Words, Writers and Southwest Stories: After the Blast – The Ecological Recovery of Mount St. Helens

September 10, 2020 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Online (see listing)

Journalist and biologist Eric Wagner discusses 40 years of ecological recovery on Mount St. Helens.

Mount St. Helens has been surprising ecologists ever since and in After the Blast Eric Wagner takes readers on a fascinating journey through the blast area and beyond. From fireweed to elk, the plants and animals Franklin saw would not just change how ecologists approached the eruption and its landscape, but also prompt them to think in new ways about how life responds in the face of seemingly total devastation.

Online access to Words, Writers and Southwest Stories: After the Blast – The Ecological Recovery of Mount St. Helens:


‘Words, Writers & Southwest Stories,’ a historically-based speaker series of the Southwest Seattle Historical Society, is offered in partnership with The Southwest Seattle Historical Society and The Seattle Public Library.

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