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Video: Westside Unitarian Universalist Congregation’s new plaque, honoring present & past

June 1, 2014 5:31 pm
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A joyful moment for Rev. Peg Boyle Morgan and her Westside Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Gatewood before this morning’s service: Four years after they moved into the former Gatewood Baptist Church at California/Othello, they have installed a commemorative plaque in the church entryway – right next to the one the Baptists placed there 64 years ago:

WSUU had intended all along for the original plaque to stay; it was even mentioned in this WSB feature published shortly after they got the keys to the building in April 2010. Adding their own is also a nod to the WSUU past, present, and future, as the church celebrates its golden anniversary – 50 years – this year.

ADDED: Video of the dedication, above.

Holy Rosary School celebrates its first century, and looks ahead

(WSB photos by Patrick Sand)
For the second time in five years, a centennial celebration for Holy Rosary. In 2009, the church marked its 100th anniversary; today, the school. Students were part of today’s Centennial Mass, with a special guest, Seattle’s Archbishop J. Peter Sartain:

Honoring the past and looking to the future, the Mass was followed by a reception and events involving time capsules old and new:

That one was from a quarter-century ago, 1989; here’s some of what was inside:

Archbishop Sartain and Holy Rosary’s pastor Father John Madigan also presided as a new time capsule was placed:

This one is meant to be opened a half-century from now:

What’s in it? That’s supposed to be a surprise for the people who open it in 2064. Earlier centennial events included a group photo last November, featuring more than 400 students (see it in WSB coverage).

Video: 20 years in the making, Pastor Ron Marshall’s book ‘Kierkegaard for the Church’

February 22, 2014 10:05 pm
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Existential philosophy and Christian faith might not sound likely to intersect – but when it comes to Denmark’s renowned 19th-century thinker Søren Kierkegaard, they do. Few know this better than First Lutheran Church of West Seattle pastor Rev. Ron Marshall, who has just published “Kierkegaard for The Church,” and gave us a show-and-tell the other day:

The book would be helpful both “for the educated layperson and pastors,” Rev. Marshall says. This Monday, 9 am-1 pm, he’s hosting an “open conference” about it at his church north of The Junction, open to the public, focused on the book and some of what you can hear him discuss in our video – which concludes with a shorter clip below, elaborating on who the book is for and on the Monday forum (at which you can buy a signed copy of “Kierkegaard for the Church”:

Behind the pastor and author in our clips is the Kierkegaard statue you can see at First Lutheran, by Northwest artist Dr. Rita Marie Kepner, dedicated when the church celebrated the bicentennial of the philosopher/theologian last year (WSB coverage here). As Rev. Marshall mentioned, First Lutheran commemorates him in November every year. Drop in Monday for minutes or hours and check out the statue, the discussion, the book.

Video: West Seattle’s Tibbetts UMC donates big to ‘United in Blue’ pre-Super Bowl food-drive challenge

So many pre-game Seattle-vs.-Denver sideline challenges this week, hard to keep track of them all – but this one has a specific West Seattle component: Tibbetts United Methodist Church (WSB sponsor) joined in the “United in Blue” food-drive challenge between the UMC’s in Seattle and the UMC’s in Denver. In something like this, EVERYBODY wins, since it means more help for those in need. Betsy Wharton shares the video put together today for Tibbetts after its part of the drive (featured on the WSB Super Bowl page) brought in 770 nonperishable food items for local food banks! Money too, but that’s still being counted. Fun video – thanks for sharing; go, Hawks! (And go help your local food banks if you haven’t done so lately – online, you can donate to the West Seattle Food Bank here, the White Center Food Bank here.)

West Seattle scene: Eastridge Church’s annual turkey giveaway

Just outside Eastridge Church at 39th/Oregon, it was the busiest morning of the year – volunteers and church staffers offering turkeys, groceries, coats, gloves, and Bibles to hundreds of people. The line stretched down 39th to Fauntleroy and eastward down the sidewalk in front of Trader Joe’s by the time the distribution began at 9 am. Eastridge does the same thing at the same time outside its Issaquah campus, and this year announced it planned to distribute 1,500 turkey/groceries/etc. bags between the two sites.

SIDE NOTE: At least two places in West Seattle are serving a free community Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday – The Hall at Fauntleroy (noon-3 pm) and the West Seattle Eagles‘ aerie (2-5 pm); more information in the Thanksgiving section atop the WSB West Seattle Holiday Events and Info Guide.

West Seattle holidays: Eastridge Church sets turkey giveaway date

November 7, 2013 4:43 pm
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Eastridge Church has just announced the date for its annual turkey-and-groceries giveaway. This year, between its West Seattle and Issaquah campuses, it’s increasing the number of turkeys to 1,500. Lori from Eastridge says they’re offering “a helping hand and a little hope this Thanksgiving” with the giveaway starting at 9 am Saturday, November 23rd, “no questions asked, nothing to fill out.” Eastridge is at 39th/Oregon.

