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West Seattle schools: Arbor Heights Elementary auction success!

(Photos by Carol Harrold)
The Arbor Heights Elementary PTA Auction is history – and what a night it was, reports Lisa Olson:

Arbor Heights Elementary would like to extend a BIG THANK YOU to everyone in the West Seattle Community and beyond who made last Thursday’s “Adventure Is Out There” Dinner & Auction a smashing success, exceeding the event’s goals. A special shout-out to Gatewood Elementary for the volunteer swap that allowed the Arbor Heights Auction Committee to enjoy the evening. If you were not able to attend the auction and would like to make a contribution to AH’s Technology Fund, this year’s auction “Raise the Paddle” focus to replace/update computer hardware and software, checks can be dropped off or mailed to the Arbor Heights PTA, Attn: Auction Committee, 3701 SW 104th St., Seattle, WA 98146.

Food drive that’s on a roll: Beer Church Turkey Bowl on Saturday

November 14, 2011 5:57 pm
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(WSB photo from last year – part of the Turkey Bowl 2010 3K-pound food haul)
It’s one of the most raucous holiday food drives of the season – and its organizers say you still have a chance to get in on it! A few Beer Church Turkey Bowl lanes are available (and even if you’re not bowling, they’ll be happy to take your donation on Saturday) – just got this news release:

The 13th Annual Turkey Bowl takes place this Saturday, November 19th at 6:00 p.m. in West Seattle. Organized by Beer Church, the event is a fundraiser and food drive to benefit the West Seattle Food Bank. More than 200 guests will attend the event at West Seattle Bowl (4505 39th Ave. SW, Seattle). The event starts at 6:00 p.m. but Beer Church encourages the public to drop off food donations at West Seattle Bowl on Saturday between 1:00 and 8:00 p.m.

There is limited space for bowlers but anyone is welcome to attend the event and participate in the raffle. Bowlers must reserve an entire lane and pay $200 per lane. Each lane can accommodate as many as eight bowlers. If you are interested in a lane, please contact Kendall Jones – beerchurch@gmail.com.

“This is an especially appropriate time of year for people to think about hunger in our community,” says Kendall Jones, Director of Beer Church. “Thanksgiving is a day to give thanks for the abundance of food that so many of us enjoy but it is also a good time to slow down and think about the people struggling in our community. That’s why Turkey Bowl is a benefit for the West Seattle Food Bank: we want to help people remember that hunger is a real issue and we want to give them a fun and easy way to contribute.”

Last year’s Beer Church Turkey Bowl netted over 3,000 pounds of food and over $3,000 in donations. Organizers hope to exceed those numbers this year. Participants will include a number of teams from local breweries and local bars. In addition to bowling, the event features a raffle for prizes donated by local merchants.

Among the participants, eight local breweries will battle it out for the coveted Battle of the Brewers trophy. Likewise, eight local bars will compete for the Bar Brawl trophy. Breweries involved: Elliott Bay Brewing, Elysian Brewing, Emerald City Beer Co., Georgetown Brewing, Naked City Brewing, Odin Brewing, Pike Brewing, and Schooner Exact Brewing. Local bars involved: Beveridge Place Pub, Dog and Pony Alehouse, Feedback Lounge, Latona Pub (3 Pubs), Mission, Porterhouse Pub, and West 5.

26th/Dakota development: Construction update; art plan

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Unless you live, or drive, by it, you might not know that West Seattle’s next major development is well into the first phase of construction. It’s at 26th and Dakota in North Delridge (map), right behind the Kidney Center building. Its original owners went all the way into the permit phase before the project was put on hold and then sold. Unlike the infamous “Hole,” no work was done on this site before it stalled – but its new owners are working fast now.

We first wrote about the revived project three months ago. It’s being built with 193 units, including 11 described as live-work (here’s the project page on the city website), being developed by Legacy Partners Residential, Inc.,and Barrientos LLC.

We met this morning with representatives from the project partners at Uptown Espresso in Delridge, not far from the project site. They will be at the North Delridge Neighborhood Council meeting tonight, but even if you can’t be there, they wanted to get out new information about the project, including an extensive plan to procure art for the building. Read on for the updates:

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Marriage-equality campaign launches; Constantine voices support

A new campaign for marriage equality in our state, Washington United for Marriage, officially kicked off today. And the highest-ranking politician residing in West Seattle, King County Executive Dow Constantine, has just issued a statement supporting it:

“Now is the time to take action, to finally recognize the equality and protect the rights of all the people of Washington.

