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Update: West Seattle Summer Outdoor Movies on the Wall lineup!

May 17, 2010 4:43 pm
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That’s “Mamma Mia,” which will kick off the six-week West Seattle Summer Outdoor Movies on the Wall series this year in the Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor)/Dr. Wolff courtyard in The Junction. After multiple rounds of idea-seeking (including two rounds here – THANK YOU!), Hotwire proprietor Lora Lewis has just announced the lineup:

Saturday, July 17th – Mamma Mia 2008 Rated PG-13
(with the short, Trip to the Dentist/W.C. Fields)

Saturday, July 24 – War Games 1984 Rated PG

Saturday, July 31st – Fantastic Mr. Fox 2009 Rated PG

Saturday, August 7th – Star Trek 2009 Rated PG-13

Saturday, August 14th – Wayne’s World 1992 Rated PG-13

Saturday, August 21st – Up 2009 Rated G

The movies are free and start at dusk; bring your own chair/blanket and also bring some $ for concessions and raffles that raise money for local nonprofits – and come early to enjoy pre-movie contests/performances/you-never-know-what-might-happen! More on those as the series gets closer – watch the official site, the West Seattle Movies on the Wall Facebook page and Twitter account, and of course WSB (a series co-sponsor).

West Seattle Crime Watch: Car break-ins, bike theft

Three reports to share in West Seattle Crime Watch this afternoon – two car break-ins and a bike theft – read on:Read More

Seeking a sofa: Got a “band couch” that Chief Sealth can use?

Out of the WSB inbox:

I am the Chief Sealth High School Band Council President and I was hoping that you would post a want ad for a new band couch. A band couch is a huge asset for the band after a long parade or a long day at school. Our current band couch has holes in the cushions and the pull-out bed is dusty beyond belief. A new couch would be greatly appreciated. Please contact me before the start of the new school year. josematthewmiguel@gmail.com Cell- (206) 817-4437

We asked if there were any specific specs – answer: No, they’re just seeking a sofa, “any color.” P.S. If you missed it in our earlier preview of what’s coming up later this week, the CSIHS band is performing at Easy Street in The Junction at 10:30 this Friday morning, during the KEXP Hood-to-Hood live broadcast/all-day victory celebration around West Seattle.

Northwest Art and Frame loses a longtime feline friend

If you didn’t already see this on Northwest Art and Frame‘s Facebook page – they thought more people might want to know about a sad loss that customers will notice too:

Sad news to report…our beloved store cat, Art has passed on into kitty heaven this last Saturday. He was deeply loved and touched the lives of so many in the West Seattle community and beyond for years and will be sadly missed. He spent most of his life offering excellent customer service to all of our great customers and has been spending the last few years in retirement living with store owners Dan & Jeri. He loved you all very much and will be greatly missed!

Art spent a dozen years in the store.

Ramp-closure update: Lower Spokane St. section NOT reopening

Just got an update from SDOT – they did NOT reopen lower Spokane Street eastbound from East Marginal to 1st Avenue South today after all, because of “electrical problems.” (The aforementioned ramp closure did happen on schedule, though.) More to come.

If you thought last weekend was good – wait till NEXT weekend!

These may already be marked on your calendar in a big way but as the week kicks off, here’s a quick list of the biggest events Thursday-Sunday:

THURSDAY – TASTE OF WEST SEATTLE: This fundraiser for West Seattle Helpline is bigger than ever this year – more than 30 restaurants (listed here), and more than “just” one room at The Hall at Fauntleroy. Your ticket (buy it here via PayPal – you don’t have to have an account – scroll down for info on using credit cards) gets you the right to try everything – if you have time and appetite! WSB is proud to be among the co-sponsors of this year’s Taste of WS.

