West Seattle schools 5358 results

West Seattle Crime Watch: Sealth site security beefed up

The day after we reported on vandalism/arson damage at the Chief Sealth High School (permanent) campus, which is closed till summer of next year for major renovations, we have some followup information from Seattle Public Schools. We asked how security would be beefed up – SPS spokesperson Tom Redman‘s reply: “The general contractor for the Sealth renovation project has contracted with a professional security firm for guard services to patrol the Sealth building and grounds.” We also asked how much the damage would cost to repair – no dollar figure provided; Redman said, “Most of the damage is limited to broken glass and a small fire in one classroom, in addition to possible smoke damage. The general contractor’s insurance company’s risk adjusters are assessing the extent and cost of the damage.”

School Board meeting: ANOTHER change to the start-time plan

Monitoring the Seattle School Board meeting that’s under way now (live on cable channel 26) – the proposed start times have changed yet again before the formal presentation and vote later in the meeting (as part of a transportation plan) – the official presentation is here; it now calls for elementary schools to run 9:30 am-3:40 pm, middle schools, high schools, and most K-8s (including Pathfinder) to run 8:15 am-2:45 pm. We’ll add the vote here when it happens, as well as any other major developments from tonight’s meeting. 7:14 PM: Denny and Sealth students spoke during the public-comment period to express opposition to cuts in the Proyecto Saber program. Another West Seattle note – a presentation under way now about the future of special education mentions “more middle-school autism services in West Seattle.” Also, West Seattle board rep Steve Sundquist is asking why the district did not respond to a community request to offer the Spectrum gifted-education program in a West Seattle elementary school (Arbor Heights has been suggested – right now West Seattle’s only official elementary Spectrum program is at Lafayette in the north end); the staff response was that the closure process caused some bumps in the feedback process, and that explanations of the denial will be forthcoming “now that everything is final.”

8:16 PM:
COO Don Kennedy is in the middle of the start-time/transportation presentation, and clarified that those times are not necessarily hard-and-fast school bell times but the basic transportation-related times so there may be some variations at individual schools, but not too far. (“Clarified” may be a misnomer, still working to be clear on this one, probably will require post-meeting followups assuming this plan is approved tonight.) Superintendent Dr. Maria Goodloe-Johnson said that it’s not usual for something to be introduced and voted on during the same meeting, but said time was lost because of the closure process and if the vote on this is put off till early April, parents won’t have full information till after the enrollment period closes.

8:41 PM: One data point – Kennedy says this plan would take 49 school buses off the road. School Board president Michael DeBell is impressed.

9:25 PM: The proposal was approved.

9:50 PM: District lawyers just noted that a hearing is set April 1st for a lawsuit against the sale of the Fauntleroy schoolhouse; this came during a discussion of other sales and challenges, current and prospective, to them.

11:35 PM: The district has issued a news release with language further attempting to clarify the “start time” issue – read on for the full text:Read More

School Board tonight: West Seattle projects, start times, more

March 18, 2009 8:43 am
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Tonight’s the regular semimonthly meeting of the Seattle School Board (6 pm, district HQ in Sodo), with an agenda that has a few extra reasons for West Seattleites to keep watch: Contracts for several local renovation/repair projects are on the agenda – for Alki Elementary, a $596,000 contract with Western Ventures Construction to do the following work this summer:

Install new roofing membrane which will improve student indoor air quality by preventing water intrusion into interior spaces and reduce maintenance backlog.

• Replace worn flooring surfaces with new carpet and resilient composition tile which will provide for a healthier cleaner environment for the students and staff.

• Replace and/or refurbish aging HVAC equipment which will reduce the maintenance backlog, improve indoor air quality and reduce energy costs.

• Replace the large single glazed window at the lunchroom with a new double glazed window system which will improve energy savings and provide for a warmer, more comfortable environment for the students and staff.

The same construction company is also recommended for a $749,000 project this summer at Gatewood and Sanislo Elementary Schools:

Sanislo Elementary:

• New roofing system with added insulation.

• Install new roof flashing.

• Clean brick.

• Replace worn carpeting in the auditorium with new resilient floor tile.

• Install five (5) new roof top air handling units.

• Replace worn and cracked playground walkway with a new, more ADA compliant concrete walkway.

Gatewood Elementary:

• Replace worn and cracked linoleum flooring with new resilient floor tile at selected areas.

• Repair the wood flooring in the library.

• Replace stage curtain and wall covering at existing operable wall in lunchroom.

• Refurbish existing HVAC fluid cooler, replace heat pump at daycare and add exhaust/relief/supply fans to improve indoor air quality.

Also on the agenda:

–Standardized school start times, which we first mentioned here, will be considered as part of “transportation standards.” Read the document here; it mentions various provisions for exceptions, but in general, elementary schools would run 9:15 am-3:25 pm, middle schools and “designated elementary and K-8” 8 am-2:30 pm. (The always-excellent SPS Community Blog has an extensive breakdown.)

