West Seattle news 62193 results

West Seattle scene: Maybe the sun will come out tomorrow

Sunbreaks can strike at the most surprising times. So in case somehow the partial solar eclipse tomorrow afternoon becomes visible, you want to be prepared. For the past three days, Alice Enevoldsen of Alice’s Astro Info and Skies Over West Seattle fame has helped West Seattleites do just that, with pre-eclipse events at local Seattle Public Library branches. This afternoon, Alice was at Delridge Library coaching prospective eclipse-watchers through the creation of pinhole viewers (so you can experience the eclipse without damaging your eyes by looking at the sun). The photo was shared by the family of Raina (at center, with Alice at left and Chrissy the librarian at right). But even if the sun doesn’t make it through the clouds here, you’ll be able to check out the eclipse through webcasts.

Fields so close, yet out of reach: West Seattle Booster Club letter-writing campaign seeking ‘equity and safety’

From the West Seattle Booster Club:

Care about equity and safety for West Seattle High School athletes?

West Seattle Booster Club urges you to join their letter-writing campaign! Read the letter below, then write to Seattle Public Schools Board of Directors (MS 11-010, PO Box 34165, Seattle, 98124-1165) and Seattle Parks and Recreation Board of Park Commissioners (100 Dexter Ave N, Seattle, 98109) to help create positive change for (the) sports program. Thank you for supporting WSHS athletes!

If you can’t see the letter as embedded above, it’s here in PDF.

Update: Rescue response south of The Junction; window washer OK after brief bout of trouble

3:55 PM: Seattle Fire is sending a “rope rescue” response for what might be a window washer in trouble on a building in the 4800 block of California SW. You might hear/see a TV helicopter shortly, too. More to come.

3:58 PM: Per scanner, the window washer is reported to be OK on a 4th-floor balcony, so some of the SFD units are being canceled.

4:06 PM: The last SFD units were leaving as we arrived – all’s well, incident over.

Countdown to West Seattle Junction Harvest Festival: Activity previews

Counting down to this Sunday’s West Seattle Junction Harvest Festival (by which time the weather is supposed to be better – showers likely, not steady rain!) – a few reminders and previews:

STREETS CLOSED: Even if you are not going to the festival, keep in mind that California will be closed from Oregon to Edmunds and Alaska from 44th to 42nd – the West Seattle Farmers Market and the festival’s “harvest activity” booths will all be out in the street for the duration of the 10 am-2 pm festival. This means transit rerouting, too – see the alerts on the Metro website.

HARVEST ACTIVITIES: Thanks to everybody who’s sending previews of what they’re planning. We’ll feature a few a day for the next few days. Today’s mentions: My Three Little Birds in Morgan Junction will be there with the chance for kids to “stop by and make a hanging decoration for their house on Halloween. They can make a witch hat or a spooky spider. We will also hand out candy for the kids and a coupon for parents or grandparents,” says proprietor Jennifer. … Infinite B Canvas Creations proprietor B. says, “At my booth kids will be painting handprint harvest inspired trees on canvas panels. I’ve attached display examples that my little nieces Lillian (6) & Zoey (3) made for my booth.”

Meantime, West Seattle School of Rock proprietor Phil says, “We will be running spontaneous 2-3 minute Little Wing activities throughout the day as large enough groups of little ones (about ages 3-6) walk up. We will also have electric guitars the kids can check out. We will have percussion instruments at our booth for the kids to use.” Also, WSB sponsor Potter Construction will be there with a mini-pumpkin toss in their booth. More previews tomorrow!

ALSO AT THE FESTIVAL: 11 am-1 pm chili competition (9-sample flight for $10, benefits the West Seattle Food Bank), 11:30 am costume parade from Junction Plaza Park, noon-2 pm trick-or-treating. Aside from the chili fundraiser and anything you buy from the Farmers’ Market, festival activities are free!

Traffic alert: Power-pole fire closes 9th/Henderson (and beyond)

1:27 PM: Avoid 9th SW/SW Henderson vicinity in south Highland Park for a while; roads are blocked as emergency responders deal with what was reported as a power-pole fire. We’re heading over to look.

2:31 PM UPDATE: 9th is closed at Henderson and at Trenton. We were told at the scene that City Light will have to replace the pole, so the closure might last a while. No outage reported, though.

