West Seattle businesses 3275 results

Seacrest Boathouse update: Alki Crab and Fish sends protest; Marination says, ‘We are not pushing (them) out of business’

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

A few notes today, following up on our reports the past two days about the city Parks and Recreation Department changing concessionaires at Seacrest Boathouse – awarding the contract to Marination, whose proposal, the city says, outscored the one submitted by longtime operator Alki Crab and Fish.

First: Information we’d been pursuing since yesterday, when we asked Parks what happens next, and whether there’s any place for public comment in the official process. Parks spokesperson Dewey Potter sent the official policy – see it here – and adds:

Parks followed the steps in our policy and went beyond that by meeting with both of the top two proposers. These meetings did not change the scores or the outcome.

In response to the protest letter, which Parks received late yesterday, Parks will take these steps:

• Respond to the protest letter.
• Develop criteria, based on the business objectives outlined in the request for proposals, for evaluating the protest.
• Create a review panel of people (different from the original proposal reviewers), comprised of a representative of the Department of Neighborhoods, a representative of the Board of Park Commissioners, and the Acting Parks and Recreation Superintendent.
• Set up time for the review panel to evaluate the protest based on the established criteria.
• Set up a meeting with Alki Fish and Crab to go over their findings and decision.
• Ensure the review panel has all of the input received up to the date of their meeting.

It’s important to note that this is a business process for Parks and Recreation based on business objectives (included in the Request for Proposals) designed to meet Parks’ business needs and based on City law and policy.

So bottom line, no. The contract does require final approval by the City Council, though.

If you are just catching up, Alki Crab and Fish’s contract with the city expired last summer. The city put out a “request for proposals” (RFP), and the result was a decision to award the contract to Marination, which came to fame two and a half years ago with its food truck, and has since also opened a bricks-and-mortar restaurant in Capitol Hill. We have numerous details in our report from yesterday, including links to both companies’ proposal documents. Supporters of both also have started online petitions – the one for Alki Crab and Fish fans is here, Marination fans here – and ACF supporters in the diving community, which uses Seacrest extensively, are planning a low-key rally this Saturday at noon between Seacrest and Salty’s, according to local diver Laura James, who says they are trying hard not to tie up traffic or cause trouble near the boathouse, so they are asking participants to park either south of Salty’s or up around Duwamish Head.

And a new development – just as we were finishing this story, we received e-mail from Marination, with whom we had exchanged notes previously for a short comment published in yesterday’s story. They sent a statement that follows, explaining their intent, and their surprise at how this has unfolded:Read More

Rambo Total Pest Control: New West Seattle Blog sponsor

Today we welcome a new WSB sponsor, Rambo Total Pest Control, whose owner Luke Rambo is a fourth-generation West Seattleite and a 1999 graduate of West Seattle High. (While his business is based in Puyallup, they serve his hometown, and he spends so much time here that when he walks into Sub Shop #9 in Morgan Junction, they know his order on sight.) Here’s what he wants you to know about how Rambo does its job:

Rambo Total Pest Control knows the area, climate, styles of construction, conducive conditions and biological requirements of our local pest species. Rambo can offer you a secure and targeted approach toward living pest-free while protecting your family, pets, homes, and businesses.

Luke explains, “Our clients enjoy the personal commitment we display toward resolving their complicated pest-control problems. They want a problem fixed right the first time, not excuses. We promise to provide a customized ‘shelter’ from the unwanted, disease-carrying, wood-destroying pests that threaten our clients’ peace of mind. If our clients feel that control has not been achieved, we will return free of charge until the problem is resolved. Another compliment we hear frequently is that our communication is excellent. We do our best to educate our clients on what our strategy will be, when to expect initial control to be established, what things they can do to help, etc. It is also company policy to call a day or two before scheduling our preventive-maintenance services. This adds a considerable amount of time to our days, but it truly sets us apart from our competition.”