–The 2009-2010 calendar, which would start classes on Sept. 9 and end them on June 22 (unless there are snow days to make up); see the proposed calendar here.

If you can’t make it to the meeting, you should be able to watch it live on cable TV (channel 26).

West Seattle Crime Watch: Chief Sealth HS project vandalism

Just got word that vandal(s) hit the Chief Sealth High School – permanent campus – project overnight. According to a report provided by the Southwest Precinct, the construction crew arrived first thing this morning “to discover someone(s) broke into the secured school … set fire to a cabinet / cork boards, and broke multiple skylights and other interior windows.” The report elaborates:

They set a wood cabinet on fire, which caught nearby corkboards on fire. Numerous interior windows as well as skylights were extensively damaged. Several beer cans were left behind, as well as blood smears from where (the) suspect may have been cut. The fire alarm had been disabled due to reconstruction.

The report also says construction workers had reported graffiti vandalism and a “trash-can fire” the day before, which might have been the work of the same vandal(s). Detectives are doing followup work now, and the blood smears provided potential DNA evidence. We will check with Seattle Public Schools regarding damage estimate from this vandalism and what’s going to be done to step up security. 7:04 PM UPDATE: A district spokesperson says that information won’t be available till tomorrow.

West Seattle’s Denny Middle School in St. Patrick’s Day parade

Thanks to Joe Follansbee for these photos of the Denny Middle School marching band in this afternoon’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade downtown. Joe reports: “The rain eased off for us and the wind was light, so conditions were tolerable. And the kids were near the beginning of the parade, so they (and their parents) didn’t freeze halfway to death!”

While we were visiting Denny yesterday morning (longer story to come), music director Marcus Pimpleton told us the marching band’s next parade is the Junior Daffodil Parade, two weeks from today in Tacoma (more info here).

2 Denny Middle School headlines: New move date; parade

March 13, 2009 12:04 pm
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dennyext.jpgSome updates on Denny Middle School, from a conversation with Principal Jeff Clark: First big one, the move-in plan has changed for the new Denny that’ll be built on the nearby Chief Sealth High School campus. As we reported in recent months, there was a tentative plan to make the move over winter break 2010-2011. Now, Clark says, that plan’s been scrapped, since it would likely have been educationally disruptive, to say the least. The plan is now to move the Denny staff immediately after the end of the school year in June 2011 (so Denny summer programs that year will happen on the new campus), and start classes there in fall 2011. Also from our visit to Denny (and more to come later): Music director Marcus Pimpleton will lead the Denny Marching Band in tomorrow’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade downtown (parade info here), so if you’re going, watch for them!

West Seattle scenes: Chief Sealth HS Multi-Cultural Night

Thanks to Dina Johnson for sharing photos from tonight’s Chief Sealth High School PTSA-presented Multi-Cultural Night. Raffles and a silent auction helped raise money toward the “wish list”:

But that was only part of it – student performances took centerstage:

Along with dancing and music – poetry too!

Besides cultural celebration and fundraising, tonight’s CSHS event included buffet dinner, too!

Also happening tonight: Parks Board in West Seattle, and more

March 12, 2009 11:26 am
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In addition to the Conner project Design Review meeting, lots of notable events tonight. They’re all on the Events calendar — where you’ll find the full list — but here’s an extra shoutout for a few more:

WEST SEATTLE ART WALK: The map/info link will be in the sidebar at right till the event’s over tonight, but if you missed it: 6-9 pm tonight, 40 venues all over West Seattle, and many offer treats and special deals for Art Walk-night visitors and shoppers. Artists highlighted here; printable venue map here.

PARKS BOARD IN WEST SEATTLE: The regular twice-monthly meeting of the Seattle Parks Board (whose chair and co-chair are both West Seattleites) is coming here tonight: West Seattle Golf Course clubhouse, 7 pm. The agenda includes two items of WS-specific interest — the city’s Golf Master Plan and the Seacrest dock renovations for the Elliott Bay Water Taxi (which starts its season April 5). Briefing papers are all linked from the Parks Board page.

SNAP AT WEST SEATTLE LIBRARY: Find out how to make sure your family and neighborhood are ready for anything. Seattle Neighbors Actively Prepare has a free how-to at West Seattle Library (Admiral) at 6:30 tonight.

GENEALOGY AT SOUTHWEST LIBRARY: A genealogy librarian is coming to Southwest Library at 5:30 tonight to show you how to use the Internet to find out more about your family history. It’s free but you have to call to register; number, and more info, all here.