“I will work in whatever capacity I can to see this legislation passed in Olympia, or if necessary at the ballot box, and look forward to the day I can sign marriage certificates for all adult couples in King County.”

The marriage-equality campaign is on Facebook here, and on the web here. There is not a specific proposal yet, but supporters are lobbying legislators, and saying they’ll go to voters if the Legislature doesn’t step up.

School volunteering: Chances to put ‘your toe in the water’

EDITOR’S NOTE: We often publish requests for volunteer help – and over the years, some have asked, what about a regular feature listing such needs? Fauntleroy resident Judy Pickens, who volunteers her time and talent to a variety of endeavors including local schools, is gathering and reporting information on volunteer needs at West Seattle schools where the need is greatest. Here’s her third roundup.

By Judy Pickens
Special to West Seattle Blog

Helping with a one-time event (such as the upcoming book fair at West Seattle Elementary) is a great way to “stick your toe in the water” of volunteering at a local school. You won’t have to learn a lot of names or make a long-term commitment; just do the task with a smile. In the process, though, you’ll get a feel for the staff and students and chat with other volunteers to help discern if being an ongoing volunteer might be for you. If not, ask the volunteer coordinator to put you on the list to contact about future one-time needs.

At Roxhill Elementary (9430 30th SW)
Contact mllehman@seattleschools.org

Ongoing: Adult(s) to keep students on crossing patrol focused; 9:15-9:30 AM and/or 3:25-3:40 PM Mon.-Fri. Pick your day and time.

Ongoing: Active adults to monitor students on the playground during lunch/recess, especially 12:05-12:35 PM; other times available. Pick your day and time.

Ongoing: Adults or older youth to tutor before and after school, including math and reading. Pick your day, time, and grade.

Ongoing: Adults to provide before-school supervision (7:30-9 AM) in the cafeteria. Pick your day.

Ongoing: Adults to assist the school nurse by providing basic first aid. Could be all day or early/mid afternoon. Pick your day and time.


At Highland Park Elementary (1012 SW Trenton)
Contact stpaolone@seattleschools.org

One time: Fri. Dec. 2, 7-10 PM. Adult for general assistance (including clerking the bake sale) during the Winter White-Out Ball/Family Picture Night.

Ongoing: Adults to support classroom teachers with tasks such as listening to students read or copying materials; varies by teacher/grade. Pick your hours/days M-F, 9 AM-3 PM.


At West Seattle Elementary (6760 34th SW)
Contact smtaylor@seattleschools.org

One time: Adults to unpack/set up in advance of the annual book fair on Dec. 7. Also adults to pack up, starting at 7 PM on Dec. 7.

Ongoing: Adult to support the school’s “Husky Buck” behavior incentive program by copying/distributing forms (any day), drawing/recording names (Mondays), and keeping prizes stocked (periodic).

Weekly: Adult or older youth to assist the school counselor in hosting a 20-minute “Best Attendance” popcorn party for the winning class; any day Tues.-Fri.

LaVida Massage: Welcoming a new West Seattle Blog sponsor

November 14, 2011 10:30 am
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 |   Health | West Seattle businesses | West Seattle news

We’re welcoming a new WSB sponsor today: LaVida Massage, now open in Jefferson Square on the corner of 42nd SW and SW Alaska. Here’s what they’d like you to know about their business:

LaVida offers high-quality massage and aesthetician services at an affordable price with convenient hours, open 7 days a week. All 12 of their massage therapists are experienced Licensed Massage Therapists with 50+ years of combined experience. They offer most modalities, including Swedish, Deep Tissue, Reflexology, Pre-Natal, Sports, and Treatment massage. They also offer couples’ massages, hot stone, and aromatherapy in their 8 beautiful massage rooms. Your first hour-long massage is always $39.95. 30-year veteran medical aesthetician Janean Wyvold, a longtime aesthetician educator and West Seattle resident, heads their Aesthetician department. They offer luxury facials, anti-aging facial treatments, microdermabrasion rejuvenation treatments, chemical peels, and waxing services, all at affordable prices. Your first hour-long Signature Facial is always $49.95.

Longtime Alki resident Paul Silver and daughter Raeanne Silver decided to open LaVida Massage because they saw a real need to offer both massage and aesthetician services at an affordable price, especially in this economy. “People love massage and taking care of themselves but can no longer justify the high prices charged at many high-end salons,” says Paul Silver. “We now offer an alternative. We built a beautiful salon in a very convenient location where our customers can enjoy the benefits of a high-end salon without the high-end cost.”

