West Seattle, Washington
13 Thursday
Southwest Precinct police representatives were guests at two community meetings we covered last night, with different topics:
ADMIRAL NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: Mark Solomon, Crime Prevention Coordinator from the South Precinct who’s also currently handling Southwest, was the guest. The ANA conversation with him touched on two major topics: One, the two teenagers who have been reported as involved in multiple incidents in local businesses. Attendees included at least one affected business owner. The two boys were described as well-known to business owners, as they have gone in to various shops and restaurants, harassing employees. Solomon said he would check on the situation. (Side note, two teens were taken into custody in the Admiral District late today after incidents in at least three businesses; we’ll be following up with SPD tomorrow.)
He also mentioned that Admiral has not been immune to the business burglaries that have happened around the peninsula; he said Wiseman’s Appliance was broken into last month.
Solomon also got an earful about traffic violations in the Admiral area – people speeding, running red lights, and ignoring pedestrians. One person asked if there were stats on running red lights; Solomon said he only gets collision stats. There was also a request for motorcycle officers to give speeding tickets, but Solomon said the motorcycle patrol’s role these days is primarily to aid traffic these days and not so much hand out tickets.
(Separate from the discussion with SPD’s Solomon, the ANA also heard about a new community proposal to make Admiral more pedestrian-friendly; look for that story tomorrow. And one more note – Solomon, who ran for City Council last year, confirmed to us that he’s applied for the current council vacancy.)
FAUNTLEROY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION: Traffic was also a topic as second-watch Lt. Joshua Ziemer and community-liaison Officer German Barreto visited the FCA meeting. President Mike Dey brought up the recent collision that killed Steven Hulsman as he rode his bicycle on Marine View Drive, and wondered about speed bumps. How did Alki get so much traffic calming? was the question. FCA might consider asking Alki community advocates how they had so much success with SDOT, it was suggested.
Meantime, the SPD delegation brought crime-trend information that Lt. Ziemer said was for West Seattle in general. Homicides in the Southwest Precinct (which includes South Park) more than doubled, 3 in 2022, 7 in 2023 (the SPD crime dashboard says 8). The newest trend: Burglaries are on the rise. A not-so-new trend: Auto thefts are way up, 2023 was up 39 percent over 2022, and he said that mirrors a nationwide trend, fueled by the Kia and Hyundai thefts. They’re hopeful that a recent arrest (no name but likely this one) will make a dent. Robberies are also up (and in response to a question, he said that most carjackings fall into that category) – they believe the auto theft and robbery rises are related, because many vehicles are taken to be used in a crime.
How’s SPD recruitment going? they were asked. Departmentwide, they’ve still had more departures than new hires. Lt. Ziemer noted that it’s a nationwide problem, not just a Seattle problem. He said a contract agreement with the officers’ union would be an important step to assist in recruitment. But Lt. Ziemer stressed that they’re not just looking for “numbers” in hiring, they want “quality people” who want to come to SPD and will stay a while. The Southwest Precinct remains a popular place to work, he added.
(We’ve published two other reports from the FCA meeting – the latest on Seattle Parks‘ pickleball-court planning, and an update on West Seattle dog-park siting.)
7:55 PM: Thanks for the tips. Emergency responders are arriving at the scene of what texters describe as a car-on-side crash on Admiral Way, at/near the Schmitz Park bridge. So far dispatchers have reported only minor injuries. No images yet, but one texter says, “The car is wedged in some trees very oddly, almost flipped over. I can’t imagine how it ended up that way.” … The response is reported to be blocking the eastbound lanes.
8:47 PM: Thanks to Tony Tschanz for the photo of the tow crew hauling it out. SFD closed out its response fairly quickly, reinforcing the initial assessment of “minor injuries”; we’ll follow up to be sure.
This Thursday, January 11, is the second Thursday of the month, which means it’s time for the Southwest Seattle Historical Society‘s monthly online speaker series, Words, Writers, Southwest Stories. SWSHS’s Elizabeth Rudrud gives us this preview – not just of tomorrow’s speaker, but also who’s ahead, and a request for your feedback:
Our first Words, Writers, Southwest Stories program is this Thursday, featuring Maria Chávez, Professor of Political Science at Pacific Lutheran University. Her talk, “The Firsts: Latina Struggles in the United States,” explores the unique challenges Latina professionals in the US face and draws from wide-ranging interviews and her own personal experiences.