HIGH POINT NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION QUARTERLY MEETING: 6 pm at Elizabeth House, 3201 SW Graham. The theme: “Doing more with less impact on the environment,” according to HPNA president Andrew Mead‘s meeting announcement on the HPNA site.

CHIEF SEALTH HIGH SCHOOL MULTICULTURAL NIGHT: Food, performances, silent auction, and more, all presented by the CSHS PTSA, 6 pm.

A signature quilt, and a memorable evening

That one-of-a-kind quilt is hanging near the door of the Fellowship Hall at Fauntleroy Church – but it’s in the market for a new owner. Your WSB co-publishers got the story behind it Wednesday night while talking to Little Pilgrim School director Lorrie Cook after our guest appearance in the church’s “Re-creating Community in Our Day” series:

Thanks to Kevin McClintic for the photo, and thanks to everybody who came out to share in the chat, and to Rev. David Kratz and his church for inviting us; next Wednesday at 7 pm, Diane Shiner speaks on “The Interplay of Environment and Community.” Now back to that quilt: School parent Krista Withers designed and crafted it, and it has a square for each student in Little Pilgrim School, designed in consultation with the students – each one met with her to choose fabric, designate an animal, and apply their “signature.” It’s in the tradition of signature/friendship quilts dating as far back as the Civil War, created as raffle items to raise money for soldiers — now, it’s being raffled to raise money for the school, and the raffle happens May 3rd at the Little Pilgrim Spring Parent Workshop. Tickets are just $1 each, six for $5, and if you don’t have friends/family at the school from whom you can buy ’em, contact Lorrie Cook at lorrie@fauntleroyucc.org or 932-5600.

$15 million settlement for athlete paralyzed in WSHS incident

March 11, 2009 11:05 pm
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Just posted tonight at SeattlePI.com: $15 million settlement for Mac Clay, paralyzed after a wrestling-practice incident at West Seattle High School two years ago. The article says the money will come from Seattle Public Schools‘ insurance, not from the district directly. Mac now attends Seattle University and plays wheelchair rugby with the Seattle Slam, which has a tournament coming up this weekend.

Happening tonight: 34th DDs and WSB in Fauntleroy, and more

March 11, 2009 11:52 am
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From the WSB West Seattle-wide Events calendar – first, two events tonight across the street from each other in Fauntleroy: The 34th District Democrats are at The Hall at Fauntleroy (old schoolhouse) for their monthly meeting at 7 pm, with the agenda including City Council candidates David Ginsberg and David Bloom (who’s already spoken twice in West Seattle in the past week, here and here); across the street at Fauntleroy Church, the ongoing “Re-creating Community in Our Day” speaker series features your WSB co-publishers tonight at 7 pm (after an optional “simple supper,” for which the church will accept donations, at 6). In Delridge tonight, anyone applying for Seattle Public Schools during this month’s open enrollment period is welcome to go to the Delridge Library 5:30-7 pm for in-person application help (more here). And tonight, Junction Idol continues at Rocksport, 9 pm.

Hey, bidder, bidder: More info on a West Seattle auction

Thanks to Beel for pointing out that the items Seattle Public Schools will auction here in West Seattle this Saturday are now catalogued and shown on the auctioneer’s website (even musical instruments!). Here’s the starting page. The auction starts at 9 am Saturday (with preview time at 8 am) at the currently vacant EC Hughes building, 7734 34th SW (map).

$9 million in grants for Seattle Public Schools

March 10, 2009 9:57 am
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The official announcement was made this morning — $9 million in grants for the budget-crunched district, with the lion’s share coming from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and Boeing among three other contributors. Read on for the official news release sent by the Alliance for Education:Read More

Denny-Sealth construction work: Next alert for neighbors

That’s the doorhanger that people living around the Chief Sealth High School (permanent) campus will get this week, according to managers for the project that includes both Sealth renovations and the construction of the new Denny Middle School on the Sealth campus. It includes major digging for gas and water lines. As we reported last week, the district changed its mind about a big “groundbreaking” celebration for this phase, but the work proceeds, with the goal of Sealth moving back in fall of 2010, and Denny opening in 2011.

Chief Sealth “groundbreaking”: No ceremony after all

First, Seattle Public Schools announced a March 12 groundbreaking ceremony for the next phase of the Sealth/Denny construction project; then they announced last week it would be postponed till they had the permits all in hand; now, Tom Redman from the district tells WSB they’ve just decided to save the money and not have a groundbreaking event after all, in favor of spending the $ on “two big community celebrations” when Chief Sealth reopens in 2010 and when the new Denny Middle School on the Sealth campus opens in 2011.

