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Post-Thanksgiving Friday morning: Traffic/transit & weather

(SCROLL DOWN for updates on weather-related trouble)

7:50 AM: Good morning! 4-day holiday weekend for so many people, the bridges are relatively clear:

Notes for getting around, plus the latest on the weather:

TRANSIT: Reduced weekday/no UW schedule today for MetroNo Water Taxi service today … Regular schedule for Sound Transit, and regular schedule for Washington State Ferries.

CITYWIDE ALERTS, INCLUDING DOWNTOWN PARADE: The SDOT holiday-weekend roundup includes road-closure info for downtown’s two big events today, the Macy’s Parade this morning and the Star Lighting tonight. (If you’re going to the parade, keep an eye out for local participants! We haven’t found the full lineup yet.)

WEATHER UPDATE: Rainy/breezy this morning, and temperatures are continuing to fall from yesterday’s unseasonable peak near 60. The National Weather Service‘s updated “special weather statement” says the possible snow you’ve heard about is more likely to the north tonight, maybe some over Seattle on Saturday morning. Here’s the newest forecast.

9 AM NOTE: Texter says the Delridge onramp to the bridge is flooded and all but unusable. We’ll be checking on it shortly.

9:22 AM NOTE: Another deep-water alert via text: “Large puddle, nearly reservoir, on Admiral Way eastbound at Schmitz Park.” (Thanks again for the alerts – text or call 206-293-6302 with urgent info any time.)

9:56 AM: Thanks to another texted tip – a semi-truck is on its side on the railroad-track overpass bridge at East Marginal Way S., just south of the West Seattle Bridge.

10:18 AM: Seattle Fire says the overturned tractor-trailer is “stable” but they have been working to free the driver’s arm, which is reported to be trapped under a seat.

10:52 AM: Major water over NB Fauntleroy south of Findlay.

Thanksgiving Day extra: West Seattle reasons for thankfulness

(EDITOR’S NOTE: As we wrap up this day devoted to thankfulness, we bring you this story by West Seattle writer Lori Hinton – author of West Seattle 101, with highlights featured here on WSB – looking at some of your neighbors and their reasons for thanks. This was first published on the West Seattle Junction Association website.)

(Will Valentine with Squish the cat)

By Lori Hinton
Special to West Seattle Blog

On a bright, crisp fall day, stroll the streets of The Junction and you’ll find West Seattlelites are eager to share their sunny dispositions. Ask them what they’re thankful for, and many will smile and tell you they are just happy to be here.

“I am thankful for the smell of the salt water in the air on the way in to work,“ beams Katie Barnhardt of Northwest Art & Frame.

Local bike rider Ed Lebel says, “I’m thankful that my dad was raised here so I was too.” Lebel loves to ride what he calls the “tour de West Seattle” around the beach.

“I am thankful for Lincoln Park and all the natural spaces in West Seattle,” smiles resident Maija Wade. “We have two kids and we love it here!”

But on top of being thankful for our amazing nature with beaches, parks, and recreational opportunities galore, West Seattle has something more: Heart.

Read More

Update: Thanksgiving night power outage to the south

November 27, 2014 9:05 pm
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9:05 PM: One spot of easternmost West Seattle is part of a big power outage that otherwise is mostly southeast of West Seattle. The City Light map shows more than 3,400 homes/businesses out in eastern White Center, Top Hat, and parts of Burien. No word yet on the cause or estimated restoration.

9:31 PM: The outage map has updated and the WC/TH section has apparently been fixed, leaving a section of Burien still out.

10:18 PM: City Light says a tree is to blame and those still without power might not get it back until 4:30 am or so.

Followup: ‘Lunches With Love’ volunteers feed hundreds

On Thanksgiving Eve, volunteers of all ages gathered to make sure hundreds on West Seattle’s streets would have something to eat. The photos are courtesy of Lashanna Williams, who told us on Monday about her family-friends-and-other-helpers tradition, Lunches With Love.

Lashanna reports, “Hundreds of people were helped. Over 900 sandwiches and over 500 sack lunches. A streetside Thanksgiving dinner with 2 turkeys, salad, rolls, pie and drinks were hand delivered to people around Seattle.” And she thanks everyone who helped, “in whichever way you did – everything matters.”

