West Seattle Halloween PS: Admiral Treats & Treasures winners

Every trick-or-treater in Monday’s “Admiral Treats and Treasures” was invited to get their stops marked off on a map which then was presented at Merrill Gardens-Admiral Heights (WSB sponsor) for a drawing to win one of two giant treasure chests (goodie baskets) – and the folks at MG have shared photos of the winners as they came to claim their “treasures”! Congratulations to Brenna Hinsley and Annabelle Moeckel!

Each basket contained gift cards, toys, and other items worth a total of more than $300.

1 Reply to "West Seattle Halloween PS: Admiral Treats & Treasures winners"

  • Monosyllabic Girl November 2, 2011 (6:01 pm)

    Oh my goodness, some treats! Congratulations, girls!

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