2:53 PM: STREET CLOSED signs are now arriving in the area, more proof it’ll be a while – with 9th closed from Barton to Trenton, Henderson closed east of 10th.

3:07 PM: Scanner-monitored discussion indicates the closure will constrict back to 9th/Henderson.

8:35 PM: We just stopped by the scene. 9th isn’t blocked, but Henderson is, and police/utility crews there say they will likely be working “a few more hours.” The new pole is up but now it’s time for connecting, testing, etc. – and they’re working in rain and wind.

Found in West Seattle: Recognize these binders? Or this bicycle?

Two “found” reports:

WHOSE SPORTS-CARD BINDERS ARE THESE? Southwest Precinct Det. Brian Ballew shares the photo – he is hoping to find either the owner of those binders (and what’s in them) or at least someone who knows whose they might be. He confirms they’re the same ones mentioned at last week’s Admiral Neighborhood Association meeting. If you have any info (or if they’re yours!), please contact Det. Ballew directly at 206-233-7836.

Second, a reader report:

BICYCLE FOUND: As with stolen cars, we spotlight found/stolen bicycles when we get word of them. The photo is from Julie, who says someone left a red, men’s Excitor 21-speed road-type bike in her yard. She’s reported it to police but if you know whose it is, speak up so it can be returned sooner rather than later.

West Seattle businesses: The Cask has closed in Admiral

Thanks to the readers who e-mailed this morning to report that The Cask in The Admiral District has closed. We have just confirmed that with proprietor Marty Ogan; no further elaboration. He took over the wine/beer bar at 2350 California SW earlier this year; it opened in summer 2010, a few owners ago, in a space that had previously been home to a shoe shop. This means two storefronts are now empty in the commercial building on the east side of California north of Admiral Way, after Royal India Grill‘s sudden closure five months ago.

West Seattle development: Last phase of Whittaker site teardown

Rain or shine, the demolition and construction work in the heart of West Seattle is proceeding – and today, at the future site of The Whittaker (4755 Fauntleroy Way SW), the last round of demolition has begun. Teardown of the 1952-built former auto-dealership buildings on the south side of the site started this morning. The view in the top photo reminds us of the same stage of demolition on another formerly Huling-owned site five years ago. *added* Here’s a photo from just before the beams were revealed:

Just in case you’re a new arrival: The project to be built here includes ~400 apartments, ~600 parking spaces, and retail (Whole Foods remains the only announced tenant so far). The Masonic Center at 40th/Edmunds is not part of the site and will remain, getting some parking-lot improvements as part of the “public benefits” promised by the developers next door.

P.S. Speaking of development – the West Seattle Land Use Committee‘s scheduled to hold its third meeting tonight, 6:30 pm, Senior Center of West Seattle (Oregon/California).

West Seattle Wednesday: 35th SW kickoff; Oktoberfest; eclipse countdown; Highland Park Action Committee; Y expansion; more!

October 22, 2014 10:12 am
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(Ducks we photographed at Sunday’s Fauntleroy Fall Festival. This seems like their kind of day.)
From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

WORK AT HOME? TAKE A BREAK … and join the weekly Home Office/Co-working Meetup at West Seattle’s only co-working hub, WS Office Junction (WSB sponsor). Noon-1 pm. (6040 California SW)

ECLIPSE COUNTDOWN EVENT: One more library event with Alice Enevoldsen, looking ahead to tomorrow’s partial eclipse of the sun (hey, we just might get a sunbreak) – make a pinhole viewer, 4 pm, Delridge Branch Library. (5423 Delridge Way SW)

FREE OKTOBERFEST DINNER: 5 pm, Emeritus West Seattle invites you to a free event with dinner, music, pretzels, beer, and more – just RSVP; our calendar listing explains how. (4611 35th SW)

35TH SW SAFETY PROJECT KICKOFF: 6:30 pm at Neighborhood House’s High Point Center, it’s the long-awaited, announced-months-ago kickoff meeting for the 35th Avenue SW Road Safety Project. This is **not** a meeting at which you’ll be shown what the city has come up with and asked for comments; this is billed as a bonafide chance to tell SDOT what matters to you in designing a plan, so be there if you can:

Purpose: Review existing conditions and traffic data, discuss toolbox of potential engineering and enforcement strategies, and hear concerns and ideas from residents