West Seattle Thanksgiving 2014: Dinner for 200+ at The Hall

Cooking for a crowd today? So is that crew! 150 people had already arrived for the annual free Thanksgiving dinner at The Hall at Fauntleroy by the time we visited less than 1 hour after the doors opened at noon, and they expected to feed at least 200 before they’re done. Below, helping welcome everyone, volunteers included Wes and Ann, in the photo below with (center) David Haggerty, whose Tuxedos and Tennis Shoes Catering gives this gift each year:

Also contributing to the holiday dinner, kids from the Fauntleroy Children’s Center, which, like The Hall, is in the historic Fauntleroy Schoolhouse – they decorated placemats:

The spirit of decoration extended to executive chef Michael Chase, sporting a seasonally appropriate hat:

If you didn’t already have dinner plans, you can still get to The Hall at Fauntleroy by 3 pm; it’s at 9131 California SW. (If you don’t see this until later, the West Seattle Eagles are serving a free community feast, 2-5 pm – find details and lots more Thanksgiving-and-beyond info in the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide.)

West Seattle Weather Watch: ‘Warm’ now, snow by Saturday?

November 27, 2014 12:42 pm
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12:42 PM: Thanks to John for the rainbow photo, looking toward the Fauntleroy ferry during one of today’s sunbreaks. This Thanksgiving Day is already making history – as of two hours ago, the National Weather Service tweeted, Sea-Tac Airport had already tied the record high for this date, 58 degrees. We don’t know if it went any higher, but right now, it’s a few degrees lower, and it’s going to keep sliding, with temps in the 30s expected by Friday night, along with a chance of snow – a chance that remains in the forecast up until about mid-morning Saturday. See the newest outlook here.

ADDED 3:06 PM: Thanks to Janna for sharing the new rainbow photo – taken at Alki!

ADDED 5:13 PM: Now there’s a special weather statement about the possible snow. So far, NWS says it’s more likely to the north on Friday night but might be more widespread Saturday morning.

West Seattle Thanksgiving 2014: Who’s open, & other holiday info

(Photo by Don Brubeck)

Good morning! We are thankful for you. Here’s info you might find useful:


WHO’S OPEN FOR COFFEE: See the first section of our Holiday Guide.

WHO’S LEADING A WORKOUT : Also in the first section of our Holiday Guide.

WHO’S SERVING A FREE COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING DINNER: The Hall at Fauntleroy, noon-3 pm (9131 California SW; details here, including donations you can drop off before it starts) … Freedom Church, noon-3 pm per the marquee (35th/Roxbury) … West Seattle Eagles, 2-5 pm (4426 California SW; details here)

WHICH RESTAURANTS (AND BARS WITH FOOD) ARE OPEN TODAY AND/OR TONIGHT: Here’s the list (please note, it is a list of who told us they planned to be open – if an establishment told us they would be closed, they are NOT listed).

TRANSIT CHANGES: Metro is on a Sunday schedule … The Water Taxi is NOT running … Sound Transit buses are on a Sunday schedule … Washington State Ferries‘ Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth run is on a normal schedule.

THINGS YOU CAN DO AFTER DINNER: West Seattle Lights/Helmstetler Family Christmas Spectacular starts tonight, 7 pm, as previewed here Monday. Bring food for the West Seattle Food Bank! (3908 SW Charlestown) … The Admiral Theater is open this afternoon/evening – see the schedule here (2343 California SW)

DOES YOUR DOG NEED A BREAK FROM THE HOLIDAY BUSTLE? WSB sponsor Camp Crockett is open today.

See more – for today/tonight, plus dozens of events through the rest of the holiday season – here.

West Seattle development: ‘Whole block fenced off’ for 3210 California SW project

As noted by one of several people who e-mailed us today to ask about that development site, you seldom “see a whole block fenced off.” It’s pre-demolition fencing, just put up this week at the redevelopment site known as 3210 California SW, which we’ve been covering for seven years – from the original rezone proposal for an entire block between Hanford and Hinds turned up in city files in 2007, to the subsequent development plan’s emergence in early 2013, to its final approval at Design Review. So here’s a refresher on what’s going in, once that block of buildings is torn down:

(Rendering courtesy NK Architects)
It’s a 4- and 5-story project with 134 apartments, 2 live-work units, 152 offstreet-parking spaces, and about 6,000 square feet of commercial space, being developed by Intracorp. It went before the Southwest Design Review Board five times before receiving a recommendation for final approval in April; by the fifth meeting, the developer lowered the north part of the complex to four stories, with its other two sections remaining at five.