Rambo Total Pest Control has an “A” rating with the Better Business Bureau and a 5-star rating on Yelp.com; we are members of the Washington State Pest Management Association and National Pest Management Association (Quality Pro-certified), as well as the Entomological Society of America, through which Luke Rambo earned the title “Associate Certified Entomologist.” Rambo Total Pest Control is online at rambopest.com, or call 253-848-6000; get a deal on your first service by using the coupon on the WSB Coupons page.

We thank Rambo Total Pest Control for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news on WSB; find our current sponsor team listed in directory format here, and find info on joining the team by going here.

West Seattle holidays: Decoration day in the Admiral District

December 4, 2011 12:46 pm
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 |   Admiral Theater | Holidays | West Seattle businesses | West Seattle news

Many storefronts are already festively lit and decorated in the Admiral District, and more will be by tonight – including wreaths going up on some of the business-district light fixtures, like this spot outside Alki Bike and Board (whose proprietor Stu Hennessey is in our photo, with Dave Weitzel from Weitzel Construction). The “work party” was already planned before today’s forecast took a turn for the sunny! Also helping decorate – Max and Quinn, as in the Atomic Boys‘ original namesakes (sons of store owners Parris and Kent Sadow):

Among the holiday fun coming up in the Admiral District, Dinah Brein at the historic Admiral Theater says she’s finalized the date for the free Christmas movie, 7 pm December 20th. She’s still finalizing the movie; once again this year, she asked us to ask you for ideas – see the suggestions here.

West Seattle holidays: The famous Husky Deli open house

(Photos by Katie Meyer for WSB)
Every year, it’s the iconic photo of holiday-open-house season at West Seattle businesses – smiling proprietor Jack Miller bustling about Husky Deli in The Junction. The open house is on till 9 tonight, with taste treats including this chocolate cake:

(The cake was from nearby Bakery Nouveau, by the way.) Nice Santa hat!

Other members of the Miller family on hand included daughter Kate:

The annual openhouse is always a showcase for a few vendors, too – among them this time, Krista Conner‘s West Seattle Honey:

(Krista was featured on Seattle Channel this fall – here’s the video.) Husky Deli marked its 79th anniversary earlier this year. This begins a huge holiday weekend in The Junction – with Hometown Holidays activities including the tree lighting at 5 pm tomorrow (Junction Plaza Park) – preceded by the West Seattle High School Band playing outside KeyBank at California/Alaska – and Santa photos 11 am-3 pm Sunday at City Mouse Studio and Store.

West Seattle holidays: Chamber celebrates, & says goodbye

West Seattle’s first major holiday party of the month rocked the Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor) in Morgan Junction on Thursday night: The West Seattle Chamber of Commerce gathered not only to celebrate the year’s achievements – and to vie for raffle prizes while enjoying music by Matt the Hoopla – but also to celebrate the woman who’s been at the helm for eight years:

President/CEO Patti Mullen, photographed with Chamber board chair Dave Montoure, is leaving to become President/CEO of the Greater Federal Way Chamber of Commerce, as announced last month. Montoure says he plans to stay on as chair, so the West Seattle Chamber will have some leadership continuity in the new year; he and the transition team have several meetings ahead for the process of finding a new CEO. Also ahead for the Chamber in 2012: The Westside Awards breakfast is set for April 18th, and nominations already are being accepted (deadline: January 31st). P.S. Businesses/entrepreneurs interested in joining the Chamber can find membership info here.

West Seattle Produce now open at new location across the street

Lots more room inside West Seattle Produce‘s new home across Fauntleroy Way SW. We reported their planned move a month ago and dropped by this morning to see how things look.