The Words, Writers, Southwest Stories program is a monthly speaker series of the Southwest Seattle Historical Society with support from Humanities Washington, 4Culture, and the City of Seattle Office of Arts and Culture.
This year, we will present talks on a range of topics including:
February – Nancy Koppleman, “The Oldest Hatred: Coming to Terms with Antisemitism”
March – Harriet Baskas, “Wonderful, Weird, and Worrisome Objects in Washington State Museums”
April – Kestrel Smith, “Fish Wars: Tribal Rights, Resistance, and Resiliency in the Pacific NW”
May – Luther Adams, “A Space for Black History”
July – Shin Yu Pai, “Ten Thousand Things: Artifacts of Asian American Life”These programs are always free but donations are greatly appreciated. Programs are presented online on the second Thursday of each month. [Register here for Thursday’s link.]
Is there a speaker or topic you would like to see included in our 2024 series? The Southwest Seattle Historical Society would like to hear from you! Send in your suggestions to museum@loghousemuseum.org
Lowland snow? Maybe. Sub-freezing cold? Definitely. That’s the current forecast for what’s on the way. Starting tomorrow night, temperatures will drop below freezing, with daytime highs in the 20s on Friday and Saturday, overnight lows as cold as the upper teens on Friday and Saturday nights. So Seattle Public Utilities – which handles water service among other things – wants you to be ready. Today SPU invited media crews to a home in Seaview for demonstrations on simple steps you can take – like protecting outdoor faucets:
In our photo is SPU’s Sabrina Clark-Bentley, who showed options for that – either a foam cover you can buy, or a DIY wrap with an old sock or towel, plastic bags, and tape:
Inside, SPU recommends turning on a faucet to a “slow drip” when it’s below freezing, so water keeps flowing in your pipes to reduce the chance of a break. In your kitchen, if your sink is against an exterior wall, open the doors beneath it to bring in warmer air:
And know where your water shutoff is, in case you need it. Other things to consider before the cold wave hits – storm-drain clearing. That’s part of what we discussed in a brief interview with SPU’s emergency-management program manager Chad Buechler:
Again, the number he mentioned for SPU-related emergencies, like water breaks and clogged street drains, is 206-386-1800 (same one we often mention for brown water).
3 PM: Orcas are in the area again, seen off Alki Point Lighthouse, per Kersti Muul. Let us know if you see them too!
3:07 PM: I They’re southbound, now off Emma Schmitz Memorial Overlook (4500 block Beach Drive), Kersti says.
3:34 PM: Now off Lincoln Park.
That’s the poster (full-size PDF here) that local women have been distributing around the area to warn others about a man suspected in multiple incidents of sexual harassment. We first published a reader report about this on December 30th; one of the women involved emailed us the poster today, explaining, “Since emailing you on this originally, we are now up to more than 2 dozen similar reports (majority in West Seattle but some in Burien and White Center as well) of harassment via social media reports – the most recent on Sunday near the West Seattle Farmers Market, which they reported on our original blog post.” (Here’s the link to that comment.) They asked us to again publish a photo of the man’s pickup truck:
And they want you to know that if you have an incident to report, SPD has told them to advise victims to please call it in to 911 and. refer to SPD incident # 24-002311.
(WSB photo – Nino Cantu Southwest Athletic Complex parking lot)
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
Seattle Parks has a new idea for where to add pickleball courts in West Seattle: The parking lot at Nino Cantu Southwest Athletic Complex.
That’s what Parks’ director of planning and development Andy Sheffer told the Fauntleroy Community Association last night.
It’s not a sure bet, though, as the parking lot is Seattle Public Schools property.
Before we get into those details – some backstory: Sheffer was invited to talk with FCA after the group’s previous meeting, last November (WSB coverage here), included a discussion with opponents of Parks’ plan to repurpose an old paved pad – once tennis courts, more recently a storage area for Parks maintenance – by setting up six pickleball courts. As FCA president Mike Dey explained in introducing Sheffer, they wanted to hear “the facts” about Parks’s plan, which first emerged in September, when Parks dropped a plan to add pickleball stripes to Solstice Park tennis courts, and drew intense opposition.
