn’t work for everyone; and at a time when tax rates are at historic lows and tax incentives are at all-time highs. the administration is providing all kinds of opportunities for big business to stimultate the economy, and big business refuses to do so until the new deal is rolled back.
gee, thanks.
as for hooper, you should look into taking advantage of some of the programs that congress and the administration have started to help small businesses.
if you stop and consider all of the facts, hooper, government didn’t cause this mess, but they are charged with cleaning it up. (well, republican “governance” caused it: slash regulation, break government, loot the treasury, blame democrats. rinse. lather. repeat.) we, the people, get the bill, big business gets record profits and no tax burden, and our jobs get off-shored.
i actually think obama might be a genius. by running up the deficit, he has made the GOP rank-and-file decry everything that republicans themselves have done for the past 30 years to break the economy. so don’t count him out yet, righties. in secret, wall street loves obama, and they’re laughing all the way to the treasury.