Seattle Public Schools Parent Tools Power Workshop

January 23, 2018 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
High Point Library
3411 SW Raymond St
Seattle, WA 98126

West Seattle Student Parents: Do you know the answers to the following questions?

How well is my child doing with school work and homework? Are they getting homework? Are they turning in that homework I see them complete at home? Are they making it to class on time? How can I stay in touch with my student’s teachers?

You have 2 powerful tools available to answer these questions and many more.

The Seattle School District has online tools that help parents, teachers and students work together for the student’s education, The Source and Schoology. Seattle Public Libraries have computers available for your use as well for you to access these tools. If that weren’t enough, you may also be able to use your smartphone to access these resources. We can help you get started!

January 23, 2018 from 6:00-7:30 PM at the High Point Library meeting room there will be a hands-on workshop to help parents sign up for and navigate The Source and Schoology. The High Point Library will provide information on accessing library computers. There will be laptop computers available at the workshop so you can navigate yourself through the resources.

The Parent Power Tools workshop is free and appetizers will be provided.

Space is limited! If you have questions and reserve your seat, please call 206 734-7859.

Parent Power Tools Workshop

January 23, 6:00-7:30 PM

High Point Library Meeting Room

3411 SW Raymond St

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