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Also this weekend in West Seattle: Officers, teens, football!

April 17, 2009 3:10 pm
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Will add this to the West Seattle Weekend Lineup too, but wanted to share the entire announcement just in from King County Sheriff’s Office spokesperson John Urquhart – a big football event in West Seattle tomorrow, presented by an organization led by both KCSO and Seattle Police – read on for details:Read More

Officers on campus: Team introduced for Denny, 4 others

April 15, 2009 2:28 pm
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(photo courtesy Mayor Nickels’ office)
As part of the city’s Youth Violence Prevention Initiative, five public middle schools, including Denny in West Seattle, will have officers on campus. The four officers on the citywide team were introduced at Seattle Public Schools HQ today; here’s the official announcement.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Break-in, arrests at closed school

(thanks to Stephanie for the photo)
Dorcas sent first word of major police activity near Fairmount Playfield (map), and then Stephanie provided a the follow-up report (also confirmed via scanner) that an apparent break-in at closed (though opening soon for summer school) Fairmount Park Elementary is involved, and arrests are reported. We’re on the way to find out more in person. UPDATE: On site, we’ve counted nine cruisers and at least one Seattle Public Schools vehicle – good area to avoid till things settle down.

From the scanner, sounds like four suspects are in custody and one more is being sought. 5:50 PM UPDATE: Two more suspects in custody, per both the scanner and what we’re seeing on scene. Officers are still checking inside the school for more. We’re told at the scene that an alarm was tripped, leading to the successful response.

8:17 PM UPDATE: SPDBlotter has a little more information – all six suspects are described as male, 2 “young adults” and 4 “juveniles.” Looks like no property damage in the building, the report says.

Acting Seattle Police Chief announced: Deputy Chief John Diaz

Mayor Nickels has just announced that Deputy Chief John Diaz will be the acting police chief, as Police Chief Gil Kerlikowske leaves for his new federal job. He is speaking live on Seattle Channel right now and says he has no timetable for choosing a permanent chief. “The reason I accepted this,” Diaz said, “is because I’m a cop .. I’ve been doing this for a long time. … The Seattle Police Department needs to mirror the priorities of its neighborhoods.” Mayor Nickels says he will discuss details of the chief-search process once there’s an official vacancy – in other words, once Kerlikowske is confirmed as federal “drug czar.” Diaz, who’s 51, says he is interested in the permanent job. 1:25 PM NOTE: The news conference is now over; when the archived video is up on the Seattle Channel site, we’ll add a link here. TUESDAY NOTE: Here’s that link.

Happening today/tonight: Energizing discussion, Alki work, more

March 16, 2009 6:30 am
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ENERGETIC NIGHT FOR SUSTAINABLE WEST SEATTLE: What better way to follow up a mini-windstorm than a discussion of non-fossil-fuel energy sources like wind? An Alki resident whose wind-power invention is getting a lot of attention, Jellyfish Wind Appliance creator Chad Maglaque, is among the guests discussing “community energy” at tonight’s Sustainable West Seattle monthly meeting at Camp Long Lodge, 7 pm.

ALKI SIDEWALK PROJECT SET TO START: We’ve been updating you on the Alki Point sidewalk completion/traffic-calming project in the past month, as construction got closer; today’s the day it’s set to start (providing our weekend weather woes haven’t caused a delay) – here’s our previous coverage with details of the project and timetable for construction; note that it’s starting at the Beach/Alki bend, which is a dicey drive in the best of conditions, so avoid that area if you can. (10:42 am note, just drove through the project zone to see if anything was happening yet – no equipment or signs – not exactly ideal work weather, of course – will keep checking and will post again whenever it DOES truly start.)

And one big citywide story to watch for this afternoon:

ACTING POLICE CHIEF ANNOUNCEMENT: Mayor Nickels is scheduled to announce at City Hall, 1 pm, who will run the department — at least temporarily — if and when Chief Gil Kerlikowske leaves for his new job in D.C. (The Times says this morning that Nickels wants it to be Deputy Chief John Diaz.)

What’s it like on the street with police? West Seattle author’s tale

Often, a “ridealong” – when a civilian observer goes along with a police officer on patrol — can be uneventful. Not the ones that West Seattle-based author Michael Stusser writes about, vividly and compactly, including one from the Southwest Precinct; read his story here.