First Sheffer explained that the “next step” is a study on mitigating pickleball noise, a major point of concern for project opponents, contending the Lincoln Park courts would be disruptive both to wildlife and to people. He said this study – for which a “kickoff meeting” is imminent – involves the University of Washington Engineering Department, which is working on pickleball equipment that would reduce the noise by at least 50 percent. “Nobody ever really thought about the noise, but now that it’s a mainstream sport, they have to think about it.” (He noted later that pickleball noise concerns also include the “laughter and joy” expressed by players.) They’re also working with local wildlife/environmental advocates, he said, including Birds Connect Seattle.
But, he said then, “We are studying other sites concurrently … I’ve always had my eyes on the Southwest [Athletic Complex] parking lot.” Sheffer said he’s already had one meeting with the school district about the idea and has another one set up. He explained,, “What I’d like to see come out of that is to be able to build the same number of courts with the ability to park over [them] for the two or three big events a year.” He didn’t specify which events he was referring to; the NCSWAC is used for a variety of sports events throughout the year, plus high-school graduations, among other things, and its lot is adjacent to Parks-owned Southwest Teen Life Center and Pool.
Sheffer said they’re open to other sites but a major criteria is that a site would have to already be paved – they don’t want to pave anything that’s not; he said he’s been “scouring the city looking for impervious surfaces.” In West Seattle, he said, the Lincoln Park pad and NCSWAC parking lot “are really it” but he stressed that he’s hopeful the parking-lot idea “will go through and then we can look at other uses for Lincoln.”
If Lincoln Park remains the site, Sheffer was asked, what about its condition? One person in attendance said, “We have pictures of broken asphalt and treeroots coming up through it.” Sheffer replied, “We would patch the broken areas of asphalt and do another asphalt overlay and a top coat.” He added that the Lincoln Park site wasn’t identified for repurposing previously because Parks’ “old leadership” said it was needed as a maintenance facility, while “new leadership” decided the materials could be stored somewhere else.
Another question: What’s the rush for new pickleball courts? Sheffer replied, “We have a huge demand for pickleball … huge demand from West Seattle for sure.” So much so, he said, that existing sites are under pressure to expand – he noted, “There’s a big push to make Walt Hundley [Playfield, in High Point] more of a dedicated pickleball facility.”
What about a privately owned site, like Westwood Village, which has both a huge parking lot and two large empty indoorspaces? Sheffer said they could certainly consider that; FCA board member Marty Westerman said the suggestion had already been made to the shopping center’s owners, but they had yet to reply.
Sheffer returned multiple times to an acknowledgment of the concerns voiced previously by those opposing the Lincoln Park site (the FCA has yet to take a formal position) – “This is your park, we hear you loud and clear, you shouldn’t have to fight the city … I’ve heard a lot through this process.”
Other questions were aimed at eliciting more specifics about the study. Sheffer said it’s “kicking off” with a meeting tomorrow (Thursday, January 11th) and shouldn’t last longer than three months – “a lot of it is literature review,” he added, referring to what he said was “lots” of studies already done regarding pickleball noise.
He was asked about the best way to advocate, either for or against the pickleball project. At first Sheffer suggested people wait to see how the study turns out; later in the meeting, he suggested an online survey would be a possibility, maybe with questions such as “if noise could be reduced by 50 percent, would you be opposed?”
WHAT’S NEXT: Before leaving the meeting (which moved on to other non-Parks topics we’ll recap separately), Sheffer said his next steps would be the study, a survey, and review of other possible sites; he said the next conversation with SPS regarding Nino Cantu Southwest Athletic Complex was slated for the “third week in January.” (It should be noted that NCSWAC already has tennis courts dual-striped for pickleball, just west of the pool building.)
(Yellow-rumped Warbler, photographed by Jerry Simmons)
Here’s the daily preview, mostly from our West Seattle Event Calendar:
DINE AT CIRCA, HELP STUDENTS: The West Seattle High School Class of 2026 is benefiting from a share of proceeds during a “dine-in day” today at Circa in The Admiral District (2605 California SW), open now through 9 pm.
TODDLER READING TIME: 10:30 am at Paper Boat Booksellers (6040 California SW).