FRIDAY – KEXP HOOD-TO-HOOD PARTY/BROADCAST/SHOWS/MORE: From pre-dawn till long after dark this Friday, West Seattle rocks with the long-awaited victory party for KEXP Radio’s fundraising Hood-to-Hood Challenge (as first noted here last June). Multiple venues will have live bands – of course the premier West Seattle venue for live music, Skylark Café and Club, is among them, but so is Feedback Lounge (also a WSB sponsor), with its very first live performance ever (Memphis Radio Kings and Kandi Coded). KEXP broadcasts live from West Seattle all day, starting at 6 am at Easy Street Records, which has shows all day too – even the Chief Sealth International High School Marching Band at 10:30 am. Full Easy Street schedule here. Other venues include West 5 and Prost (DJs), Shadowland (DJs, trivia, bands), Cupcake Royale (WSB sponsor) with family fun including live music (even Caspar Babypants!), and Youngstown Cultural Arts Center (DJs, bands). KEXP’s list is here; and if you have friends who need to get over to WS to join you, a free Water Taxi ride coupon is here. Plus, KEXP is having a West Seattle Food Bank food drive at the KEXP tent outside KeyBank at California/Alaska, 10 am-4:30 pm Friday.

SATURDAY – WESTWOOD VILLAGE STREET FAIR: Bouncy toys and magic shows for the kids, live bands/exhibits/activities/raffles for the grownups, even JP Patches! That’s just some of what you’ll find at the first West Seattle street festival of the season, 11 am-7 pm Saturday – here’s the official poster. (Thanks to WV for sponsoring WSB this week to help get the word out.)

SUNDAY – WEST SEATTLE 5K/CELEBRATE SEATTLE SUMMER STREETS: Last year the West Seattle High School PTSA put on the West Seattle 5K for the first time and drew 1,000 walkers/runners; this Sunday, they’re expecting even more. 9 am from the Bathhouse; and like last year, it kicks off the Celebrate Seattle Summer Streets “car-free day” on Alki, with most of Alki and Harbor closed to most vehicle traffic till 5 pm (there’ll be a lane for the Water Taxi shuttle and residents):

(If you’re not registered yet for the WS5K – co-sponsored again this year by WSB – you can do it online till Thursday; after that, you’ll have to do it pre-race onsite.)

Those are just the biggest events – lots more going on, as noted on the WSB West Seattle Events calendar.

West Seattle Monday: To bike or not to bike? And more …

May 17, 2010 6:48 am
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RAMP REMINDER: As noted again in detail last night, the 1st Avenue South onramp to the westbound (high) West Seattle Bridge is closed as of this morning and soon to be demolished. See the detour map and lots of project information here.

TO BIKE OR NOT TO BIKE? Whether you are thinking about bicycling for transportation, are doing it already, or think it wouldn’t work for you – come talk about two-wheeling tonight at Sustainable West Seattle‘s Community Forum (just in time for this Friday’s Bike-To-Work Day). Get a look at some bikes, too, including electric models. Bonus – this is at the site of the soon-to-open (June 12th) West Seattle Tool Library (north end of South Seattle Community College [WSB sponsor], 6000 16th SW; map). 7 pm.

NAVOS OPEN HOUSE: The mental-health facility at 2600 SW Holden (map) has an open house tonight for everyone interested in finding out more about its facility and services, 6 pm.

Low tide in West Seattle, Sunday edition: More beach sights

WSB’er “d” got the sighting of the day – sharing video of a tide-exposed rock inscribed with 2/5/10 and some words about love and healing. Over by Me-Kwa-Mooks, Lillian spotted what we swear really IS an octopus this time (unlike the misidentified one from last night’s report):

And Gene shared a photo from Alki, showing how it looked when the tide bottomed out this afternoon:

If you have the opportunity to go tidewalking tomorrow (Monday) afternoon, around 2 pm the tide’ll be almost as low as today. After that, your next chance for a minus-two-foot-plus tide will be May 26-29 (here’s the chart). We’ll have -3 tides in mid-June and July, and those’ll be the lowest of the summer.