Their storefront faces north, so you will only see it from the street when you are driving/riding/walking south (and manager Brian points out it’s a legal left turn – they checked), but you can’t miss the Christmas trees right now ($10/foot):

They’ve still got a few final touches for stocking and setting up, but their non-produce food and beverage stocks include European pastries, with bagels to be added this weekend:

Other merchandise includes teas, spices, seeds, and nuts. Brian told us they got major help from fellow Triangle business Alki Lumber to get everything moved across the street. That’s also where he says they got a great deal on the wood that’s providing a lot of homey, rustic atmosphere inside the new location – with the framework over the central produce island even including old bridge timbers:

And if you look closely at the front counter when you visit, you’ll notice mechanisms hinting at its past incarnation as part of a door – right over corrugated metal that’s been treated to look older than it really is. West Seattle Produce is open 8 am daily, till 7 every night except Sunday (6 pm) .. and if you’re still having trouble placing the location, it’s the old A-1/Hertz Rentals place, immediately south of the new Les Schwab Tires.

West Seattle holidays: Tree lots old & new, open for the season

The day after Thanksgiving is the traditional start to Christmas tree season – and this was opening day for West Seattle’s newest tree lot, Son-In-Law Tree Farm, which West Seattle resident Greg Potts is operating on the north side of the ex-Charlestown Café parking lot. The name refers to the fact the trees come from the Silverton, Oregon, farm where his wife’s father grew the trees. And it’s the first tree lot we’ve ever seen with an icon:

The VW van with a tree on top is also featured on a T-shirt (left background) that they’re selling at the lot, where hand-blown glass ornaments (by Welch’s Glass) will be on sale starting tomorrow (Saturday), and Greg says part of the tree proceeds will go to the White Center Food Bank.

Another family operation now open for the season: Tony’s at 35th/Barton:

We stopped by today to check in with Joey Genzale, who runs the business founded by his dad (who’s been gone almost a year now). The trees offered at Tony’s include some things hard to find elsewhere – like height (up to 20 feet) and flocking.

Other tree notes, which you’ll find collected and updated throughout the season with a full list of local sellers on the WSB West Seattle Holiday Events and Info page – Holy Rosary Tree Lot (by the school playground at 41st/Dakota again this year) opens tomorrow (Saturday) – here’s its official website – and West Seattle Produce has trees on the site it’s moving to right across Fauntleroy.

West Seattle mom partners in new kids-accessories business

(From left, Tracy Martinez and Carol George)
Story and photos by Jen Boyer
Reporting for West Seattle Blog

While walking around Green Lake last April, two stay-at-home moms had an idea that would send their lives in a new direction. What if they took those adorable hand-sewn felt hair clips one of the moms makes for her daughter and marketed them to the world?

What started as a “what if” turned into a whole new brand of fun, functional and eco-friendly kids accessories in just six months – Little Doodahs.

West Seattle resident Tracy Martinez and Queen Anne resident Carol George met years ago through their husbands, who were college buddies. When they had their children, they each decided to leave their 9 to 5 jobs and stay home full time.

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West Seattle treats: Opening-day eve for Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt

The new Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt opening tomorrow in Admiral (as first reported here Wednesday) aspires to be the place for tasty family fun. Owner Leslie Castanha (above center, below 2nd from right) and operations manager Guy Castanha (above, 3rd from right) had their own family on hand tonight to help celebrate the new business, during a special “friends and family” preview.

(This photo courtesy Holly Brown; other 2 are by Patrick Sand for WSB)
The premise behind Menchie’s is that – as you can see on the overhead signs – it’s a self-serve place where you choose your yogurt and toppings, and pay by the ounce. They’ll rotate 14 flavors (here’s the full list of potential flavors, including nonfat, vegan, lactose-free options) with more than 50 toppings. And if you have a special occasion – they have a party room (also available for overflow if the rest of the shop is crowded and no one’s having a gathering):

Color-it-yourself T-shirts were on display on the table when we peeked in. Another community component: Menchie’s can partner with local organizations for fundraising. Menchie’s will open at 11 every day, closing at 10 pm nightly except Fridays and Saturdays (11 pm). You can follow the news from Menchie’s (2620 California SW) via the Admiral shop’s Facebook page.

