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Roxhill Castle followup: Turret lifted off, play area reopens

October 29, 2014 12:06 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle parks | Westwood

(Photo courtesy Amanda Kay Helmick)
Thanks to Westwood-Roxhill-Arbor Heights Community Council chair Amanda Kay Helmick for sharing the photo of liftoff for the community-created turret at Roxhill Park‘s “castle” play structure. She observed its removal this morning and said the Parks staffers worked very carefully and respectfully.

(This photo and next by WSB’s Patrick Sand)
As first reported last Thursday, safety concerns regarding the turret led to the closure of the castle until it could be removed. We got there this morning after the turret, created during the play structure’s construction a year and a half ago, was bundled onto a Seattle Parks truck:

Helmick says she’s been told that Parks hopes to replace it on the structure by reinforcing the area beneath, and the structure itself, so it can bear the weight. No timeline yet; we’ll be checking in with Parks. Meantime, the play area is expected to reopen today (if it hasn’t already reopened since we were over there about an hour ago).

12:59 PM UPDATE: Just went back over – fence is gone, play structure is reopened:

West Seattle traffic-alert update: Fauntleroy/Oregon light fixed

10:50 AM: Heard this on the scanner and just checked it out. The signals at Fauntleroy/Oregon are out – a truck is believed to have taken out part of the equipment. People are zipping through the light rather than treating it as an all-ways stop as they should be. No sign of a repair crew yet.

11:37 AM: Just added two photos, including the pole that was knocked down on the north side of Fauntleroy. If you’re in the area, please let us know (206-293-6302 text/voice or editor@westseattleblog.com) if you see a repair crew; we’ll otherwise be checking back in an hour or so.

3 PM UPDATE: We went by within the past hour; the light’s back on and other repairs were being completed:

Gathering of Neighbors 2014: See you there, November 15

You see the announcements and stories go by – this project, that community council, this meeting, that survey – but you’re still not quite sure how to get fully community-connected. Here’s an excellent opportunity: This year’s Gathering of Neighbors, organized by local community advocates and volunteers, just announced for 9 am-1 pm Saturday, November 15th. If you’ve been in the past – this one’s different; instead of another resource fair where you can circulate between tables and booths, it’s a chance to talk and listen. After a one-hour opening program at 9 am, here’s what’s scheduled:

10:00-11:00 AM – 4 BREAKOUT SESSIONS

*Land Use (led by Delridge & Southwest District Councils’ Joint Land Use Committee)
*Transportation (led by West Seattle Transportation Coalition)
*Public Safety (led by West Seattle Blockwatch Captains and Seattle Neighborhood Group)
*Staying Informed & Getting Connected (led by Tracy Record, West Seattle Blog)

About that last one … along with info on where to find and share info, we’ll also share the best ways (not just WSB) for you to get maximum exposure for what YOU need to announce, including the best way to write a “news release” (hint, sometimes you don’t need one at all) and the top things you DON’T need to do (but might think you do) to get media coverage/attention. Back to the schedule:

After choosing one of the breakout sessions to learn more about how you can stay informed and get involved, join in one of two discussions about major projects underway in West Seattle:

*North Delridge Action Plan (led by DPD/DON staff)
*Fauntleroy Way SW Boulevard Project (led by SDOT staff)

The Gathering of Neighbors will happen this year at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center (4408 Delridge Way SW). See you there!

West Seattle veterans: Denny Int’l Middle School invites you

From Denny International Middle School teacher Luther J. Carr III:

West Seattle Veterans!!! Denny International Middle School is looking for YOU to join us and be recognized & honored for your service to America at our annual Veterans Day Assembly, November 10, 2014 at 1:15PM. This invitation is open to the first 10 Veterans (limited seating) who respond to this invitation.

At our assembly you will be given priority seating, enjoy music, guest speakers, and inspirational videos along with our Denny scholars and staff.

If interested, which we hope that you are, please contact me at ljcarr@seattleschools.org

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Wednesday watch; beware bridge mess

(WS bridge and Highway 99 views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
6:59 AM: Nothing unusual reported on the routes through/from West Seattle so far this morning. So we start with transportation news you might have missed:

TUNNEL PIT ARCHAEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION BEGINS: You’ll recall that the digging stopped last Thursday at the pit to access the Highway 99 tunnel machine’s broken cutter head, when a concentration of shells was found. The archaeological investigation of those shells has begun, WSDOT announced late Monday.