The demolition permits were granted three months ago, but we don’t know how soon the demolition will start – once a fence goes up, the next thing to watch for is the arrival of no-parking signs, and then, of course, the heavy equipment. The contractor is Exxel Pacific, according to this page on the website of the project’s architecture firm, West Seattleite-owned NK.

SIDE NOTE: Wondering what happened to everything and everyone who were in the buildings? For starters, the city website says tenant-relocation licenses were granted for 23 units in all. Some of the buildings held businesses, like the Styling Studio, whose owner decided to join another salon, as he told us in June; the former Cayce and Gain Property Management, now Cayce Real Estate Services, moved to the Andover business park in North Delridge. Cometa Playschool is still in operation, at a different location.

Update: Another crash on Sylvan, no injuries reported

7:40 PM: Suddenly Sylvan Way, which runs through High Point between Upper Morgan and Delridge, is a hot spot for crashes. Police and fire are currently at the scene of another one near Sylvan Way/Sylvan Heights (map). No details yet, but it’s affecting traffic, with at least one lane blocked.

8:24 PM: The crash involved just one vehicle; it ran into a fence and took out a tree. Police told us at the scene that no one was hurt. This was very close to the spot where a driver hit a tree two nights ago.

City Fruit harvests city $ for work in West Seattle, elsewhere

(2012 photo courtesy City Fruit)
You’ve probably heard that the City Council gave its final approval to the next city budget plan this week. Attention tends to be drawn by the biggest issues – but some of its relatively small points are notable, too. Tonight, we hear from one of the many nonprofits that will benefit from some part of the budget, City Fruit, which works in West Seattle and elsewhere to keep backyard fruit from going to waste if its owners don’t want/don’t need/can’t harvest it:

City Fruit is grateful to the Seattle City Council for including $68,000 in the 2015 City budget for the organization’s gleaning programs. City Fruit recognizes Councilmember Sally Clark for her leadership on this issue. The funding will support City Fruit’s harvesting efforts on both public and private property.

In addition, City Fruit thanks Councilmembers Jean Godden, Bruce Harrell, and Tom Rasmussen for their sponsorship of the budget package.

Hazel Singer, vice president of the City Fruit board of directors, thanked the Council, saying, “Funding from the City is critical to our harvest. With this support, we will be able to continue serving five neighborhoods in Seattle and add an additional area, Northeast Seattle, to our territory.”

With the City’s support in 2014, City Fruit harvested nearly 28,000 pounds of fruit, a record for the organization. Nearly all fruit was donated into Seattle’s emergency food system, including food banks and meal programs. In addition, the organization hosted over 50 work parties in support of public orchards and stewarded nearly 400 trees on public land.

As explained on the City Fruit website, the nonprofit pays for harvesting help rather than relying on volunteers, and that’s part of the cost it has to cover. If you want to donate harvestable fruit in the future, here’s how.

West Seattle restaurants open Thanksgiving Day – and one unplanned closure tonight

Just one more reminder before we get to Thanksgiving Day itself: If you are NOT cooking tomorrow, some West Seattle restaurants do plan to be open at least part of the day. As we do every year, we have compiled a list, and you can see that list here. (Keep in mind that proprietors do reserve the right to change their plans at the last minute, so if you find someplace closed that we had listed as planning to be open, or if you find someplace open that’s not on the list, please let us know – text/call 206-293-6302 or e-mail editor@westseattleblog.com; we’ll be updating as needed.) Other holiday info (coffee shops, grocery stores, free dinners, church services, more) is atop our Holiday Guide.

One unplanned restaurant closure *tonight* – Zippy’s Giant Burgers has been having big trouble getting something fixed for the past couple days and, according to a Facebook update, won’t be able to reopen until after the holiday.

P.S. One *new* place IS open – this is grand-opening night at The Westy, as recently announced/previewed here.

West Seattle holidays: Admiral’s brand-new Holly Jolly Holiday Fest, and why you’re invited to bring a gingerbread house

November 26, 2014 3:15 pm
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Some of what you’ll find in the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide are traditional annual events – and some are brand new. Like this:

The Admiral Neighborhood Association – which brings you Summer Concerts at Hiawatha, as well as its year-round role as a community council – is presenting the first-ever Holly Jolly Holiday Fest, noon-4 pm Sunday, December 7th, at The Sanctuary at Admiral (42nd/Lander).

One big component: A gingerbread-house contest! NOT on-site building – build yours before the event and bring it to The Sanctuary that morning, as explained in the official rules, which also explain the prizes, and the youth/adult divisions (age 16 is the dividing line).