This has been years in the making – here’s some backstory. (6400 Sylvan Way SW)

(added) WEST SEATTLE LAND USE COMMITTEE: 6:30 pm at the Senior Center of West Seattle, it’s the third meeting of this still-taking-shape group intended to look at “big picture” issues regarding development/land use on the peninsula. (Oregon/California)

(back to original report) HIGHLAND PARK ACTION COMMITTEE: 6:30 pm potluck followed by 7 pm meeting, featuring these topics:

The agenda includes an update on the Seattle Public Utilities’ natural drainage project (also called roadside raingardens or green stormwater infrastructure), planned along several blocks of 17th Avenue SW. The project is currently in design with construction anticipated for mid-2015. We will also be hosting a speaker from Communities in Schools at Highland Park Elementary, who will share with us some upcoming events for community involvement at the school.

HPAC meets at Highland Park Improvement Club. (12th/Holden)

QUESTIONS ABOUT THE WEST SEATTLE Y EXPANSION PLAN? Another community meeting is set for tonight at 7 pm at the YMCA (WSB sponsor)’s Studio 5 – details here. (4518 Fauntleroy Way SW)

POETRY AND STORYTELLING: Once a month, writers gather at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor) to share their work with each other and everyone else who’s interested. You’re invited! 7 pm. (5612 California SW)

AND MORE … these daily highlights lists only spotlight a few of the MANY events on our calendar – take a minute and browse the rest (for today, tomorrow, and days/weeks beyond) … thanks!

Buy/give/make apple pies, in Bells of the Sound bake-a-thon

(Apple pie “before” photo, courtesy Bells of the Sound)
Before we hunker down and get really serious for the day – after a rough commute for many – let’s talk pie. Not for right now, sorry. This is one you have to plan for. It’s an annual pie-making/selling/giving event here in West Seattle, and we don’t always get word in time for you to join in, but this year, we did. From Shirley:

Would you like to donate an Apple Pie to help feed the homeless through the Union Gospel Mission this Thanksgiving? Or, Would you like a homemade Apple Pie for Thanksgiving – but don’t have time to make it?

If either of these is tempting, we can help you out! Bells of the Sound is making homemade Apple Pies for Thanksgiving and we’d be delighted to make one for you. Pies will be available on the 15th of November – ready to freeze. Return the completed form to Shirley Lindberg, Bells of the Sound, c/o Tibbetts United Methodist Church, 3941 41st Ave SW, Seattle, 98116; call me at 206-300-5724; or email me at Director@BellsOfTheSound.org for questions or more information. Please pre-order your pie by November 2nd. We only make enough for the pies that have been pre-ordered.

Also, if you love making apple pies, please feel free to email me as well. We have previously made between 600 and 700 pies on our Pie-Making Day – and extra hands are always welcome.

Holiday concerts have also been scheduled, and you can check the Bells of the Sound website for a concert near you. The West Seattle concert is scheduled for Tibbetts United Methodist Church on Friday, December 12th at 7:30 pm.

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Rainy Wednesday; 35th SW ‘kickoff’ tonight

(WS bridge and Highway 99 views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
6:34 AM: Early trouble: Northbound I-5 is backed up to and through downtown because of a jack-knifed semi-truck near Mercer, currently blocking the two left lanes. And if for any reason you are headed this way from north of downtown, the southbound Battery Street Tunnel is closed with a stalled vehicle.

6:43 AM: WSDOT reports tow trucks have pulled the semi out of the way, so now it’s just “residual backup” on northbound I-5. We’ll take the chance to publish this morning’s transportation-news notes:

35TH SW SAFETY PROJECT KICKOFF MEETING TONIGHT: 6:30 pm at Neighborhood House’s High Point Center (6400 Sylvan Way SW), a meeting you could say has been years in the making. This isn’t the unveiling of a plan, according to SDOT, but an “issue identification/feedback session,” as explained a ways down the project’s home page.

7:07 AM: The southbound Battery Street Tunnel has reopened.

‘WHAT TIME DO YOU HIT THE BRIDGE?’: WSB Forums member “Beaglenut” is asking the question here as an informal poll. Come back for the link later and jump into the conversation!

7:47 AM: New truck trouble on NB I-5 into downtown – a stalled semi in the right lane before the Convention Center lid.