DOWNSIZING OR MOVING? 1 pm workshop at Senior Center of West Seattle (4217 SW Oregon) – free but RSVP required.
MIDWEEK SOUND BATH: 1 pm, presented by Inner Alchemy at Move2Center (3618 SW Alaska), $35.
CHOOSING A FINANCIAL CAREGIVER: 3 pm workshop at Senior Center of West Seattle (4217 SW Oregon) – free but RSVP required.
FIX-IT WORKSHOP: Repair it instead of replacing it! Weekly event, 5:30-7:30 pm at West Seattle Tool Library (4408 Delridge Way SW, northeast side of Youngstown Cultural Arts Center).
FREE GROUP RUN: Meet at West Seattle Runner (2743 California SW; WSB sponsor) for the weekly free group run, 6:15 pm.
TRIVIA x 5: Five places to play tonight. At 6 pm, Locust Cider (2820 Alki SW) offers trivia … 7 pm trivia at Burger Planet (9614 14th SW, White Center) … Quiz Night starts at 8 pm at Beveridge Place Pub (6413 California SW) … Larry’s Tavern (3405 California SW) hosts Wednesday-night trivia starting at 8 pm … and at 8:30 pm, trivia with Phil T at Talarico’s (4718 California SW).
LIVE MUSIC AT THE LOCOL: 6:30 pm. 21+. Rotating performer slate. (7902 35th SW)
MUSIC BINGO: Play weekly at The Good Society (California/Lander), 7 pm.
BASKETBALL: One varsity home game tonight, at Chief Sealth International High School (2600 SW Thistle), the girls play Ingraham at 7:30 pm.
SKYLARK OPEN MIC: 7:30 pm signups @ West Seattle’s longest-running open mic – no cover to watch. (3803 Delridge Way SW)
If you’re planning a presentation, meeting, performance, reading, tour, fundraiser, sale, discussion, etc., and it’s open to the community, please send us info for West Seattle’s only comprehensive event calendar! westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!
The Brownies of Troop 40622 are hoping you can help them keep local pets fed. Their leader Krista sent the request:
Our Brownie troop of 12 third graders is working on the Philanthropist Badge.
As philanthropists, the troop has made a goal of collecting 500 pounds of pet food for the Pet Pantry at the West Seattle Food Bank. Animal lovers through and through! So far the Brownies have collected 186 pounds of food. They have collection bins located at Bebop Waffle Shop [California/Admiral], Sea Pines Physical Therapy [4617 37th SW], and Next to Nature [4543 California SW]. The bins will be active through the end of January. The troop also has an Amazon Gift List (Troop 40622) that sends items directly to the Pet Pantry! Thank you for supporting our troop’s efforts to make the world a better place.
6:00 AM: Good morning. It’s Wednesday, January 10th.
Cloudy, chance of showers, high in the low 40s. Today’s sunrise will be at 7:55 am, and the sun will set at 4:38 pm.
(Tuesday photo by Theresa Arbow-O’Connor)
With the wind past us, SDOT crews might resume work on the signal at Highland Park Way and Holden – mast arms for the permanent signal. Lane closures are expected.
Water Taxi today – Regular schedule. Check the real-time map if you’re wondering where the boat is.
Metro today – Regular schedule; check advisories here.
Washington State Ferries today – 2-boat service on the Triangle Route. Check alerts for changes, and use the real-time map to see where your ferry is.
(The video options on SDOT‘s camera map are working again.)
Delridge cameras: Besides the one below (Delridge/Orchard), cameras are also at Delridge/Genesee, Delridge/Juneau, Delridge/Henderson, and Delridge/Oregon.
High Bridge – the main camera:
High Bridge – the view from its southwest end (when SDOT points the 35th/Avalon/Fauntleroy camera that way):
Low Bridge:
1st Ave. S. Bridge:
Highway 99: – northbound side at Lander:
MORE TRAFFIC CAMS: See all working traffic cams citywide here; West Seattle and vicinity-relevant cameras are on this WSB page.
BRIDGE INFO: The @SDOTBridges feed on X (ex-Twitter) shows whether the city’s movable bridges are opening for vessel traffic.
If you see a problem on the bridges/streets/paths/water, please text or call us (when you can do that safely, and after you’ve reported to authorities if applicable). Thank you!