But that’s just part of the fun, which also includes, as announced, “live holiday music, a craft bazaar, and a food drive for the West Seattle Food Bank” as well as … Santa Claus! “A photographer will be available to take portraits with Santa for a small donation, or you can bring your own camera.” See you there on Sunday, December 7th, noon-4 pm!

West Seattle scene: Why people are in line outside Easy Street

The line outside Easy Street Records in The Junction right now – wrapping around the building and up the alley – isn’t in advance of a Black Friday deal. But it DOES involve the day after Thanksgiving. At 3 pm, as explained on the Easy Street website, tickets go on sale for a just-announced performance by Foo Fighters, Friday at the Showbox downtown. The show also includes a screening of “Sonic Highways,” the HBO series in which the band travels to cities around the U.S. while recording its new album.

Foo Fighters have been performing “surprise” shows in connection with the show’s episodes, and the Showbox plan fits right in with that.

West Seattle traffic alert: Crash at 35th/Barton

Thanks to Cami for the photo of this crash at 35th/Barton. Looks so far like no serious injuries, but with pre-holiday shopping traffic and Westwood Village just a few blocks easy, we’re making note. Eastbound Barton is closed at the scene, according to what we’ve heard via the scanner.

11:48 AM UPDATE: Just went over to check. The intersection is clear.

West Seattle holiday giving: How these preschoolers helped, and how you can too

Thanks to Tauna Evans, pre-K teacher at Holy Rosary Preschool, for sharing the photo to let us all know about her students’ lesson in giving: “We have just completed our 3rd annual ‘Help the Hungry’ food drive. All donations were delivered to the Holy Rosary St. Vincent de Paul Society. The food will be distributed to those in need right here in our West Seattle community.”

IF YOU’RE IN THE GIVING MOOD TODAY, FOOD BANK DONATION HOURS: There’s still time for you to get donations to either or both of the nearest food banks – West Seattle Food Bank (southeast corner of 35th/Morgan) is open until 3 pm, White Center Food Bank (8th SW just south of SW 108th) is open until 5 pm. Beyond today, we are posting ongoing donation drives of all types in the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide.

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Wednesday watch; holiday info

November 26, 2014 6:07 am
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(WS high/low bridges and Highway 99 views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
Happy day before Thanksgiving! We start with another reminder about holiday transit schedules:

*Metro will be on a Sunday schedule on Thanksgiving Day and a “reduced weekday/no UW” schedule on Friday.

*The Water Taxi does NOT run on Thursday *or* Friday.

*Sound Transit‘s express bus serving our area (560) will be on a Sunday schedule for Thanksgiving Day, normal schedule for Friday.

*Washington State Ferries‘ Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth run will keep a normal schedule. WSF reminds you that lines will be longest in the westbound direction this afternoon/evening. For Fauntleroy, all the space/wait info, plus dock-area cameras, can be found here.

CITYWIDE ALERT FOR THE HOLIDAY WEEKEND: If you’re not leaving town, you still might need to know times/places for parades, runs, etc., and that’s all in the SDOT alert.

One more day to get in on WSHS Music’s fruit fundraiser

Music Boosters supporting the West Seattle High School music department sent word of this – tomorrow (Wednesday) is the last day to get in on it – and note that if you don’t need all that fruit, you can still help the students while donating your donation to feed those in need!

The WSHS Music Department is currently selling 20-pound boxes of oranges or grapefruits, for $28.00 each. Funds raised will help offset student costs as both the orchestra and band will be traveling to perform in Disneyland this next May. Fruit can be purchased from any WSHS music student, or contact westseattlehsmusicboosters@gmail.com by 11/26, for more information. Boxes can also be purchased for direct donation to the West Seattle Food Bank. The fruit will be delivered around December 5th.

West Seattle Crime Watch reader reports: Package thieves; car prowler(s); abandoned bicycle

Three West Seattle Crime Watch reader reports tonight:


We have found several empty delivery boxes on our parking strips in our North Admiral neighborhood. Clearly, someone is following the UPS trucks today. Please remind readers to have packages delivered to an address where someone will be available to receive: business, school, etc.