DEA-search followup: Warrant returns; U.S. Attorney’s update

A few more follow-ups today, three days after the Drug Enforcement Administration searched more than a dozen medical-marijuana operations around Puget Sound, including GAME Collective, owned by a West Seattle man, with a location in West Seattle and a “lounge” in White Center. Last night, Thomas Bates from the U.S. Attorney’s Office was at the South Delridge-White Center Community Safety Coalition meeting. He said the regional operation mostly targeted medical-marijuana businesses “with multiple locations” that were suspected of “large-volume drug sales, money-laundering, and other operations.” While he did not address GAME Collective directly, he did mention that the “returns” from the search warrants had started to come in – those are the official documents showing what, if anything, law-enforcement officers found when they conducted the searches for which they had warrants We obtained the first two returns this afternoon. They are for two vehicles – one belonging to the GAME Collective’s owner, and one belonging to another West Seattle man listed in the original search-warrant documents as being associated with GAME. Though the search warrant empowers agents to seize anything found in a broad range of items listed, from drugs to money to recordkeeping books, the search warrant return for the 2007 Mercedes belonging to GAME Collctive’s owner says “no items seized.” For the other man’s 2010 Subaru Outback, the return document lists items seized as:Read More

DEA raids: Search warrant targeted West Seattle dispensary too

We’ve obtained a 37-page federal court document related to Tuesday’s DEA search at GAME Collective in White Center (one of a dozen-plus medical-marijuana establishments searched around Puget Sound) – and they reveal that federal authorities obtained search warrants for GAME Collective locations in West Seattle and North Seattle as well, along with the West Seattle home and car of its owner, and vehicles belonging to others associated with GAME.

The documents reiterate what statements from federal authorities said last night (as included in our Tuesday story), saying that they are not targeting “medical marijuana providers that comply with the letter and the spirit of existing state law,” though marijuana of any type is illegal under federal law. But they allege that five people associated with GAME Collective are suspected of federal crimes including conspiracy to distribute marijuana, distribution of marijuana , and unlawful possession with intent to distribute marijuana. The documents allege that constitutes a “drug-trafficking organization.”

The court documents also show a tie-in between the GAME investigation and the recent “Operation Center of Attention” raids, as well as detailing a series of undercover buys, and even mentioning a mysterious anonymous letter. The investigation of GAME Collective began in late July, at which time, an investigator writes:Read More

Menashe & Sons Jewelers: Welcoming a new WSB sponsor

They’re new to the WSB sponsor team but a longtime fixture in West Seattle: Menashe & Sons Jewelers.

Just as the holiday season gets under way, Menashe & Sons invites you to a special evening sale event at the store this Friday, 5-9 pm, with refreshments. More on that later. Here’s what they would like you to know about their business:

Menashe & Sons is the premier fine jeweler in West Seattle, specializing in custom creations and unique jewelry pieces. Since opening our doors in 1973, we have served our Seattle community with an enthusiastic commitment to selling beautiful and quality jewelry pieces. Our full-service store strives to provide all your appraisal and repair needs for jewelry, watches, and clocks. Our dedicated staff will take the time to work with you to ensure you are satisfied in every possible way. (Meet them here.) Menashe & Sons also is proud to offer you the opportunity to create your own unique custom masterpiece. We will work with you to turn your dream jewelry into reality. (Read about the custom-jewelry process, and see photos, here.) Menashe & Sons also is proud to have one of the largest estate jewelry inventories in the state of Washington (as detailed here).

You can follow Menashe & Sons Jewelers on Facebook (here) and Twitter (here). Please also feel free to browse our website and see what we can offer you.

Now, more about the Friday 5-9 pm: Along with “a little bubbly and good cheer,” they’ll be serving hors d’oeuvres and Bakery Nouveau carrot cake. You’ll find Menashe & Sons Jewelers at 4532 California SW; by phone, 206-932-4272.