West Seattle weekend scene: Pet blessings, graced with sunshine

It’s an October tradition for St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church in south Admiral – the annual Blessing of the Animals in the West Seattle High School parking lot next door. Most of this year’s blessing-seekers brought their dogs; we did spot one cat, Yahzi Farouche:

This was the first Blessing of the Animals since Rev. J.D. Godwin took over as spiritual leader almost half a year ago. Below, Rev. Godwin blessed Pace the dog:

He was joined by Paul Dahlke from the Order of St. Francis. There was a special gift for the people who brought their pets today – this medal:

P.S. If you missed this event – Alki UCC Church usually has a Blessing of the Animals service this time of year too, and the church website says it’s at 10 am next Sunday (October 13th).

Prayers for peace in Syria (and elsewhere) Saturday in West Seattle

Thanks to Vince for sharing the announcement:

Holy Rosary Catholic Church in West Seattle has scheduled five hours of prayer this Saturday, September 7, in response to the call by Pope Francis for a day of prayer and fasting for peace for Syria.

All are invited to join in the Holy Rosary prayer service from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday. The church is at 4210 SW Genesee.

The service will coincide with a prayer vigil being led by the pope at St. Peter’s Square from 7 p.m. to midnight Vatican time. Francis has invited Catholics, other Christians, those of other faiths and non-believers to join together on Saturday to invoke the gift of peace for Syria and other areas of the world where there is conflict.

Both houses of Congress are expected to vote next week on whether to support U.S. strikes in Syria; a Senate committee passed a related resolution today.

Local coalition goes face-to-face with councilmembers on ‘Nickelsville’ and other homelessness issues

(Photos by WSB’s Patrick Sand)
The two City Council members who did not sign last week’s letter calling for the Nickelsville encampment’s closure by September 1st were among three councilmembers who came to West Seattle last night for a forum on homelessness.

Their divergent positions on the matter were evident when all three – Nick Licata and Mike O’Brien, who weren’t part of the letter, and Tom Rasmussen, who was – responded to an audience question asking about “the plan” for the shutdown. We have that part of the discussion on video:

Ahead, the rest of what was discussed – what’s the city doing regarding homelessness in general, and what community members can do to help:

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New spiritual leader for St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church

A year and a half after the departure of Rev. Peter DeVeau, West Seattle’s St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church has a new spiritual leader. Here’s the announcement we received today:

Saint John the Baptist Episcopal Church in West Seattle announces the appointment of the Reverend Jerry D. (JD) Godwin as spiritual leader of the parish. Rev. Godwin will serve as Priest-in-Charge beginning April 30, 2013 and deliver his first sermon in that capacity on Sunday, May 5, 2013 during services at 8 and 10:15 am. The appointment was made by the Right Reverend Gregory Rickel, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia (Province VIII), following selection by the vestry of Saint John the Baptist.

Rev. Godwin has been Rector of the Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration in Dallas, Texas since 2000, where he led a parish of nearly 2,000 members. As Priest-in-Charge, he will provide spiritual leadership for the congregation and prepare the parish for the process of calling a permanent Rector in three to five years. “What an exciting time we have ahead of us as we join hands in ministry – to discover, more and more, how God is calling us, in the power of the Spirit, to carry on the mission of his Son in our world,” says Rev. Godwin.

The community is invited to meet Rev. Godwin at two special welcoming events:

· Sunday May 5, 2013 – Eucharist at 8 and 10:15 am with luncheon reception following 10:15 service
· Sunday May 19, 2013 – Bishop’s visitation at 8 and 10:15 am with luncheon reception following the 10:15 service.

The church is on the northeast corner of California/Hanford in South Admiral.

West Seattle Easter scene: Sunrise service on Alki

March 31, 2013 10:37 am
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(Photo by Nick Adams for WSB)
This Easter Sunday began clear and cool, with early services including the traditional joint sunrise service on the sands of Alki Beach, organized by West Seattle’s three UCC churches – Admiral, Alki, and Fauntleroy.

1 week till Passover, 2 weeks till Easter: Share event info!

March 17, 2013 12:38 pm
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With two weeks until Easter (March 31) and one until Passover (starts March 25), we’re working on our annual spring-holiday guide right now, so this is your invitation/reminder to send information about your event, service, etc., if you haven’t already – from egg hunts to seders and beyond. Getting the basics (what, when, where, who, weblink) via e-mail is our preference – editor@westseattleblog.com – just put the information in plain text in the body of your e-mail (no need for attachments, flyers, posters, etc.) and send it … thank you! Soon as it’s ready, you’ll see it in the line of tabs under the sunset photo atop our site; each of those tabs takes you to an inside section.