8:26 AM: Delridge has been worse than usual, per commenters. Nothing officially on the logs or otherwise mentioned, so we’re not sure if there’s a specific cause besides “terrible commuting morning overall.”

In cheerier news – If you ride ferries or maybe the Vashon Water Taxi, watch again for whales. We reported late-in-the-day sightings yesterday – and now an Orca Network commenter on Facebook has first word of one today, a few whales seen last hour from the Bainbridge ferry.

8:35 AM: Thanks to Dartanyon for the tip via Twitter, if you’re headed toward Beacon Hill: “Disabled Vehicle left lane, Spokane Street between 14th and 15th.”

9:15 AM: SPD tweets that there’s been a spinout in the NORTHBOUND Battery Street Tunnel, with one lane blocked.

9:45 AM: Now **all** northbound lanes of 99 at the tunnel are reported by SDOT to be blocked while tow crews clear everything out.

9:53 AM: All lanes open, per SPD.

3 PM: Various traffic challenges around West Seattle but biggest one is likely to last into the afternoon commute, at last report: 9th SW at Henderson, Barton, Trenton is closed because of a power-pole fire; the pole is going to be replaced, we were told.

West Seattle school-staff sizes: District’s list; school board member’s Gatewood postmortem

Two notes about public-school staff sizes and district changes. First, Seattle Public Schools says the final enrollment counts are in, so it’s making staff-size changes where needed. The Seattle Schools Community Forum website has published the memo from acting Superintendent Dr. Larry Nyland to principals, with these changes for West Seattle-area schools:

Staff reductions – 1.0 FTE (full-time equivalent) at Madison Middle School, 0.6 FTE at Denny International Middle School

Staff increases – 1.0 FTE at Concord International Elementary School, 0.5 FTE at Sanislo Elementary School

The memo did not include enrollment numbers, but we’ll be asking the district for that information.

Meantime, two weeks after the looming loss of one FTE at Gatewood Elementary led to an unprecedented – and successful – fundraising drive, West Seattle’s school board rep Marty McLaren has issued an extensive postmortem on what happened and why. She sent it to her e-mail list (open to all) on Tuesday night. In it, she concludes, “in my opinion, the Seattle Public School District was not remiss in its action of surplusing a Gatewood teacher.” In case you’re not on that list, here is McLaren’s report, embedded below or PDF format here:

High-school soccer: West Seattle ties visiting Garfield

October 22, 2014 12:13 am
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Post-season play is getting closer for girls-varsity soccer. For West Seattle High School, two games remain in the regular season after they tied Garfield 2-2 at Walt Hundley Playfield Tuesday afternoon.

Both West Seattle goals were by Katie DuLong; here are the game stats.

This was the last home game in the regular season. Next up, the Wildcats play at Bainbridge on Thursday, 6:15 pm.

West Seattle Crime Watch followup: Bryan Tiedeman sentenced

Another repeat-offender sentencing to report tonight: After several delays, 43-year-old Bryan Tiedeman has been sentenced in two cases involving stolen cars and drugs. The first time we reported on him, in December of last year, he and an accomplice had been charged in connection with four stolen cars, including the one they crashed on Highland Park Way, leading to their arrest. Tiedeman got out of jail in February, and was arrested again less than three months later in connection with a car stolen from SeaTac and found near his Fauntleroy home. After 17 days in jail in May, he was allowed into a work-release program. Then in June, after missing a hearing related to the 2013 case, he was arrested on warrants in Morgan Junction, at which time a reader sent us this photo:

He’s been in jail since then. In July, he pleaded guilty to charges in both cases, including three counts of possession of a stolen vehicle, taking a motor vehicle without permission, methamphetamine possession, identity theft, unlawful gun possession. On Monday, King County Superior Court Judge Theresa Doyle sentenced him on both sets of charges, with a variety of concurrent sentences that boil down to 51 months in prison – four years and three months, plus restitution to be determined later. At the time of his arrest last year, court documents said Tiedeman had been booked into the King County Jail 34 times in 20 years.

West Seattle whale watching: Look for orcas tomorrow

October 21, 2014 7:56 pm
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Late in the day, orcas were back in the area, first time since last Friday’s throng, heading south – thanks to @sudsymaggie for tweeting the report! – so if you’re by the water tomorrow, keep watch, and please let us know (text/call 206-293-6302) if you see them. Even though weather made the viewing tougher, orca lovers were somewhat balmed, after the sadness of last night’s report that the Southern Resident Killer Whales’ first baby in two years is missing and presumed dead.