We thank Menashe & Sons Jewelers for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news on WSB; find our current sponsor team listed in directory format here, and find info on joining the team by going here.

LaVida Massage: Welcoming a new West Seattle Blog sponsor

November 14, 2011 10:30 am
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We’re welcoming a new WSB sponsor today: LaVida Massage, now open in Jefferson Square on the corner of 42nd SW and SW Alaska. Here’s what they’d like you to know about their business:

LaVida offers high-quality massage and aesthetician services at an affordable price with convenient hours, open 7 days a week. All 12 of their massage therapists are experienced Licensed Massage Therapists with 50+ years of combined experience. They offer most modalities, including Swedish, Deep Tissue, Reflexology, Pre-Natal, Sports, and Treatment massage. They also offer couples’ massages, hot stone, and aromatherapy in their 8 beautiful massage rooms. Your first hour-long massage is always $39.95. 30-year veteran medical aesthetician Janean Wyvold, a longtime aesthetician educator and West Seattle resident, heads their Aesthetician department. They offer luxury facials, anti-aging facial treatments, microdermabrasion rejuvenation treatments, chemical peels, and waxing services, all at affordable prices. Your first hour-long Signature Facial is always $49.95.

Longtime Alki resident Paul Silver and daughter Raeanne Silver decided to open LaVida Massage because they saw a real need to offer both massage and aesthetician services at an affordable price, especially in this economy. “People love massage and taking care of themselves but can no longer justify the high prices charged at many high-end salons,” says Paul Silver. “We now offer an alternative. We built a beautiful salon in a very convenient location where our customers can enjoy the benefits of a high-end salon without the high-end cost.”

LaVida Massage also offers the “Life Benefit Program”: For a monthly charge of $59.95, you get your choice of an hour-long massage or facial. In addition, any additional massages for the month are $49.95, but for their Grand Opening, additional massages are reduced to only $39.95 for as long as you remain a member. The program is month to month, so you can cancel at any time and you can even share your membership with anyone in your household so that they can get the reduced rates as well. If you don’t use your free massage or facial in any given month, they roll over until you do use them. Contact LaVida Massage‘s new West Seattle center at 206.937.8432; online, here; and on Facebook, here.

We thank LaVida Massage for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news on WSB; find our current sponsor team listed in directory format here, and find info on joining the team by going here.

West Seattle Chamber CEO Patti Mullen leaving for new job

Just announced by West Seattle Chamber of Commerce board chair Dave Montoure – the Chamber’s president/CEO Patti Mullen is leaving. From his e-mail announcement:

Over the last eight years, our Chamber has grown in membership, quality of programming, community partnership and advocacy, networking and learning opportunities. In addition, the Chamber has gained recognition throughout the Greater Seattle area as a strong leader for business on the Westside. So it is with mixed emotions that I share the news that Patti Mullen has accepted the position of President/CEO of the Federal Way Chamber of Commerce. She will begin her new post in January, 2012.

The Chamber’s December 1st holiday party at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor) will now also become a farewell party for Mullen. Some of the most recent initiatives she’s been working on have included promoting West Seattle as a destination for “sustainable tourism.” (WSB photo from June 2011)

Avalon Center: Welcoming a new West Seattle Blog sponsor

Today we welcome one of our newest WSB sponsors, Avalon Center, Inc., a state-certified treatment agency treating those suffering from alcoholism, drug addiction, and mental-health problems. Avalon offers personalized counseling in a comfortable treatment environment.

Avalon Center works with all types of court cases, including DUIs, custody or CPS cases, and other criminal cases. Avalon Center works closely with lawyers and other medical professionals to assure the best treatment for the individual.

Avalon Center offers an individualized approach to treatment that includes healing the mind, body, and spirit. The highly trained treatment providers educate clients on the disease model of addiction/alcoholism, coping skills, and relapse prevention. There are separate men’s and women’s outpatient programs, as each differ in their needs in treatment.

