Each month, an amazing group of people from Backyard Barter get together in different locations around the city and barter homemade items. In addition to the bartered goods, I come home with new ideas, recipes, and a greater appreciation for all things homemade.
Our December barter is in West Seattle, at the West Seattle Library.
I swap my homemade dark chocolate truffles, soap, and cheese for other people’s treasures. I typically come home with a box full of edibles such as jams, chutneys/sauces, flavored butter, chai, granola, pickled veggies, fresh/home-canned fruit, bread, honey, bitters, dried herbs, and nearly always delicious items for the week’s dinners.
And there are lots of non-edibles too, including pottery, salves/lotions, homemade greeting cards, original artwork, pillows, jewelry, knit items, indoor/outdoor plants, and more.
Some in the group barter services too.
There’s no cost to participate, no money exchanges hands. And the bartering is stress free. You ask if someone wants to swap your x for their y, and they either say yes or “no thanks.” And three-way trades are a good way to get what you want if there’s little or no interest in a direct trade. It’s a great way to save money and try new things, and there’s a variety of gluten-free, dairy-free and vegetarian items.
Children welcome.
In the first hour, barters set up, which may include pre-barter agreements as well as checking out the cool handmade items and making new friends. In the second hour, we quickly do our physical exchange and are usually done in thirty minutes.
West Seattle, Washington
10 Monday