Unlike most of their counterparts, the southern residents subsist on fish, and they are here looking for chum salmon; as of last weekend, the run didn’t yet appear to be plentiful – Guy Smith on Alki Point sent a photo of a purse seiner that he said didn’t seem to be hauling much in on Sunday night (though apparently it did net some fish before departing Monday morning).

Also regarding the chum, our friends at the Kitsap Sun have published this update about how things are looking across the water.

WEDNESDAY MORNING: A sighting was reported from the Bainbridge ferry just after 7 am, by a commenter on the Orca Network FB page, a few orcas headed toward the southwest. Weather’s awfully murky today but conditions can change quickly, so …

West Seattle (Athletic) Club: Three days to $1.1 million deadline

(UPDATED Wednesday afternoon with club’s e-mail re: Thursday/Friday closure plan)

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

The future of the West Seattle (Athletic) Club should be clearer, for now, by the end of the week.

This Friday (October 24th), as reported here two weeks ago, is the deadline for owner Sam Adams to pay $1.1 million in back rent/other payments to landlord John Pietromonaco, to hold off eviction. According to the court orders stipulating that deadline, a “loan contract already executed by [Adams’s company] Hollystone Holdings” was going to provide that money.

However, with three days to go, he hasn’t paid up, according to Pietromonaco, who we reached by phone this afternoon.

Read More

Update: Seattle Police find missing 10-year-old, safe

2:53 PM UPDATE: The 10-year-old boy reported missing after not arriving at his school this morning has been found safe, and police say thanks to everyone who helped be on the lookout for him.


West Seattle traffic alert: 3-car crash at 16th/Myrtle

Nobody’s hurt, according to police, but a three-car crash at 16th/Myrtle is causing some traffic trouble – as you probably know, that’s on the road to/from South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) and not far from Sanislo Elementary. If you don’t absolutely HAVE to head that way, you might consider waiting a while. Tow crews are on the way.

When Daylight Saving Time ends, so does some tennis-court lighting

Just in from Seattle Parks and Rec … the annual reminder that when Daylight Saving Time ends, so does the lighting at all but a handful of outdoor tennis courts, to save energy. We “fall back” early Sunday, November 2nd, and that’s the last night for lighting at most city-run outdoor courts. In West Seattle, the city has *one* outdoor tennis facility that’s lit year-round – the six courts at Solstice Park (7400 Fauntleroy Way SW). The other lights go back on after we “spring forward” into Daylight Saving Time next March.

6 ways to maximize your West Seattle Tuesday night

(The surfbirds are back! Photographed at Alki by Mark Wangerin)
From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

SKATE FOR PEACE: As part of the city’s “Week Without Violence” programs for 12-19-year-olds, teens are invited to “Skate for Peace” 5-7 pm today at Southgate Roller Rink in White Center; details in our calendar listing.

ALICE EXPLAINS THE ECLIPSE: Tonight, continuing her local library events leading up to Thursday’s partial eclipse of the sun, Alice Enevoldsen is speaking at West Seattle Branch Library in Admiral, 6 pm. (Unlike last night’s event, this one is intended for adults.) Free. (2306 42nd SW)

JUNCTION NEIGHBORHOOD ORGANIZATION: As mentioned here last night, setting up an Emergency Communication Hub – not time-consuming, you just have to be ready in case of something that hopefully will never happen – is on the agenda tonight; show up and find out more. JuNO also will hear from the Seattle Green Space Coalition as it works on figuring out how to keep old City Light properties as open space, and they’re adding the now-fenced-off ex-teriyaki-joint site at 35th/Fauntleroy/Avalon to the list. 6:30 pm, Senior Center of West Seattle. (Oregon/California)

WEST SEATTLE CRIME PREVENTION COUNCIL: Concern/question about crime/safety in your neighborhood? Tonight’s entire meeting is devoted to hearing from and talking with local police. 7 pm, Southwest Precinct; meeting room is right off the parking lot on the Webster side. (Delridge/Webster)

SING, PLAY, EXPRESS YOURSELF AT THE CASK … open-microphone night with Alan Sobel, who says: “The fun begins at 6:45 signup; go at 7 till ? I have some amazing singers and players ready to go. Always room for more, come on down. Great price on food, beer, and wine. Cheers!” The Cask (WSB sponsor) is in The Admiral District. (2350 California SW)

FROM BELLY DANCING TO THE BLUES, AND BEYOND … the rest of tonight’s nightlife lineup is lively too! See the individual listings on our calendar.