Speaking of reminders: Bereaved cat owner suspects coyote

Another reminder to owners who allow their pets outside: Coyotes can be anywhere. And they might see your pet as a snack. That’s what Siobhan thinks happened to her cat:

I live right off of Barton, on 23rd Ave. SW [map] and I went into my backyard this morning to find what was left of my cat. Her body was gone, which is what leads me to believe it was a coyote, that and 2 weeks ago on 22nd Ave. S.W. one darted across the road in front of my car. My neighbors down the road have seen them in the street and have also lost a cat.

A few days ago, Laura Sue e-mailed us about something similar – someone’s cat (microchipped, so the owner has since been notified) dead and partly eaten in her backyard near Duwamish Head. Not to be hysterical about this, but pet owners should be aware of the risks. P.S. Here’s the link we often include with coyote mentions – state info about coyotes, from the “Living With Wildlife” series.

Yet another reminder: 1st Ave. South westbound ramp closure eve

We’ve been reporting on it for months, and, for the past week or two, publishing reminders almost daily – but better over-reminded than under-reminded – tomorrow is the day that the 1st Avenue South onramp to the westbound (high) West Seattle Bridge closes permanently, as part of the Spokane Street Viaduct Widening Project. SDOT says it will be closed first thing in the morning. It will be replaced by a new ramp to the westbound side of The Bridge, but SDOT says that will take at least 16 months to build. So if you’re trying to get to West Seattle from SODO, you will either have to use the “low bridge” detour – per the map on this page – or take the “back way” (head to the 1st Avenue South Bridge and enter West Seattle via Highland Park Way or Myers/Roxbury).

Remember that SDOT will use electronic signs and Twitter to warn of “low bridge” openings during rush hour, in hopes you will be forewarned if you’re heading to West Seattle that way; you don’t have to be a Twitter member to check out what SDOT posts at twitter.com/seattledot – that works as a regular weblink – but in case you lose the link, we’ve added it to the top of the WSB Traffic page. And also remember that bus routes are affected (Metro’s explanation here). If you use the low-bridge detour by car, bus or bike tomorrow, please consider sharing your story – any of these ways – about how it goes. One more reminder – for eastbound surface-street drivers in the area – as SDOT announced during the media tour we covered on Friday, lower S. Spokane Street will reopen by tomorrow morning, from East Marginal to 1st.

Two years of WSB reports about the SSV Widening Project are all archived here, newest to oldest.

Our Lady of Guadalupe celebrates its feat, with its feet

May 16, 2010 4:08 pm
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Definitely the season to make sure you have good walking shoes. Yesterday it was Walk with Us to Cure Lupus at Alki, next Sunday it’s the West Seattle 5K Run/Walk (co-sponsored by WSB) and car-free Seattle Summer Streets, and today … a 50th anniversary milestone: The Our Lady of Guadalupe Fun Run/Walk, which took parish members from the church’s 35th/Myrtle headquarters to Chief Sealth International High School‘s campus, where the church had its first masses half a century ago. Other half-centennial celebrations are coming up, as noted in the church announcement we published on Monday.

Hope Lutheran’s fond farewell to veteran teacher

For more than 40 years, Elois Gruenhagen has taught at Hope Lutheran – but now, it’s time to pull back, so she got a big sendoff today at a special reception after the 10:30 service, cakes and all:

As the church newsletter explained:

Elois has taught several generations of first-grade students at Hope, teaching the children of students who were at one time in her first-grade class, as well as having several of Hope’s current teachers as her first-grade students.

The newsletter also noted that her retirement follows the death of her husband last fall as well as some health challenges, but she’s not leaving Hope entirely – she’ll do some part-time library work.