LaVida Massage also offers the “Life Benefit Program”: For a monthly charge of $59.95, you get your choice of an hour-long massage or facial. In addition, any additional massages for the month are $49.95, but for their Grand Opening, additional massages are reduced to only $39.95 for as long as you remain a member. The program is month to month, so you can cancel at any time and you can even share your membership with anyone in your household so that they can get the reduced rates as well. If you don’t use your free massage or facial in any given month, they roll over until you do use them. Contact LaVida Massage‘s new West Seattle center at 206.937.8432; online, here; and on Facebook, here.

We thank LaVida Massage for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news on WSB; find our current sponsor team listed in directory format here, and find info on joining the team by going here.

West Seattle restaurants: Spring Hill brings back fried chicken

Seldom have we seen such a stir over restaurant news as the Spring Hill Restaurant and Bar fried-chicken saga. You might recall their popular Monday night fried-chicken dinners – and the frenzy that erupted when they announced they were deep-sixing the deep-fried concept last summer. But now … it’s back, with a Hawaiian twist, as of December 5th. Click ahead to see the news release we just received:Read More

West Seattle Monday: From Roxhill to North Delridge, and nightlife too

November 14, 2011 8:54 am
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(Tom Kelley photographed the junco on Gatewood Hill last week – thanks for sharing!)
From the WSB West Seattle Events calendar:

ROXHILL SKATESPOT: As previewed here again last night, new design alternatives for the Roxhill Park Skatespot will be shown tonight at Southwest Library, 6 pm.

NORTH DELRIDGE: Officer elections and a DESC-project update lead off the agenda for tonight’s North Delridge Neighborhood Council meeting, 6:30 pm, Delridge Library.

ROXHILL PTA Roxhill Elementary‘s PTA meets at 6:30 pm in the Roxhill cafeteria, 6:30 pm. Child care will be provided during the meeting.

SEWER-FACILITY DESIGN: Murray (Lowman Beach) CSO project design open house, Fauntleroy Church, 6:30 pm – details in our preview.

NIGHTLIFE: Among your Monday night options: Bingo at Alki UCC Church, doors at 5:30/play starts 6:30 … Jacob Lakatua Quartet at Löcöl, 7:30 pm … Waxy Monday vinyl-spinning guest-DJ action at West 5 (details here) … Trivia with Brian Calvert at Christo’s on Alki, 7 pm … Karaoke with Kelli at Skylark Café and Club, 9 pm

FOOD TRUCKS ADD ANOTHER NIGHT: For those following the evolving West Seattle food-truck scene, Highland Park Improvement Club says Lumpia World and Charlie’s Buns will be there (12th/Holden) for dinner Mondays, starting tonight, 5-8.

‘Pop-Up Museum’ pops up for SW Seattle Historical Society

Story and photos by Katie Meyer
Reporting for West Seattle Blog

A pumpkin, photographs, and plats on a map were some of the items shared when attendees at Saturday’s Southwest Seattle Historical Society meeting were introduced to Michelle DelCarlo‘s concept of a “pop-up museum.”

DelCarlo, a University of Washington graduate student in Museology, explained how her themed pop-up museum can influence how museums see themselves, and can assist them in creating a deeper relationship with their community. An informal, interactive pop-up museum helps museums engage people – it’s DelCarlo’s “experiment in community building and the creation of meaningful experiences.” The mission is to create conversations between people of all ages and all walks of life.

(Michelle DelCarlo, left, at the start of her “Thanksgiving” theme pop-up museum)
A pop-up museum is based solely on the content provided by the people who show up to participate, and after it ends, everyone takes their items home with them. The theme for the meeting at West Seattle (Admiral) Library was “Thanksgiving” and SWHS meeting participants had been asked in advance to bring something that was meaningful to them, and write on a small sheet of paper ( the “label”) why that object is meaningful, then place the object and label on a table.

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West Seattle wildlife: Double coyote sighting in Fauntleroy

From Sean:

Just saw 2 very healthy looking coyotes at Fauntleroy Place SW and 45th Ave SW just east of Lincoln Park [map]. Not too fearful of cars, those two. Saw them right at 950 pm.

We usually end coyote-sighting reports with this infolink that includes advice on what to do if you see one. And we point you to our coyote-sighting archive (newest-to-oldest, some with photos). Tonight, a bit of coyote trivia, too: In Louisiana, we just learned via Google, they have been designated “outlaw quadrupeds.”