Interim minister on the way for Fauntleroy Church

March 12, 2013 9:14 am
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Less than two months after longtime Fauntleroy Church minister Rev. David Kratz‘s retirement, an interim minister is on the way. Judy Pickens shares the announcement:

Fauntleroy Church UCC has appointed the Rev. Eric Dale as interim minister, starting on Palm Sunday (March 24).

Ordained in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in 1981, he has served interim pastorates with the United Church of Christ, the United Methodist Church, and most recently, an Evangelical Lutheran Church in America congregation in Elko, Nevada. He has also served as a campus minister. He received his M.Div. from the Pacific School of Religion in 1980.

Rev. Dale will serve the Fauntleroy congregation for 12-18 months, providing full pastoral care as well as guidance through the process of calling a “settled” minister to replace the Rev. David Kratz, who retired at the end of January.

Rev. Kratz had served at Fauntleroy Church for more than a quarter-century, as reported here during his final week on the job. The church itself is more than a century old, having celebrated its centennial in 2008.

‘We’ve had a great run’: Rev. David Kratz’s final week as Fauntleroy Church’s pastor

(First 3 photos by Ben Ackers)
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

The farewell party’s over. The final sermon has been said.

By week’s end, Rev. David Kratz will leave a job he’s had for 27 years – as pastor of Fauntleroy Church.

“We’ve had a great run,” he reflected during a recent sit-down conversation in his office at the church. While he mentions his age – 67 – without being prompted, he adds, “I’m not being forced out by the congregation, I’m not sick, just … it’s time.”

January 15, 1986, was his first day, and January 31, 2013 – tomorrow – is scheduled to be his last.

He’s been in Fauntleroy for two-thirds of his 40 years as a minister – a time of changes big and small.

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West Seattle holiday scene: Living Nativity/petting zoo at ARK Park

A unique way to help tell the Christmas story to children – twin a Living Nativity with a petting zoo! That’s what happened at ARK Park in Arbor Heights this afternoon – with animals including a donkey and llamas.

This was a presentation of Arbor Heights Community Church – one of the churches listed in our lineup of West Seattle Christmas Eve/Day church services. See the list here – and please let us know if you have an addition or change!

West Seattle holidays: Giving, caroling as Our Lady of Guadalupe tree is lit

That sleigh and its contents represented the true light of last night’s 8th annual Christmas Tree Lighting at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church and School – the spirit of giving, in this case food donations for those in need. (Heidi Ehrenberg designed the sleigh.) Oh, of course there’s a tree too:

OLG is graced with the highest-elevation tree in the city, right across the street from Seattle’s highest point, at Myrtle Reservoir, 512 feet above sea level. Its lighting was celebrated as always with what might be West Seattle’s most festive outdoor public caroling session – highlighted as usual by “Jingle Bells” featuring hundreds of jingling sets of car keys:

Another tradition – local broadcaster/journalist Brian Callanan emceed, festively as ever, from beneath the tree, along with OLG’s pastor, Father Jack Walmesley:

While some in the crowd were decked in antlers or Santa hats (including Santa himself – clip in the works), OLG School’s principal Kristin Dixon chose the angelic look:

After the caroling, it was time to stream inside the OLG Parish Life Center for cookies and cocoa:

The center was dedicated last May. Chair of last night’s event was Tovee Delaliana, as noted on the program, which also listed the OLG Christmas Eve/Day Mass times – we’ll be adding those to the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide, and invite all local faith communities with celebrations this season to send word of the dates and times too! (editor@westseattleblog.com)

West Seattle holiday help: A gift given 500 times in 1 morning

(Photos by Nick Adams for WSB)
They waited, under the gray Saturday morning sky, down the sidewalk past what last Thanksgiving season was a construction site and this year is a shiny new grocery store. Waiting for them at the head of the line, a free turkey:

And a bag of groceries:

This is the tenth year that Eastridge Church has offered the turkey giveaway, no questions asked. The event in West Seattle is duplicated at their Issaquah campus. And it’s always a bustle of activity:

(Lisa Dela Cruz guides 6-year-old daughter Stephanie in where to place a bag)
Those who come are helped by volunteers of all ages.

(10-year-old volunteer Ryan Shelver)
Even 500 turkeys only go so far. And then, they were gone, as announced by the sign Paul Emmett held:

…gone until next year. Others are helping the hungry in our community too, of course, also with volunteer time and money/food donations; today the White Center Food Bank has a turkey dropoff in Fauntleroy, 11 am.