And another seasonal nudge:

WEST SEATTLE HALLOWEEN GUIDE! It’s the annual WSB page with the full list of Halloween (and alternative) fun, now to November 1st, all in one place. If you have a community event that’s NOT already in the guide, please send us info about it ASAP – editor@westseattleblog.com – thank you!

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Tuesday updates; ferry-dock alert

(WS bridge and Highway 99 views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
Good morning! Time to keep watch for anything out of the ordinary on the roads/paths … One alert for today:

FAUNTLEROY FERRY DOCK ALERT: Today’s the day that the Barton Pump Station Upgrade north of the dock – close to complete! – will be affecting many dock users. As noted in the alert issued last week, from about 7 am-3:30 pm today, the north-side toll booth and lane will be closed. See the dock’s cameras and wait times here.

11:33 AM: Three-car crash said to be blocking part of the road at 16th/Myrtle.

More than a game: West Seattle-Chief Sealth volleyball match spotlights fight against cancer

October 21, 2014 1:53 am
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The socks said it all: The fight against breast cancer was in the spotlight along with the battle on the volleyball court when West Seattle High School hosted Chief Sealth International HS on Monday night.

Sealth went home with the win in a 3-0 shutout. But the battle for awareness and funding won too. Just ask West Seattle survivor and fundraiser extraordinaire Tracy Dart:

It also was Senior Night – with the Wildcat girls honored on their home court:

Senior Devon Fox sang the national anthem:

Flowers for the visiting Sealth seniors:

Back to the match – it was closer than the 3-0 score sounds – the games went 25-23, 25-22, 25-22.

Next up, Sealth hosts Franklin.

West Seattle plays at Ballard.

Both matches are at 7 pm Wednesday.

Puget Sound orcas’ first baby in 2 years missing, presumed dead

(Photo by Carrie Sapp)
After the Southern Resident Killer Whales came through last Friday, the experts noticed someone missing in other regional sightings – baby L120, first calf born to the local orcas in two years. No one wanted to announce her death until word came from orca experts – and now it has, shared in a news release via Orca Network:

The Center for Whale Research has confirmed that baby L120, only about seven weeks old and the third known offspring of a 23-year old Southern Resident orca known as L86, was not with his or her mother when she and other members of L pod were photographed recently in the Strait of Juan de Fuca.

Ken Balcomb of the Center for Whale Research said, “L86 was seen and photographed on Friday, Saturday, and Monday, all without L120.”

L120 was the first newborn Southern Resident offspring seen since August 2012. In February of that year the the body of L86’s second offspring, 3-year old female L112, washed up at Long Beach Wash. with indications of death by severe acoustic trauma.

Research conducted in recent years has shown that Southern Resident orcas depend almost entirely on chinook salmon for sustenance, with a diet of chum salmon during fall months when chinook are especially scarce.

This orca clan has suffered episodic food deficiency for many decades, as chinook salmon runs were depleted by habitat destruction, excessive harvest and dams from Alaska to California. They were also routinely shot at for decades and over 50 were captured or killed for theme parks during the 1960s and 70s, followed by wanton disposal of persistent toxins into Puget Sound that continue to impair fetal development and immune responses, especially when the whales can’t find sufficient food.

“We haven’t treated these magnificent orcas well at all. As a society we are not successfully restoring this orca community despite the many warnings and legal declarations. Our challenge is clear: bountiful salmon runs must be restored and protected or we won’t see Resident orcas in the Salish Sea in coming years.” said Howard Garrett of Orca Network.

The loss of her second baby must be especially traumatic for L86, but knowing this young orca will never grow up and reproduce is painful for all who care about this precariously dwindling extended family. Now down to only 78 members, the Southern Resident community is at or below their numbers in 2001 when alarms rang with such intensity that they were eventually listed as endangered under the ESA in 2005.

Is it time to take more dramatic protection measures? As previously announced, one proposal will be the topic of The Whale Trail‘s next Orca Talk in West Seattle, October 30th – details here.