Delridge DESC project: Face-to-face with the city’s housing boss

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

At 9 am last Thursday morning, city Office of Housing director Rick Hooper stood in front of TV cameras in North Seattle, next to Mayor McGinn, formally announcing the city’s $27 million investment in new low-income-housing development.

Ten hours later, he faced a tougher crowd on the other end of the city: Fifteen Delridge-area residents gathered in a living room, ready to hear his answers to pointed questions about the only West Seattle project on the newly unveiled funding list.

The city’s decision to put “up to $4.45 million” into Downtown Emergency Service Center (DESC)’s 5444 Delridge project was old news to them, and many others who live near the proposed site. But far beyond the project’s estimated $14.5 million cost, many questions have emerged, and many people have voiced frustration while seeking answers.

Among them, Betsy Hoffmeister, who coordinated and hosted the gathering at her home. She invited Hooper in hopes more information might help defuse the tension that has built between project supporters and opponents over the 4 1/2 months since the DESC plan came to light.

Thursday night, after more than 3 1/2 hours, a possible path forward seemed to emerge. But its future seemed to rest as much with who was not in the room, as with who was.

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Reminder: Roxhill Skatespot design meeting tomorrow night

November 13, 2011 6:35 pm
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If you’re interested in seeing the latest design proposal for Roxhill Park’s “skatespot” skatepark – before a design is finalized – tomorrow night is your big chance. As first reported here last Monday, the meeting originally planned for a final review of both the skatespot and renovated playground will now focus ONLY on the skatespot (the playground review was moved to 11/30). It’s at 6 pm tomorrow in Southwest Library‘s upstairs meeting room. The previous design draft, described as a “basic street plaza,” was shown there a month ago (here’s our meeting coverage, including video). There’s much to discuss, according to city Skatepark Advisory Committee chair Ryan Barth:

Parks and California Skateparks received a lot of feedback on the preliminary design schematic presented at the second design meeting in October and received additional feedback since that meeting. The Parks Project Manager has told me that all of the feedback received to date has been provided to California Skateparks and they are currently working on a formal presentation and new design layouts to show at Monday’s meeting. There are currently two favored footprints (different from what was shown at the 2nd meeting) and both include varied layouts within those footprints. There are also some experiments with other alternate footprints. They will reduce these footprints/layouts down to the top three that work best within the space and present these at the meeting.

By the way, Barth and the rest of the Skatepark Advisory Committee will hold their regular meeting immediately after the Roxhill review, 7 pm at SW Library. That’s not the usual location, but since the skatespot discussion is of high interest, they decided to have it there.

West Seattle weekend scene: North Delridge street cleanup

Look familiar? You may have a similar scene to tackle outside your own home. In North Delridge, a small group of volunteers went out Saturday for the quarterly Adopt-A-Street cleanup. Mike Dady was among them and shared photos. He reports they cleared litter from Andover to Brandon, including leftover campaign signs from last week’s election, and worked on fallen leaves, including those blocking storm drains. Also, Mike says, “There was pruning and clearing of overhanging branches near the Genesee staircase leading from Delridge Way up to Pigeon Point and the Metro bus stop at the same location. Area was very dark and gloomy and has been the scene of graffiti and other not-so-good stuff. Hopefully the adjacent street light will provide a better sense of safety.” His photos included this one of two other volunteers – Nancy Folsom and canine pal Jackson:

Want to adopt a street in YOUR area? Here’s how. And you can Adopt-a-Drain, too – and/or just go out and check the storm drain(s) nearest your home, to reduce the chance of blockage/flooding when the next wave of rain comes in.

High-school sports: Chief Sealth seeks new football coach, recaps fall-season athletes’ accomplishments

Winter-sports season is about to begin at many high schools, including West Seattle’s Chief Sealth International HS, which announced some big news this past week: After five years, Sealth football coach Asosa Sailiai is out, according to an announcement by athletic director Sam Reed, who says that while he is looking for a new coach who can “take that next step toward competitive success,” he thanks Sailiai for “leaving a much stronger program than the one he inherited,” having been able to, with his staff, “more than triple participation numbers, eliminate significant academic achievement issues within the program and build a junior varsity team that had been absent for some time.” Also this week, Reed congratulated his school’s fall-sports athletes for their achievements – read on for the official recap he shared with the CSIHS community:Read More

Video: Air Force C-17’s West Seattle flyover, Seahawks-bound

Just before 1, we were driving west on SW 98th in Arbor Heights when suddenly the Junior Member of the Team said, “What’s that plane doing?” Big Air Force plane, headed eastbound – slow and relatively low – directly overhead. Pulled over and rolled video till it passed. Figured it out fairly quickly, confirmed by the Seahawks website – pre-game C-17 flyover in honor of Veterans Day (weekend).