West Seattle Hi-Yu float’s award-winning 2010 debut

Thanks to Kippy Jo for sending photos from the West Seattle Hi-Yu Festival float’s 2010 debut in the Port Townsend Rhododendron Festival Parade. She reports that the new “Dreams Do Come True” float won the Mayor’s Award – following in the tire tracks of its 2009 predecessor, which had an award-winning season.

Might have more “official” photos to add later! Meantime, if you don’t happen to see them in an out-of-town parade sooner, you will see the Hi-Yu float and royalty in the West Seattle American Legion Post 160 Grand Parade, which travels its Admiral-to-Edmunds route along California SW on July 24th. ADDED 3:55 PM: Thanks to Carrie for sending a few more photos – first, the Senior and Junior Courts with the trophy for the aforementioned Port Townsend award:

And another look at the new float:

Followup: Investigators seek witnesses to White Center shooting

A followup this morning on the deadly shooting early Saturday in White Center (here’s our original report), a case with which police and fire crews from West Seattle initially assisted since it was reported right on the city/county line – King County Sheriff’s Office investigators are looking for help from anyone who may have seen something – click ahead to see their news release:Read More

West Seattle Sunday: Board games, Spa Day, low tides, music…

All that (plus the West Seattle Farmers’ Market, Our Lady of Guadalupe‘s half-century Fun Run, and more) can be found in the Sunday section of the West Seattle Weekend Lineup – listed conveniently in chronological order. Go here to jump directly to today’s peninsula-wide highlights!

West Seattle mom-daughter teams’ Genesee Hill cleanup campaign

Yet another local neighborhood got a dose of volunteer help on Saturday – this time, a group of West Seattle mothers and daughters picked up trash around closed Genesee Hill Elementary School (formerly home to Pathfinder K-8, which is now on Pigeon Point). They picked up 8 bags of trash with city-provided supplies; according to Carl Guess, who shared the photos and info, the group was inspired by The Mother-Daughter Project, and “celebrated afterward with a quick game of kickball that ended in a 5-5 tie.” He says participants included Jenna and Grace Riggs, Christina and Emma Figgins, Nancy and Elizabeth Giese, Laurie and Raena Mathews, Doreen and Kassy Sifferman, and Katy Lloyd and Bailey Guess – here’s a group shot:

West Seattle weekend scenes: On the beach at low tide

Thanks to everyone who shared photos from this afternoon’s low tide – tomorrow it’ll be a bit lower, before the tides start edging upward again for the next few weeks. The victorious toddler is courtesy of Jim Clark, who took photos at Lincoln Park and shared a gallery link in the WSB Forums; next, Lisa‘s daughter took a close look at a moon snail at Constellation Park:

(Side note on moon snails – Beach Drive Blog has been tracking someone who gathers large quantities – see the story here.) Finally, at Lowman Beach, Amy spotted this octopus starfish (see comments):

Sunday’s low tide, lowest of the month, is just after 1 pm. (P.S. When tides start getting low again on Memorial Day weekend, it’ll be this year’s first time out for the beach naturalist program run by the Seattle Aquarium [WSB sponsor], including naturalists here in West Seattle – more info here.)

Care about eastern West Seattle? Be part of ‘Strategic Delridge’

May 15, 2010 8:26 pm
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This Wednesday, the regular meeting of the Delridge Neighborhoods District Council will be preceded by a special hourlong discussion – and if you’re interested in the greater Delridge area – basically, West Seattle from 35th SW eastward – you’re invited. Just be at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center at 6 pm Wednesday (5/19). DNDC member Pete Spalding of Pigeon Point explains what it’s all about:

Not long ago, some of the past, present and future leaders of Delridge got together to discuss the past, present and future of Delridge. We talked about what we liked, what we wanted, where we wanted to be, and how we wanted to get there.

Now we want to talk to you.

The Delridge Neighborhood District Council is pleased to announce Strategic Delridge, a series of hour long meetings of the minds of this diverse community. Our goal is to take what we believe to be the next step – to organize and empower the leadership* of our Delridge Neighborhoods.

