Understanding Medicare

January 13, 2022 @ 11:00 am
Senior Center of West Seattle
4317 SW Oregon
West Seattle

Medicare Health Insurance is confusing – so much information: the way it works, the options available, what to consider, what steps to take – but you want to choose the best plan for yourself. Don’t struggle on your own to try to figure it out, get some help!

Come to my presentation Understanding Medicare at the West Seattle Senior Center on Thursday, January 13th at 1:00 – 2:00. You’ll get a clearer understanding of the basics and what you need to consider when deciding on a plan.

Or sign up for an individual 30-minute session with me at the Senior Center. I can help clarify how it all works, what your options are, and how to decide on the plan that fits you the best. I’ll be available on Thursday, January 20th from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm.

Call the Senior Center to register at 206.932.4044. The center is at 4217 SW Oregon St just off California.

Patrice Lewis, Independent Medicare Health Insurance Broker


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