The treatment providers include: Olivette Foster, Chemical Dependency Professional (CDP); Kaela Koepke, CDP (Masters in MH candidate); Diane Hutcheson, ARNP, MA, MN, PMHBC; Joan Ferrier, RN, (MN candidate for Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner):

*Diane Hutcheson, ARNP, is a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner who provides evaluation and treatment for those individuals suffering from depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, PTSD , ADHD/ADD and chemical dependency. Treatment includes therapy and medication prescription and management.

*Olivette Foster, Chemical Dependency Professional (CDP), also works with People of Color Against Aids Network and is an HIV tester.

*Kaela Koepke, CDP, is a candidate for Master in Mental Health from Central Washington University.

*Joan Ferrier RN is completing her Masters in Psychiatric Nursing from Seattle Pacific University and will be joining Diane Hutcheson, ARNP, at Avalon Center, which is headquartered at 6959 California SW, 206-935-6228.

We thank Avalon Center for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news on WSB; find our current sponsor team listed in directory format here, and find info on joining the team by going here.

West Seattle business: Viking Bank shareholders OK merger

November 8, 2011 4:13 pm
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As reported here two months ago, Spokane-based AmericanWest Bank is seeking to buy Viking Bank (WSB sponsor), which has a West Seattle branch in The Junction – and the deal’s just cleared a hurdle. Viking announced today that its shareholders have “approved the plan of merger and acquisition,” with “yes” votes representing more than 88 percent of Viking’s shares. The bank’s announcement says, “The transaction is expected to close before year end and is subject to customary closing conditions including the approval of Viking Bank’s regulatory agencies.” Once everything’s finalized, Viking is expected to become part of AmericanWest, including a name change, according to this FAQ.

New location for West Seattle Produce: Moving across the street

(Photo added 2:39 pm; looking from the NW corner of WSP’s current lot, across to where it’s moving)
Just shared by Christa Anderson – an announcement from West Seattle Produce:

West Seattle Produce Moving to New Location… Across the Street

Earlier this fall, we contradicted rumors that West Seattle Produce was moving because, at that point, it wasn’t. However, plans evolve and West Seattle Produce is now moving to a beautiful new home at 4722 Fauntleroy, directly across the street from the current location. The new location will be open for business on December 1, but we will be open for business at the original location until that date.

(And yes, the Beloved Mexico food truck will be coming too.)

This is exciting: we’ve got more room for current and new projects, lots of great parking, and we’re protected from the weather. We can’t wait to show off the new space!

West Seattle Halloween PS: Admiral Treats & Treasures winners

Every trick-or-treater in Monday’s “Admiral Treats and Treasures” was invited to get their stops marked off on a map which then was presented at Merrill Gardens-Admiral Heights (WSB sponsor) for a drawing to win one of two giant treasure chests (goodie baskets) – and the folks at MG have shared photos of the winners as they came to claim their “treasures”! Congratulations to Brenna Hinsley and Annabelle Moeckel!

Each basket contained gift cards, toys, and other items worth a total of more than $300.

Peek inside West Seattle’s Umpqua Bank before it opens today

Many people ask where they can get “I Heart West Seattle” items. Here’s a new answer: The first West Seattle branch of Portland-based Umpqua Bank (WSB sponsor), opening its doors north of Admiral Safeway at 9 am today. It’s also where you’ll find this tale out of early West Seattle history:

And though it’s a brand-new bank branch, it has a veteran manager who’s worked in West Seattle banking for seven years:

Kirk Mead is also a board member with the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce. Of course, not everything about the new Umpqua Bank branch is West Seattle-specific, but it certainly has features you don’t find in every bank branch – read on:Read More