LINCOLN PARK CAR PROWL: David explains, “I thought I would send this incident your way to get the word out and maybe help warn others that the car-prowl problems at Lincoln Park (and other park areas) are indeed current and ongoing.” Here’s what David reported to police:

While at work as a dog walker, I left my vehicle at 9:55 am on the date of the incident in the Lincoln Park parking lot across from SW Rose St. I returned at 11:00 am. Later, while driving to a class I am taking I realized my backpack was not in the vehicle. I had left the vehicle locked and saw no signs of forced entry. The backpack was on the floor of the passenger seat. I did leave the vehicle unlocked for under 5 minutes on the street (in the 4100 block of) SW Othello St and (the 9600 block of) 46th Ave SW but the longest period I was away for it was at Lincoln Park.

ABANDONED BIKE: In cases like this, the bike likely was stolen. So if this looks familiar …

Morgan says it was spotted on the roadside near 16th/Dawson in the Puget Ridge area.

Second meeting set for Highland Park Opportunity Fund project

November 25, 2014 4:28 pm
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Mark your calendar before checking out for the holiday – if you’re interested in the Highland Park Opportunity Fund project, improving the play area at, and access into, the park at 1100 SW Cloverdale – next community meeting is set for January 13, 2015, at Highland Park Elementary School from 6:30 – 7:45 pm. Above is the presentation from the first meeting (last month); notes from that meeting are online too.

Video: WSHS students join walkout in Ferguson aftermath

1:48 PM: Via both SPD and a campus source, we’re told some West Seattle High School students have joined the walkout to show opposition to the Ferguson, Missouri, grand-jury decision. Some other schools in the city including Garfield and Roosevelt had hundreds walk out.

2:20 PM: We just missed the walkout but got some reader video we’ll add when back at HQ. Police we talked with just off-campus estimated about 75 participants and say it unfolded peacefully.

2:44 PM: Added the aforementioned video atop this story (recorded by a reader from the top parking deck at Admiral Safeway, looking west), plus our photo of the police who were still at California/Stevens when we arrived. Another texter said some had walked out at Chief Sealth International High School earlier today, but we have not confirmed that. The district’s message about the walkouts is on the SPS home page.

West Seattle Thanksgiving 2014: Serving up holiday info

November 25, 2014 12:33 pm
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 |   Holidays | West Seattle news

Just in case you are wondering:

*Where you can work out before stuffing (yourself)
*Where you can find a free holiday meal
*Which West Seattle grocery stores are open on Thanksgiving and when
*Which West Seattle restaurants/coffee shops are open on Thanksgiving and when

That’s all in the Thanksgiving section atop the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide (which also continues with dozens more events continuing on to Christmas, Hanukkah, New Year’s) … so we thought we’d nudge you now.

P.S. If you have information to add to the guide, or see something that has changed – please let us know – editor@westseattleblog.com – thank you!

Followup: 47th/Admiral traffic-signal project goes out for bid

Though the city had said as recently as September that work would start on the 47th/Admiral traffic signal this fall, it won’t be any sooner than winter, since the project is only just now out to bid. The solicitation on the city website and in public notices says bids are due December 10th, which is two weeks from tomorrow. The notice projects the signal will cost up to $350,000. It has long been in the works, with the campaign to improve safety at the intersection tracing back to the death of 26-year-old Tatsuo Nakata, hit and killed by a driver eight years ago this month; in summer of 2013, after then-Mayor McGinn proposed an incremental improvement at the intersection, the City Council found funding for a full signal. Whenever work starts – we have a message out to ask about the new projected timeframe – the city estimates that the signal construction will last about three months.

ADDED: In response to our inquiry, SDOT says that the current plan is to start construction in February.

West Seattle Tuesday: T-Day minus two; here’s what to do

(Golden-crowned kinglet, photographed by Trileigh Tucker)
A few notes for the rest of today:

ONLY A DRILL: The King County Sheriff’s Office confirms this tactical drill is still on for today despite the murky weather. So just FYI, you might notice some helicopter/maritime traffic passing here en route to Des Moines.

ARTS/CRAFTS AND BAKE SALE: The “mini-Harvest Festival” sale at the Senior Center of West Seattle is under way until 1 pm. (Oregon/California)

WEST SEATTLE LAND USE COMMITTEE: 6:30 pm at the Senior Center of West Seattle, the still-fledgling committee meant to take a peninsula-wide view of issues related to development and zoning has its next meeting, and it’s still in the formative stages – all are more than welcome, even if just to sit and observe. (Oregon/California)

LADIES SING THE BLUES: 8 pm, special all-star edition of Blues To Do at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor) – details in our calendar listing. (6451 California SW)

PLANNING FOR THANKSGIVING? LOOKING AHEAD? The WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide has dozens and dozens of listings and infobits to help you find everything holidayish on this side of the bay.