ADDED 1:32 PM: Thanks to Anne for sharing this photo:

That was taken from Brace Point, just north of where we saw the flyover. The C-17 is a Boeing-built cargo aircraft, first deployed in 1993.

Help for the holidays: White Center Food Bank turkey drive

The White Center Food Bank not only serves our neighbors to the south in its namesake community, it also serves people in West Seattle as far north as SW Myrtle. So you’re helping people in both communities if you can respond to this request, just received (note it’s actually two requests in one – for turkey donations, and for volunteer holiday-distribution help):

On November 19 from 9 am until 7 pm, White Center Food Bank will be holding a Turkey Drive to collect donated frozen turkeys and chickens for their upcoming Thanksgiving holiday distribution. White Center Food bank expects to serve over 1,000 families for the holiday. This year’s turkey shortage combined with high wholesale prices (currently $1.25 a pound) make it difficult for the food bank to purchase turkeys at normally deep discounts. Starting (today), local sales and deals on turkeys will be posted on the White Center Food Bank’s Facebook page. Other meal items that are needed include: olives, cranberry sauce, pickles, cookie or cake mixes, cool whip or whipping cream, pumpkin, any type of canned milk, muffin mixes and pie crust mixes.

To donate, any turkey or chicken should be frozen. White Center Food Bank located at 10829 8th Avenue SW will be open November 19 until 7 pm to accept any donation. Other times to drop off are available; please call 206-762-2848. Volunteers are still needed to assist with holiday distribution as well including Monday through Wednesday, November 21-23 from 12:30-3:30 pm.

Here’s the WC Food Bank’s post this morning about turkey deals (got one to add?). P.S. We’re compiling requests for holiday help – here’s how to send one.

Happening now: Daisy Scouts’ bake sale in The Junction

Location, location, location, the saying goes. That’s what Holy Rosary‘s Daisy Scout Troop has for their bake sale this morning outside the church, continuing into the early afternoon. Not only are they right outside the church at 42nd/Genesee – that’s also kitty corner from West Seattle Christian Church, a block up the street from Hope Lutheran Church, and on the north edge of The Junction, if you happen to be headed that way for the West Seattle Farmers’ Market or other shopping. They’re donating part of the proceeds to veterans, so patriotic themes abound, including a flag-design cake and red/white/blue decor – and Thanksgiving touches, too:

The bake sale has an indoor table at Holy Rosary, too.

West Seattle Sunday: Scouts’ bake sale for veterans, Furry Faces’ ‘Art of Love,’ St. John’s bazaar, more

November 13, 2011 8:38 am
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(Fall colors on Harbor Avenue, from Drew Atkins)
Happy Sunday! From the WSB West Seattle Events calendar:

HAPPENING NOW: The Holy Rosary Daisy Scout Troop will be hosting a bake sale all morning long. Look for the tent on the corner of 42nd/Genesee by the church steps. The fundraiser is giving part of their proceeds to homeless veterans in King County through the American Legion www.legion.org/auxiliary. Kamila Kennedy tells us, “The first graders have made beautiful patriotic signs and are baking away for Sunday. Come see us and support this event!”

ST. JOHN’S ARTS/CRAFTS SALE: St. John’s Arts & Crafts Co-Op Fall/Holiday Sale in the Parish Hall. St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church, northeast corner of California/Hanford. ALL proceeds go directly to outreach, both locally and globally. A wide range of handmade items. Checks or cash only. Raffle (need not be present to win), and you’re invited to bring a donation for the West Seattle Food Bank. saintjohnonline.org

WHAT’S NEW AT THE FARMERS’ MARKET: West Seattle Farmers’ Market, 10 am – 2 pm, The Junction (44th/Alaska): Palouse Pastured Poultry is bringing organic turkeys today, since market managers say most of their regular vendors already have sold their Thanksgiving-season turkeys.

CURIOUS KIDSTUFF SALE: Big pre-holiday sale in The Junction — 11 am-5 pm, 25 percent off everything in stock @ Curious Kidstuff (WSB sponsor).

(added) OPEN HOUSE: West Seattle Natural Medicine, 3256 California Ave SW, 11 am-3 pm, has an open house today introducing Dr. Arika Dortero, ND, CLE, who will be providing pediatric/family care at the clinic.