Here’s why the SPD SWAT Team was in West Seattle this morning

(Photo by WSB contributing photojournalist Christopher Boffoli)
The Seattle Police SWAT team was in West Seattle briefly this morning. According to SPD spokesperson Renee Witt, the police received a call about a family member threatening another family member with a gun in a home near the intersection in the 4700 block of 26th SW (map). Witt says the situation ended when the suspect surrendered shortly after the SWAT team arrived and that suspect is currently in custody.

Badges & businesspeople: West Seattle Chamber @ SW Precinct

February 12, 2009 1:17 am
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At right, that’s Southwest Precinct commander, Captain Joe Kessler, talking to the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce‘s monthly luncheon meeting – which transformed the precinct’s community room into an informal banquet room for the occasion. Capt. Kessler is coming up on his first anniversary since taking over precinct leadership; he was joined in speaking to the chamber by Lt. Steve Paulsen, whose role as operations lieutenant is basically “assistant precinct commander,” he explained, and he also introduced Lt. Norm James, one of the precinct’s “watch commanders.” They didn’t discuss crime specifics — though Capt. Kessler said he’s “confident” about progress in the Steve Bushaw shooting investigation — as much as voice hopes about working more closely with the business community, inviting them to be represented on the Precinct Advisory Council (whose chair Pete Spalding was in attendance). Mentioning the reports that the city’s likely in the market for a new police chief, Capt. Kessler mentioned that “at the internal service level, nothing will change” even if the department’s top leadership changes. As for his position, he said he’s hoping to stay put at this precinct a while, praising his team and also the level of community involvement he’s found in West Seattle. Other notes from the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce lunch: There’s still time for you to nominate people for the WSCC’s Business of the Year and Community Service awards, which will be presented at the annual Awards Breakfast on April 8; the forms are linked from this page. Next Chamber lunch meeting is March 11; the theme: “speed networking.” (Disclosure: WSB is one of the many, many West Seattle businesses that belong to the Chamber of Commerce, so we attend the monthly luncheons as member-participants as well as to be there in case news is made!)

West Seattle wildlife (sort of): Horse training; bird watching

Sorry, no goat reunions today, but we do have two animal photos to share, and one in fact DOES involve police: That first photo – which we snapped by cameraphone during an afternoon errand at Westwood Village – is in desperate need of a caption. Just can’t think of it. Suggestions? Police told us they took these horses to WV to help them get used to car traffic. (The Seattle Police Mounted Patrol, by the way, is based right here in West Seattle, in Westcrest Park.) Meantime, traveling Beach Drive just north of Me-Kwa-Mooks, we had to pull over and admire this big bird, more than three times the size of the crows that were harassing him/her:

Peregrine falcon? UPDATE: “K” suggests, in the comment section, that it might be a young bald eagle. Photos like this seem to verify that possibility (and of course eagles ARE often seen around Alki/Beach Drive).

Happy reunion, after Southwest Precinct got someone’s goat

That’s Southwest Precinct Officer Kathleen Graves sharing in the happy reunion that ended a minidrama that played out earlier this evening: We got e-mail and text messages from Officer Bruce Wind that Officer Graves had found that goat at 32nd and Elmgrove (map), and perhaps we could get the word out fast enough for the owner to claim the goat before Animal Control arrived. So we posted a note in the WSB Forums and sent it out via Twitter and Facebook. Someone who saw one of those posts called the goat’s owner, and she retrieved it from the precinct, where it had been hanging out in a holding cell:

As one of the e-mails received captioned that photo, “It’s gotta go real baaa-aa-aad” … and gone it has … gone home. Gotta love a happy ending now and then.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Robbing Victim X to pay Victim Y

At White Center Now, we’ve posted coverage of tonight’s White Center/South Delridge Community Safety Coalition meeting. One tidbit along the way: Remember the BB-gun burglary arrests? Southwest Precinct Community Police Team officer Adonis Topacio revealed tonight that the motive was … stealing to get money for restitution to PREVIOUS burglary victims. EARLY AM SIDE NOTE: On both sides of the South Delridge/White Center line, the same group of robbers reportedly hit two stores Thursday night – Gas Depot on Delridge, Lucky 7 on 4th SW – within three hours. Info in this WSB Forums thread; we’ll check with law enforcers later this morning about possible surveillance pix to share.

