Reply To: Reviews for new “Greek” Ephesus?



@Libra: Hey, who are you to criticize someone’s experience, especially it was solicited? Would you like to hear my qualifications to be a restaurant reviewer? I eat at restaurants! I have feelings about them. I have favorites and a few that I won’t set foot in and some of the latter are popular.

That restaurants are struggling to survive is not my problem, as a consumer, at least, I have no obligation to support restaurants simply because they’re struggling.

So, in closing, perhaps you should shut your gob you great bloody pillock, because Michael Waldo is as entitled to his opinion as I am and is welcome to share it, especially at invitation. If his experience was less that stellar then that’s on Ephesus, not him.

For myself, I’m disappointed in the new owners, find the experience to be lesser than it was and the food was middling especially for the price.