Brandon Street Greenspace cleanup work party

January 20, 2018 @ 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

From the North Delridge Neighborhood Council:

Come help at the Brandon St Greenspace the 3rd Saturday of every month from 10 am–2 pm. We have made a huge dent in the ivy around the Legacy Trail. Thanks to all of you who have helped.

But wait! There is a lot more Ivy and Blackberry to remove. Come down and be part of the community that cares for Longfellow creek and the Legacytrail. We will have plenty of Mulch and Cardboard to go around.

Getting to the site is easy. Get on Delridge Way SW. Turn West on Brandon St. Go two blocks and park on 26th Ave SW. Walk down Brandon 1/2 block and look for the gateways on the south.

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