7:20 PM: Thanks to Jamie Kinney for the video from today’s Southern Resident Killer Whales “superpod” visit! He explains, “Here is an initial video of J, K, and L pods passing by Alki Point. There were easily 40 or more orcas in total across the three groups. I recorded this from Constellation Park, where ~30+ people were enjoying the experience. As I was heading home, I saw more than 150 people watching the whales from the western end of Alki Beach.” Jamie promises more visuals later tonight; we’ll add when we get them.
9:36 PM: From Jamie’s gallery (which you can see here):
The Southern Residents come into the central Sound this time of year chasing their favorite food, salmon – so it’s all intertwined with other sightings, like the coho in Fauntleroy and Longfellow Creeks. (Check out Fauntleroy Creek’s coho during this Sunday’s “open creek.”)