Seattle Police go public with crime stats from first half of ’08

December 11, 2008 9:13 pm
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 |   Crime | West Seattle news | West Seattle police

If you hadn’t already followed the SPD Blotter link from the WSB Crime Watch page, here’s the crime-stats page it links to. We’re just starting to read this and will add any noteworthy trends (although from ongoing coverage, we’d wager it’s pretty easy to guess what’ll turn out to be the major category bedeviling our side of the bay, and likely others).

West Seattle Crime Watch: Search under way

November 28, 2008 4:18 pm
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While checking out a major fire-unit call that didn’t pan out, WSB contributing photojournalist Christopher Boffoli happened onto a sizable police search nearby. A neighbor told him someone spotted a man looking into windows of homes; no word yet of any arrests (or any actual burglaries). Christopher took the photo on SW Nevada between 26th and 30th (map).

From the police chief: Is (public) nudity illegal in Seattle?

Following up on the Parks Department rule proposal – which didn’t make it out of last night’s Board of Park Commissioners meeting (WSB coverage here) – SPD Blotter has posted a letter from Police Chief Gil Kerlikowske addressing the question “Is nudity illegal?” Bottom line: no easy answer.

West Seattle Crime Watch: “Shots fired” confirmed

Early this morning, WSB Forum members discussed hearing gunshots. We couldn’t find anything obvious on scanner/911 at the time. This morning, however, Seattle Police have posted a report on the SPD Blotter site; shots fired in the 20th/Henderson vicinity, nobody hit/hurt, but bullets pierced the wall of a home; no arrests reported so far. Just a reminder, any and all West Seattle entries from SPD Blotter are automatically posted on the WSB Crime Watch page as soon as the police department publishes them – you can check the Crime Watch page for the latest updates from SPD Blotter and WSB coverage, any time.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Is this burglary loot yours?


One day after the Southwest Precinct announced arrests in the “BB Gun Burglaries” — in which BB-type guns were used to shoot out windows to enable burglars to enter — we have more information, and half a dozen photos police want you to see. Detective Ed Garcia, lead investigator in this burglary series (and others), shared six photos of recovered items that police hope to match with their rightful owners. Read on to see the other photos and the list of recovered property, and to get more information about who was arrested in the burglary spree, how, and who else is still being sought:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Arrest update; Admiral break-in

handcuffs_2.jpg2 reports tonight: First, SPD Blotter has posted more details on the incident that sparked the helicopter-assisted search and arrest we reported early this morning (previous WSB coverage here). Seems the 41-year-old man eventually arrested for burglarizing a home in the 4300 block of Cloverdale (map) also is suspected of trying to break into another house near Lincoln Park first. Read the details here. ADDED 8:17 PM: Just posted as a comment on our original early-morning report, Kelly tells the story firsthand:

Hi All: I was the victim in this incident. A white male broke into my house in Fauntleroy last night around 12:30. I’m a single mom, home alone with two young kids (5 and 3). The guy tried kicking in my side door and then walked around up front and kicked in my front door. That noise woke me up and I went downstairs to see what was going on… and froze on my landing as I looked down and saw this jack ass standing in my doorway. I backtracked upstairs, had a complete and total moral dilemma about what to do next: cell phone and interior lock were in my bedroom, to the right but to the left were my kids’ rooms. I headed into my bedroom, locked the door, and called 911 from my balcony. The burglar juggled on the bedroom door handle and… I don’t remember much then. The police arrived within probably 5 minutes. They had been in the neighborhood because the same person had tried to break into Colman Pool (earlier) and they were just winding up their search for him in Lincoln Park. I was lucky. The police had already identified the suspect from his truck and apparently was a level one sex offender. The guy ran with a few of my household items and the police found him a few blocks away. I was taken to that scene and identified him. It was awful and scary and shattering considering the fact I thought this neighborhood was so safe. The police were excellent and gave me a lot of good pointers for security on my house. At least next time, if it happens, I’ll be more prepared.

