WS & Sports 2783 results

Batter up!

If you heard the screaming and cheering from high atop Alki Point over the weekend (we did, while out walking before the deluge) — Cami from lets us in on what’s going on — West Seattle Little League is hosting the District 7 All-Star Tournament at Bar-S Playfield. So far the WS 9-10 and 10-11 teams have racked up victories; more games to come for them (6 pm Wednesday), and the 11-12 team will play later this week too.

Swimmers, rejoice

June 18, 2007 7:15 am
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 |   Fun stuff to do | West Seattle parks | WS & Sports

Today’s the first weekday of the season for Colman Pool, which is now open noon-7 pm every day till early September (full schedule here).

A rummage sale to remember

June 5, 2007 11:49 am
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rollergirlslogo.jpgPut “Rat City Rollergirls” and “rummage sale” in the same sentence and you just know it’s gonna be something good. Not only are they having one at the Alki Bathhouse this Sunday, but right this very moment (or any time between now and then) you are invited to donate items for it … the dropoff address (in White Center) is in this LJ post.

Sealth scandal leads to lawsuit

Fired assistant coaches are suing parents who spoke to the Times, says the paper.

Alive & kickin’

June 1, 2007 4:14 am
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Starting today, you can register kids/teens ages 5-18 to be part of the West Seattle Soccer Club for its fall youth soccer season (mid-Sept. through mid-Nov. for most players). League officials soccerteam.jpg(who provided the photo below, from a 4/29 visit to WSSC by Seattle Sounders players) say “the emphasis is on fun and soccer skills” — and a wide variety of playing environments are offered, including coed. You can learn more about WSSC, and you can register online, at their website, or click here to e-mail the league if you have questions. P.S. They’re offering soccer coaching clinics in June and summer soccer camps in July & August, too!

Today’s top three

May 12, 2007 9:04 am
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In case you missed it in our weekend roundup … three particularly interesting events today/tonight worth one more shoutout: Megawatt’s WS Community Garage Sale Day till 3 pm (map/guide here), Seattle Majestics women’s football @ Sealth field @ 7 pm, and bellydancing at ArtsWest “afterhours” @ 10 pm. Have a great day, whatever you do. (And don’t forget to put out the bag o’food.)

New disc-overy

May 8, 2007 2:03 am
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Frisbee-1.jpgTonight’s the kickoff for a weekly West Seattle Ultimate Frisbee pickup game — just one catch; the first three sessions are in Tukwila, apparently because of a field-space crunch. If you want to join the fun, show up at the Tukwila Community Center field tonight @ 6:30. (Weather should be splendid.)

“Walking on Logs,” now rolling on rinks

Just saw bold new T-shirts on the “Walking on Logs” figures alongside the Fauntleroy end of the high bridge — bearing the official Rat City Rollergirls logo. Bet that’s in honor of their season-opener next weekend.

Dow vs. Erik?

Now our County Councilguy Dow and his fellow KCC Dems suggest we vote on the Sonics tax plan (the one co-sponsored in the Legislature by our state senator). Er, didn’t some of us already kinda vote on that sort of thing? How about we just have a daily vote on something or another so we can get all these votes out of the way more quickly?

If you see this before 3:30 pm or so

Got a request for a WS Super Bowl poll. Bears or Colts? We don’t have time to go find some site that’ll give us real poll code but tell everyone your prediction in this post’s comments! (P.S. If you’re making Super Bowl guacamole — which we did LONG before it was trendy — Thriftway has a killer deal, tons of mega-ripe avocadoes for 45 CENTS EACH.)


October 21, 2006 1:41 pm
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 |   Westwood | WS & Sports

… to West Seattle HS for the Huling Bowl victory against Chief Sealth last night. While we walked around Westwood Village in the same time frame (see below), we couldn’t miss the raucous cheers (and band drums) echoing from the field to the north.

On the run

September 13, 2006 6:55 am
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 |   West Seattle parks | WS & Sports | WS culture/arts

Don’t go to Lincoln Park this Saturday looking for a quiet stroll among the trees. It’ll be the site of the Sundodger Invitational college cross-country meet. Haven’t found the exact times yet, but did find this course map.

(Also on Saturday — one more festival before we officially say goodbye to summer — the Morgan Junction Community Festival. The entertainment lineup is posted here.)