Our goals and vision are listed on the attached agenda. Come and join us. This meeting will take place during the dinner hour for some, please feel free to bring something to eat.

*Do you care about your neighborhood? That’s what we’re looking for.

Click ahead for the aforementioned agenda:Read More

Video: Hundreds in Seattle’s ‘Walk With Us to Cure Lupus’ @ Alki

Once again this year, Seattle’s Walk With Us to Cure Lupus event at Alki was graced with sunshine. Hundreds walked the 5K route, to and from the bathhouse, starting just after 10 this morning. The event raises money to research lupus, an auto-immune disorder which doesn’t get much attention, despite the fact more than 1 million Americans have it. Another repeat performance this year: Massage therapists from West Seattle’s M3 Bodyworks (longtime WSB sponsor) were on hand to help support the walkers:

We are awaiting word from organizers regarding how many people participated and how much they raised – everything was still being tallied when we checked in at the registration table (though the website indicates pledges were close to the $30,000 goal).

High-school baseball updates: Seattle Lutheran HS, West Seattle HS

Congratulations to Seattle Lutheran High School‘s baseball team – SLHS’s Bil Hood sends that photo with word that they won the Tri-District Championship today, beating Concrete 11-1, and are headed to state. Meantime, while West Seattle High School‘s team was already guaranteed a state-tournament spot before today’s game, they came up short in the Metro League title match, losing to Bishop Blanchet at White Center’s Steve Cox Stadium, 7-2. We were there for the last inning, but Mason Kelley from our partners at the Seattle Times tweeted throughout the game, and reports that Ryan Wiggins‘ two-run homer in the 4th comprised all of WSHS’s scoring.

Photos: West Seattle Kiwanis Motorcycle Poker Run and Car Show

More than 20 motorcycles hit the road for the Kiwanis Club of West Seattle‘s first-ever charity-fundraising Motorcycle Poker Run today. And when they got back to the ex-Huling site at 38th/Fauntleroy that served as headquarters for today’s event, it was Classic Car Show time:

This was West Seattleites’ first chance this spring/summer to get a closeup look at gorgeous old cars:

And the Kiwanians cooked up a tasty barbecue, too:

Money raised from today’s event goes toward their many charitable efforts – you can read about some of them online. And you can catch up with the Kiwanis at the West Seattle Farmers’ Market most Sundays, as well as at upcoming events including the Seafair Pirates’ Landing at Alki on July 10th.

Photos: West Seattle Sportsmen’s Club Hi-Yu Kids’ Fishing Derby

Perfect morning at the Seacrest “pond” set up for the annual West Seattle Sportsmen’s Club Hi-Yu Kids’ Fishing Derby – sun and fun. After we stopped by for a few photos, Larry Nitkey sent us this next pic, explaining, “Had a lot of fun fishing. My daughter Leilani Nitkey proudly displays her first-ever catch.”

Since it’s a Hi-Yu event, that means royalty – and in this case, would-be royalty – two Miss Hi-Yu candidates stopped for a photo:

That’s Melanie Frey and Victoria Ferrulli; as reported here Tuesday, they are candidates along with Kelsey Bills, Kelsey Porter, and Rosemarie Anne Ko Unite.

Followup: West Seattle “Rampathon” project complete!

Last night, we previewed the Potter Construction (WSB sponsor) project (with financial support from the Rotary Club of West Seattle) that was to be part of today’s “Rampathon” by volunteers around King/Snohomish Counties. Got to the worksite in Highland Park before 11 am, and the ramp was already all done! The residents told us the crews had left minutes earlier.

(5:17 pm update – substituted that photo just sent by Gary Potter, with not only the family who lives in the home, but also a crew sent by EZ Access, the Algona firm that made the aluminum ramp!) The new ramp means a woman who lives at the house will get to leave more often – without it, she couldn’t go out without two people helping her get up and down the stairs.