Reminder: Eastridge Church turkey giveaway tomorrow morning

In case you or someone you know is in need this Thanksgiving … we wanted to mention once more that the annual Eastridge Church 500-turkey giveaway is tomorrow morning, starting at 9 am, at the church (39th and Oregon, across from West Seattle Bowl). They don’t require any proof of need or ID – just show up and they’ll give you a turkey and bag of groceries, as long as the supply lasts.

Happening now: Pie-making marathon at Tibbetts UMC

Thanks to Wendy Hughes-Jelen for the photo from Adams Hall at West Seattle’s Tibbetts United Methodist Church (WSB sponsor), where she is there as part of an apple-pie-making marathon: “184 apple pies for Thanksgiving dinner at Union Gospel Mission, and about 400 more for supporters of the premier handbell ringing group Bells of the Sound, whose holiday Christmas concerts start in December.”

West Seattle Torah Learning Center plans Mezuzah Day next Sunday

November 4, 2012 1:36 am
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One week from today, on Sunday, November 11th, the rabbi who leads the West Seattle Torah Learning Center is planning a busy day – installing a mezuzah at the home/apartment of any Jewish West Seattleite who doesn’t have one but would like one. Here’s the TLC’s announcement:

No Jewish home should have an empty doorpost. Rabbi Yehuda Greer [photo at left], the newest rabbi to serve as spiritual leader of West Seattle’s Torah Learning Center, is available on Sunday, November 11, to make a “house call” and provide Jewish West Seattleites with an authentic, “kosher” mezuzah scroll (which contains essential texts from the Bible handwritten in tiny Hebrew calligraphy). He’ll also provide guidance in reciting the appropriate blessings and assistance in putting the mezuzah up at the entrance to the home or apartment. This Mezuzah Day is a great opportunity to meet Rabbi Greer and others in West Seattle’s Jewish Community and to get a free mezuzah!

This event is sponsored by the The West Seattle Torah Learning Center (TLC) which draws participants from a wide variety of Jewish backgrounds and affiliations to its Shabbat and holiday celebrations, classes and social events. TLC is a project of The Seattle Kollel. For more information about the West Seattle TLC or to reserve a time slot on Mezuzah Day, contact Rabbi Yehuda Greer at rabbigreer@gmail.com or 732.534.2284 as soon as possible.

Blessing of the Animals 2012: When faith meets fur

(Photos by Nick Adams for WSB)
It’s an autumn tradition – Blessing of the Animals events/services around the feast day of the patron saint of animals, Saint Francis of Assisi. For the past several years, the lone outdoor public event in West Seattle has been offered by St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church, in the adjacent West Seattle High School parking lot, WSB contributing photojournalist Nick Adams was there as St. John’s Rev. Greg Peters carried on the tradition:

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Blessing of the Animals at Alki UCC, St. John the Baptist

(WSB photo: Alki UCC’s Rev. Diane Darling at “Blessing of the Animals” service in 2009)
Early October means time for the Blessing of the Animals in honor of the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of animals, and the local congregations that have been offering this service in recent years are doing it again this Sunday.

INTERDENOMINATIONAL SERVICE AT ALKI UCC: This Sunday at 10 am, you’re invited to a “Blessing of the Animals” service. The church‘s announcement says, “This year Pastor Diane Darling, Rabbi Zari Weiss, and Rev. Ann Holmes Redding (Christian, Jew, and Episcopal/Muslim) will bless the animals you bring to worship. Dogs on leashes and critters in carriers, please! You also may want to bring a blanket or cushion to sit on.” 6115 SW Hinds.

ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH: St. John’s says its interim priest Reverend Greg Peters “will be blessing animals at both worship services, 8:00 am and 10:15 am, and also at noon in the West Seattle High School Parking Lot,” which is at 3000 California SW, immediately north of the church.

West Seattle scene: Religious demonstration at 35th/Fauntleroy

Sometimes WSB commenters, usually referring to quality-of-life issues, wonder aloud if West Seattle is going to hell. It is, literally, said one of the demonstrators who took up positions this afternoon by the 35th SW entrance to/exit from the bridge. We passed by a little while ago and heard the man on the southwest corner using a megaphone to amplify a monologue about his opposition to abortion. Then we got a note from Krista, who sent the above photo and says the shouting was quite audible in nearby businesses, including a nearby martial-arts studio: “This obnoxious man plus 2 others are using the corner of 35th/Fauntleroy to shout anti-abortion and other prosthelytizing rants while my son and other children are trying to do martial arts class at SIMA. He’s been using a loudspeaker and it’s attracting quite a disgusted audience.” She says they called police, who said the amplification would be illegal (obviously otherwise, freedom of speech should apply) so they would send someone by to check it out. The people on other corners appeared to be quietly holding signs, including a woman on the northeast corner with one about choosing between Jesus and the devil. We didn’t see any mention of a particular church or denomination affiliation.

5:36 PM: As of about 10 minutes ago, Krista says, they’re gone.