All about sports, sort of

BASKETBALL: Full details on the Chief Sealth ruling, from the P-I here, and from the Times here.

BASEBALL: I hate the Mariners. They’ve ruined my commute for three nights straight.

SOCCER: In two weeks, David Beckham’s going to ruin my commute.

VOLLEYBALL: This Sunday, on Alki, concurrent with the Art Fair, and there’s something of a baseball tie-in.

FOOTBALL: I got nothin’.

West Seattle skateboard park?

While city leaders deliberate what to do about the viaduct, the Sonics, and other sore spots, it seems they also are plotting a network of skateboard parks. If you’ve got anything to say about this, there’s a hearing at SW Community Center tomorrow night.

Jumping through hoops

February 15, 2006 6:08 am
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According to today’s Times, the high school on my side of the peninsula has a bit of a sports scandal to deal with. Just for once, I would like to hear about a school going out of its way to recruit students because of their brain, not their brawn …

In honor of the Olympics …

February 14, 2006 8:48 pm
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… I’m looking up West Seattleites with Olympic history.

First one I’ve turned up is Doris Heritage, an Olympic track star turned SPU track coach, who lives on this side of the bay, according to her bio on the SPU site.

That’s it so far … let me know if you know of someone else. Meantime, it’s back to the TV to ooh and aah and pretend I know the difference between a triple lutz and a triple toe loop.

Blue-green blues

February 6, 2006 7:51 pm
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OK, one last word (or a couple dozen, really):

–Sad shred of Super Bowl mania: The blue & green balloons festooning cars at one of the Huling Brothers lots.

–Moment where I wish I’d had a camera: Driving to work on the viaduct this morning, with the sky that pre-dawn deep blue, a truck flying a 12th M*n window flag (which had been beside me since leaving WS) framed against the blue-green lights on the Qwest Field roof.

Peaceful, over, let’s close the book and move on to … SPRING!

They’re local — and they ARE the champs

February 6, 2006 6:21 am
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All right, let’s get over our Super Bowl hangover.

Here’s a team that did win a title after something like a 30-year “drought.”

It’s not whether ya win or lose …

February 5, 2006 9:20 pm
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… it’s how you party during the game.

West Seattle Blog World Headquarters just wrapped up a fun little gathering, never mind that The Home Team fell short. No rioting, no drunken revelry. Our attendees hail from other parts of the metro area, so they all had to behave themselves in order to make it safely home.

But if you hear sirens and wonder how close to you the Sunday night troublemaking is getting … you can check the “live 911” fire dispatch site to get the address, and hide under the bed if necessary!

In the meantime, chant “next year is just seven months away” or even better, “it’s almost spring training”!

Mourning the marquee

January 30, 2006 6:37 am
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 |   Seen around town | WS & Sports

I was going to chug out a rant here about driving down California Avenue SW and spotting only two “Go Hawks” marquees. Then the thought presented itself: Really, how many potential “Go Hawks” marquees/signboards/whatever-you-want-to-call-them? Darn few. (But on the south end of Cali Ave, really, you’d think at least O’Neill The Plumber and McD’s could join the lonely Thriftway signboard in Super Bowl spirit … I’ll keep watching.)

Paint the town blue

January 22, 2006 11:59 pm
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OK, like 75 percent of the rest of Seattle’s bloggers, I will dutifully write something here about the Super Bowl-bound Seahawks. I will seek to tie it to This Blog’s theme by noting that I have been out and about in the hours since The Big Game concluded, and I have not seen any evidence of blue lights on roofs, banners on porches, new bumper stickers on cars, etc. C’mon kids, we can do better. Let’s get the Westwood Village QFC to at least offer some blue-iced cupcakes. Two weeks to the Super Bowl, plenty of time for a football frenzy.

Seahawks fans “check out”

January 14, 2006 7:10 pm
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An unlikely hotbed of Seahawks pre-game fan mania today: West Seattle Thriftway. Custom T-shirts on the workers, as far as my eye could see. I’ve seen the Thriftway go Mariners-manic before, but not Seahawks-crazy. If they’re really serious, perhaps they can program the signboard outside to flash GO SEAHAWKS inbetween wine deals!