“Character counts”: Ex-coach honors “Champions of Character”

(Pictured from left are: Meredith Lang, Hope Lutheran 8th grader; Tori Hammond, 7th grader; Erin Salle, 8th grader; Anika Lidstrom, 8th grader; Meghan Espinoza, 6th grader; Olivia Wake, 7th grader. They were coached by teachers Kristin Tarabochia, and Kim Hood)
We received that photo of Hope Lutheran basketball-team members from Bob Matthews, along with a tribute he wrote in honor of their recent effort. Read on to see what he wants you to know about them, and the lesson they taught:Read More

High school basketball updates: Chief Sealth, Seattle Lutheran

Scores are all in now: Chief Sealth boys’ basketball team lost to Seattle Prep tonight in Bellevue, 60-47; in their consolation-round games against North Beach this afternoon in Spokane, the Seattle Lutheran boys’ team lost 66-51, the girls won 55-47, and play Orcas Island at 12:30 pm tomorrow. ADDED FRIDAY MORNING: The Sealth boys have one more chance to get to the state tournament — they play O’Dea at 11:30 am Saturday morning, again at Bellevue Community College.

High-school basketball updates: Seattle Lutheran’s final scores

March 4, 2009 11:11 pm
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Tough night for the Seattle Lutheran High School boys’ and girls’ basketball teams at the state 2B tournament in Spokane – the boys lost 68-42 to Napavine, the girls lost 62-26 to Colfax. They both have games against North Beach tomorrow in the consolation round: the boys at 12:30 pm (full tournament bracket here), the girls at 2 pm (full tournament bracket here). THURSDAY AFTERNOON UPDATE: The girls won today’s game, 55-47, and play Orcas Island tomorrow at 12:30; the boys lost today, 66-51.

Chief Sealth boys’ basketball one step away from state playoffs

Congratulations to the Chief Sealth High School boys’ basketball team for beating Cleveland 76-66 last night (the game for which your votes won the channel 7 “Game of the Week” web poll) – that means they play Seattle Prep tomorrow night — 6:30 pm, Bellevue Community College — with the winner going to the state playoffs. When Sealth faced Prep on January 13, it was a close game, with Prep winning 45-41.

New scholarships at South Seattle Community College

SSCC (West Seattle’s only college) just sent this out and wanted to make sure you knew:

Thanks to a generous donor to the South Seattle Community College Foundation, we have an opportunity to offer a special scholarship round to award two full scholarships (3 quarters each) to two students who have been in the U.S. Foster Care System.

Because it can be challenging to contact students who are eligible for this scholarship, we encourage you to let all students know it is available so they can determine whether or not to apply.

The application deadline is Wednesday, April 1, 2009, 4:00 p.m. in the Development Office, Room RS-01.

Application is available online; call 206 764-5809 for additional information.

Update: Seattle Lutheran’s journey to the state tournament

(video added 2:06 pm, SLHS gym sendoff for the teams just before 1 pm )
An update this morning from Bil Hood at Seattle Lutheran High School (which is on the northeast edge of The Junction):

Our basketball teams are heading to Spokane this afternoon for the State Basketball Tournament in Spokane.

The boys get started tomorrow night at 5:30 v.s the number 2 team in the state, Napavine. The girls follow at 9 vs. the number 2 girls team, Colfax.

There are links at www.SeattleLutheran.org to live audio and video feeds from the games as well as a cell phone text service that will send you the scores as they happen.


ADDED 2:06 PM: Video of this afternoon’s sendoff for the teams, before they left SLHS.

P.S. FROM ORIGINAL REPORT: One other high-school basketball note – we told you yesterday morning that Chief Sealth is in the running for its match vs. Cleveland to be chosen channel 7’s “Game of the Week” if it wins a webpoll – last hour to vote – go here (right sidebar). ADDED 2:05 PM: Thanks for voting – they won. Now, they’re trying to sort out exactly what that means – what kind of showcase the game will get – we’ll keep you posted.

Happening now: Denny, Concord “international school” celebration

We’re at Concord Elementary School — which is in South Park but is part of Seattle Public Schools‘ “West Seattle South” grouping — where a celebration is just wrapping up in honor of the recent designation of Concord and Denny Middle School as “international schools.” Above, you see members of the Denny steel-drum band and masked Concord second-grade dancers, who performed for dignitaries including Denny principal Jeff Clark, Concord principal Sandra Scott, and Superintendent Dr. Maria Goodloe-Johnson. More highlights in a bit, along with details on specifics of exactly what this designation means to these two schools. (Clark, by the way, has ties to both schools – he mentioned he’s best known at Concord as “Gabe’s dad,” because his first-grader is in the immersion program, which now serves kindergarteners and first graders and will add second grade in the fall.) ADDED 11:46 AM: More from this morning’s event, including video: Read More

Signing up for Seattle Public Schools? Open enrollment, day 1

Today’s the first day of “open enrollment” for Seattle Public Schools, later than usual because of the school closures/changes process. The district has forms, enrollment guides, dropoff spots, tour schedules, and much more linked here.