West Seattle Junction RPZ public hearing

February 28, 2019 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Senior Center/Sisson Building
4217 SW Oregon

Tell the city what you think about the proposed RPZ in the Junction – as previewed here.

4 Replies to "West Seattle Junction RPZ public hearing"

  • Kevin June 4, 2019 (9:21 am)

    From the City’s website:  “SDOT is reviewing the comments we received this spring and plans to send
    out a final decision on whether or not a new RPZ will be installed by
    June 2019
    .”  Anyone heard anything on this?

    • WSB June 4, 2019 (9:38 am)

      Likely to be a topic at JuNO’s meeting Thursday but we’ll check in with SDOT before then.

  • JUNOwhat? June 4, 2019 (10:22 am)

    Where are the JUNO meeting details posted? They are so secretive. One woman who showed up from JUNO to the last hearing on this RPZ couldn’t tell us when the next meeting was taking place and it’s not on their website. Apparently including actual neighbors is not a priority. 

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