Care about eastern West Seattle? Be part of ‘Strategic Delridge’

May 15, 2010 8:26 pm
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This Wednesday, the regular meeting of the Delridge Neighborhoods District Council will be preceded by a special hourlong discussion – and if you’re interested in the greater Delridge area – basically, West Seattle from 35th SW eastward – you’re invited. Just be at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center at 6 pm Wednesday (5/19). DNDC member Pete Spalding of Pigeon Point explains what it’s all about:

Not long ago, some of the past, present and future leaders of Delridge got together to discuss the past, present and future of Delridge. We talked about what we liked, what we wanted, where we wanted to be, and how we wanted to get there.

Now we want to talk to you.

The Delridge Neighborhood District Council is pleased to announce Strategic Delridge, a series of hour long meetings of the minds of this diverse community. Our goal is to take what we believe to be the next step – to organize and empower the leadership* of our Delridge Neighborhoods.

Our goals and vision are listed on the attached agenda. Come and join us. This meeting will take place during the dinner hour for some, please feel free to bring something to eat.

*Do you care about your neighborhood? That’s what we’re looking for.

Click ahead for the aforementioned agenda:

Meeting purpose:
1) Developing a vision for Delridge, discussing how to build the vision;
2) Capacity challenges for leaders and volunteers;
3) Ensure equitable participation in the DNDC;
4) Strengthen its voice in government forums.

Introductions – 5 mins
Delridge Neighborhoods District Council Retreat in February – 5 mins
Focus Topic– 40 mins
Each meeting will have one area of focus from the eight objectives identified during the district council retreat. Current topic in bold:
1) Strengthen the trust relationship with local government and its many layers and agencies
2) Create and promote a Delridge neighborhood and community identity
3) Develop business associations to spur economic development
4) Create or maximize places and events where diverse groups can come together to build trust and reciprocity
5) Promote a green Delridge
6) Conduct outreach and serve populations that cross class, ethnicity and cultural lines and communities
7) Strengthen the schools
8 ) Create a boulevard feel
Open Discussion – 5 mins
Action Item Review – 5 mins

According to Spalding, Strategic Delridge discussions will be held TFN in the hour before the Delridge District Council meetings – so if you are interested but absolutely can’t make it this Wednesday, mark the third Wednesday on your calendar for subsequent months.

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