West Seattle biz: Petco moves tonight, opens new store tomorrow

If you’re a customer of Petco in The Junction, you’ve probably heard they’re opening their new Capco Plaza location – 41st/Alaska, next to the new state liquor store (as first reported here in February) – tomorrow. And like its new neighbors, Petco’s making its move without missing any days of business. WSB contributor Keri DeTore just talked with store manager Ann, who says moving trucks are expected around 3 pm (that’s why the NO PARKING signs are up in front of the store). The old store will be open till 6 tonight, and Keri says they have a shelf full of free stuff they’d rather not move. Grooming is closed for today, though nail trims will resume after 3. Then tomorrow at 9, Ann told Keri, the new store will open with everything up and running: “It’s brand-spankin’ new in there. So clean, it’s lovely.” They’ll have grand-opening events this weekend including a ribbon-cutting ceremony Saturday morning just before 9. P.S. The current Petco space is still listed as available for lease.

Meet Dream Dinners’ co-founders tonight at West Seattle store

November 1, 2011 8:27 am
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They literally wrote the book on finding a way to keep the tradition of family mealtimes even in this busy day and age. Stephanie Allen and Tina Kuna, co-founders of Dream Dinners and co-authors of “The Hour That Matters Most,” will be at the West Seattle Dream Dinners store (WSB sponsor) 5:30-7:30 pm tonight. The event is not only their book signing but also the store’s November tasting and open house. Prizes too! According to media material, their book “aims at helping American families reconnect over the dinner table, a lost art that has been found to be an important ritual in child development and family bonding.” If you RSVP before attending the event, you get a free copy of the book, but e-mail alaskajunctionWA@dreamdinners.com ASAP. West Seattle Dream Dinners is at 4701 41st SW, Suite 110, on the eastern ground-level side of Jefferson Square, entry from 41st. (P.S. Though Dream Dinners now has stores across the country, it was founded right here in Western Washington; Stephanie and Tina are from Snohomish, where their company is headquartered.)

12:13 PM UPDATE: WS DD proprietor Leslie says EVERYONE who comes will get a book – they just got some extras – don’t worry about RSVP’ing, just drop by.

West Seattle food: Last Stockbox week (for now); WCCDA profiles

FINAL WEEK FOR STOCKBOX GROCERS’ WEST SEATTLE PROTOTYPE: It’s the 8th week of Stockbox Grocers‘ “prototype” store at 24th/Holden – and the final week, since, as they’d warned all along, this was just a test. Stockbox founder Jacqueline Gjurgevich (at right, photographed as they prepared to open) says they’re having a sale: “The last day the store will be open is Sunday, November 6th although it may close earlier depending on when we sell out of inventory. We have 300 items in the store ranging from cleaning supplies to baking products to condiments to pasta and other staples. Dairy products and produce are also on sale. Most items in the store have been priced 20-75% off and people are flocking in to stock up on great deals. As a thank you to the Westhaven apartments and immediate vicinity we had a preview sale that started over the weekend and would now like to open up the sale to the greater West Seattle community.” They haven’t announced future, permanent locations but promise they’ll be back.

GUIDE TO SOUTH DELRIDGE/WHITE CENTER MARKETS: If you haven’t shopped some of the small-ish food stores in South Delridge/White Center, you might be missing a world of delights. If you’ve ever wanted to know more before venturing into one of the markets, the White Center Community Development Association has just granted your wish – creating a guide to nine of the markets. (See it as a PDF, here.)

West Seattle Chamber ‘Lunch With LEO’ brings mayor to table

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

From “street disorder” to outdated laws, more than a dozen West Seattle businesspeople shared concerns with Mayor Mike McGinn during the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce‘s most recent “Lunch With LEO” (local elected officials) brown-bag-lunch conversations.

The businesses/organizations represented at the event earlier this month at the Senior Center of West Seattle spanned the peninsula, from Alki Kayak Tours in the north to Reflections Dental Centre (Westwood Village) in the south, from West 5 in The Junction to Huling Brothers Properties in The Triangle to South Seattle Community College on Puget Ridge – and more.

While generally listening sympathetically, at one point, the mayor did challenge an assertion about local police presence.

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