Thanks to Kelly for sharing her story. (continuing with original 7 pm post) Meantime, we’ve just received e-mail about an Admiral break-in this weekend, including a plea for neighbors everywhere to be more watchful — read on:Read More

Helicopter watch: Burglary suspect sought, then arrested

helicopterwatch.pngIt’s pretty much right over our house in Upper Fauntleroy. Nothing on 911 in terms of medic call. Listening to the scanner to see if we can pick up anything about who they’re looking for and why – they’re focused on a house (where, we don’t know) where radio traffic indicates they are following footprints, plus a canine is involved in the search. 8400 block has been mentioned, on or near Tillicum (east of Lincoln Park; map). 12:43 AM UPDATE: Per scanner, it was a burglary, and there is a suspect now in custody. Helicopter has just moved on.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Possible serial thief nabbed

Several Crime Watch updates just arrived in the inbox — first, Southwest Precinct Lt. Steve Paulsen says a lot of great teamwork involving police and alert businesspeople may have solved a series of eyeglasses thefts:

On 11/04/08 at about 1230 hrs, SW Officer Bruce Wind observed an occupied suspicious vehicle at Westwood Village. Officer Wind checked the license plate of the vehicle. About a half hour later, Highline Eye Care Center (Westwood Village) called 911 when the employees recognized a possible suspect who robbed them last April. Highline employees provided Officer Wind with crime bulletins from Bellevue PD regarding a string of eyeglass thefts.

As Officer Wind was speaking with the Highline Eye Care employees, SW Officer Phil Rees on-viewed a complaint of an incident at West Seattle Optical (4500 blk of California SW).

Officer Wind recognized the incident and provided vehicle information to other officers. A Traffic officer spotted the vehicle in the 2600 blk of SW Genesee. Both male and female suspect were arrested. Suspected stolen property was also recovered.

Robbery detectives are following up on the case which may be tied to over 55 eyeglass theft cases in Bellevue and Auburn.

Crime Watch: Credit-card scammer followup; another break-in

Two West Seattle Crime Watch updates for you right now: First, a followup on yesterday’s arrest of the woman accused of using stolen credit cards for handcuffs_2.jpg$2,000 worth of purchases at local businesses. Southwest Precinct Officer Brian Ballew tells WSB that the item involved in the biggest of those purchases — a $700 fountain from West Seattle Nursery (WSB sponsor) — has been returned to the nursery today. The 53-year-old woman was booked into jail last night; as for how she got caught — Officer Ballew says she had pre-purchased some items at a local business, and before she returned for them yesterday, they and police had matched her to the investigation. Meantime, in separate Crime Watch news, we just got word of another break-in with the “method of entry” involving a BB gun – for those details and what police are saying about this apparent burglary wave, read on:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Credit-card fraud suspect arrested

handcuffs_2.jpgJust in from Sgt. Jeff Durden at Southwest Precinct: He says they have just arrested the woman they believe to be behind the fraudulent credit-card use we told you about two days ago; she’s being interviewed at the precinct right now and expected to be booked on felony charges later. Sgt. Durden wasn’t ready to share details of the arrest’s circumstances – but when those can be made public, we’ll bring you an updated report. He adds, “We got all the credit cards back.”

West Seattle Crime Watch: “Burglary spree,” biz break-in, more

3 break-in cases in the latest update — a house (in an area where neighbors have just gotten word of a “48-hour burglary spree”), a car, and a store:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Three ways to fight back

October 21, 2008 6:30 am
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TONIGHT: Wherever you live in West Seattle, you can get the lowdown on the latest trouble spots – and a chance to voice your concerns directly to your local police – by showing up for tonight’s West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting. 7 pm – but not the usual location; it’s at Denny Middle School (30th and Thistle; here’s a map) this time.

THURSDAY: People living in the southeasternmost neighborhoods of West Seattle are also welcome at the South Delridge/White Center Community Safety Coalition meeting, which also focuses on neighborhood trouble spots and crime concerns, with King County Sheriff’s Deputies usually in attendance as well as Seattle Police, to address both jurisdictions. 6 pm Thursday, St. James Place (9421 18th SW; here’s a map).

OCTOBER 28TH: After crime concerns came up while neighbors of California Place, the mini-park at California/Hill (map), were discussing proposed park changes, it was discovered there’s no Block Watch in the general area of California Avenue between SW Walker and SW Holgate (map), and adjoining streets. So a meeting to organize one, with Southwest Precinct crime-prevention help, is set for 6:30 pm 10/28 at West Seattle (Admiral) Library. If you are interested but unable to attend, e-mail info@californiaparkplace.org to get in touch with organizers.