Racists Anonymous

March 3, 2020 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Admiral UCC Church
4320 SW Hill
West Seattle

Racists Anonymous: A New Tool for Anti-Racist Organizing
11-12 Tuesdays, 4320 SW Hill St, West Seattle

We have chosen to use the 12-Step Principles as tools for engaging internalized racial superiority and systemic racism because they promise to affirm the worthiness of all people while calling people to deep reflection on the beliefs and behaviors that deny this promise. This is not a space for experts, professionals, or those who want to demonstrate their “wokeness”; this is a place for those who are ready to admit that internalized racism is stunting their emotional growth and limiting their freedom. We gather to find renewed strength to resist our learned biases and nurture our hope for social transformation.

For more information, go to: www.admiralchurch.org/ra

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