‘THE ART OF LOVE’: Fundraiser for animal-advocacy group Furry Faces Foundation, wine and auction, Ola Salon (2942 Avalon Way), all ages welcome, admission free, bring $ for auction items and donations, 3-6 pm, details here.

SPECIAL BICYCLE EVENT IN WHITE CENTER: DubSea Bikes, 2-4 pm in downtown White Center, free repair event, details here.

NIGHTLIFE: V + The Noise with special guest Alessandra Rose, live at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor) tonight at 7, to be video-recorded for a Kickstarter event … At Skylark Café and Club, the Tilted Thunder Railbirds Talent Show takes the stage at 8 pm (all ages) … The Bridge has Sunday karaoke tonight with Kelli at 9:30.

Orca-detecting dog stars at Killer Whale Tales’ celebration

(August 26, 2011, photo by Jeff Hogan)
West Seattleite Jeff Hogan photographs orcas, watches them, studies them, and teaches about them. Much of the latter work is done through Killer Whale Tales, the educational nonprofit he founded and runs. Tonight, instead of being out on Puget Sound, he was a stone’s throw from the Duwamish River with more than 100 people celebrating KWT’s work at its 11th anniversary dinner/auction gala:

They gathered at the Duwamish Longhouse, with a special guest among the orca experts on hand:

That’s Tucker, the dog famous for his ability to sniff out orca scat – pointing researchers to samples they can use to learn more about the beloved whales, and how we can help save them. Tucker’s work was the topic of a presentation tonight. (You can read more about him in our story about a different Longhouse event earlier this year.) Partygoers enjoyed entertainment, too, from accordionist Hugh Sutton:

Lots of interest in the silent-auction offerings:

If you couldn’t get to tonight’s gala, you can still support Killer Whale Tales’ work – here’s how.

Read all about ’em: Two West Seattleites’ work highlighted

Two West Seattleites’ work is in the spotlight:

MAGAZINE FEATURES MACHEL SPENCE: The work of West Seattle nature photographer Machel Spence will be featured in the next edition of Natural History Magazine, on its way to bookstores and newsstands if it hasn’t arrived already. The photo above, which shows what Machel explains is “a species of slime mold at Lincoln Park,” is one of eight photos you’ll see in the three-page feature.

ANTHOLOGY INCLUDES STORY BY THOMAS P. HOPP: Fourteen West Coast authors, including West Seattle’s Thomas P. Hopp, have written stories comprising a new mystery e-book anthology called “West Coast Crime Wave.” Hopp’s story is titled “The Ghost Trees,” which he explains “refers to trees killed by loggers in old West Seattle, and to cedar trees killed in recent years by a new breed of bad guy, the tree poacher. These criminals take down trees illegally to make a little money in the cedar shake business, often to support a drug habit. When a tree poacher turns up dead in West Seattle’s Puget Creek Canyon, investigator Peyton McKean is called in to figure out ‘whodunnit’.” (Read a longer preview here.) “West Coast Crime Wave” was e-published by bstsller.com, which points you to this Amazon page to buy/access the anthology.

West Seattle weekend scene: Just barging in

ORIGINAL 3:43 PM REPORT: Thanks to Debra Salazar Herbst for sharing the sight she spotted off Alki a little earlier this afternoon. Certainly our area has its share of boatbuilders, including at least one yacht company on the Duwamish River, so perhaps this is heading in for the final phase of its transformation. Closer look:

Let us know if you know where it’s headed!

5:40 PM UPDATE: Consensus seems to be Delta Marine, the aforementioned yachtbuilder on the Duwamish. Via e-mail, Tom A reports finding the path of the tug, the Triumph, on marinetraffic.com, starting early this morning at Dakota Creek Industries in Anacortes. That information led us to an online discussion about this vessel – see it here; apparently it arrived in Anacortes from Chile last month. (The discussion also includes this gallery of previous photos of the project, and the photographer has traced it to a Chilean company with under-construction “megayacht” renderings that fit the description.

Update: Prices cut in half for CoolMom Toy Swap ‘n’ Sale

November 12, 2011 12:42 pm
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 |   Environment | Holidays | West Seattle news

(Photos by Katie Meyer for WSB)
“So many toys, so little time!” But now your dollar goes twice as far. Just got word from CoolMom that prices are cut in half the rest of the way for the Toy Swap ‘n’ Sale at Fauntleroy Church (9140 California SW), continuing till 2 pm.

It’s a benefit for their group and WestSide Baby, and a good way to kick off a more-sustainable holiday season, since these are “gently used” toys recycled by other local families.