Also of note:

SEATTLE PUBLIC SCHOOLS OUT EARLY: Today is a two-hours-early-dismissal day for students district-wide.

7:39 AM: First commenter traffic report of the morning – Avalon backed up.

8:09 AM: “20 big blocks of wet concrete” reported as a traffic hazard on the eastbound bridge. No further location details heard via scanner – police are checking it out.

8:33 AM: Just got a phone call about this – whatever form it’s in, cars are driving through the concrete and the mess is getting worse. The caller pins the location from the Fauntleroy entrance to the bridge, down and around the curve and parallel with Nucor.

8:50 AM: We’re seeing what looks to be cleanup, under way on the eastbound bridge entrance – screengrab from the nearby traffic cam:

11:38 AM: If you haven’t seen this story – beware Fauntleroy/Oregon until the light’s fixed.

West Seattle scene: ‘I Am Eleven’ filmmaker at The Admiral

I AM ELEVEN – Official trailer 2014 from I Am Eleven on Vimeo.

At Admiral Theater tonight, a sold-out house – about 300 people – got a bonus after watching the documentary “I Am Eleven” – they got to talk with its filmmaker, Genevieve Bailey, and her co-producer Henrik Nordstrom:

We caught up with Bailey, who is from Australia, and Nordstrom in the Admiral lobby, just before the post-film discussion with the audience. She said they had been in Atlanta previously and just decided to come – a modest jaunt for Bailey, who made her film by spending six years traveling the world filming the lives of 11-year-olds. Tonight’s screening was arranged by West Seattleites Susanna Moore and Anita Lavine through the on-demand service Gathr.

ADDED: Nordstrom shared this photo of the 11-year-olds in the audience, invited up to the stage (as mentioned in comments):

Update: Suspects in custody after robbery/assault near 16th/Roxbury

10:44 PM: Big police search/containment right now near 16th/Roxbury, and beyond. We don’t have full details but they’re seeking three people in connection with what sounded like a street robbery/assault. The victim is injured. You’re likely to hear/see the Guardian One helicopter join the search. More as we get it.

10:55 PM: Per scanner, police have detained two possible suspects a few blocks south of where the robbery/assault happened.

11:00 PM: And now the third suspect is reported to be in custody.

WEDNESDAY MORNING P.S. We’re following up with SPD in hopes of getting more details, and will add when/if we get them.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Peepers; car theft; break-in alerts; car prowl with question

Four West Seattle Crime Watch notes tonight:

PEEPING INCIDENTS: From the Genesee-Schmitz Neighborhood Council list, word of two peeping incidents reported in the early morning hours Monday in the Genesee Hill area. No details, just word of a stranger at a window or door. GSNC says it’s been reported to police, who remind everyone to call 911 for something like this. (Side note: These types of incidents do not usually appear on the SPD police-report map, so unless we hear about them from you or from a non-closed list, we don’t hear about them for Crime Watch and can’t alert a wider group of neighbors – criminals don’t often just limit their activities to a single block or street or sub-neighborhood – editor@westseattleblog.com)

STOLEN CAR: From e-mail: “My car was stolen this morning,Ocean View & 35th. Thought it was a secured garage, had been for many years. BLACK HONDA CIVIC COUPE 2008. Police report filed. I want it back! License # 920XOS.” Call 911 if you see it.


In the last seven days, my Seaview neighborhood has had two residential break-ins and one attempted break-in. I’d like to remind WSB readers to turn lights on, use alarms if you have one, connect with your neighbors and keep a watch out for suspicious activity.

GATEWOOD CAR PROWL: A warning, and also a question:

Our car was ransacked last night (my fault…left it unlocked) but am curious if you or readers have advice when one’s registration has been stolen. They took our registration, insurance card, Discovery Pass, fishing licenses and tokens for the car wash. I can’t imagine what they may do with that stuff but don’t want to be naive. Also curious if anyone else in Gatewood had to deal with car prowlers last night/early this morning (October 28th).

West Seattle salmon: Updates from Fauntleroy, Longfellow Creeks

The salmon homecoming continues! Above, another coho from Fauntleroy Creek; on Monday afternoon, Dennis Hinton reported, he and Judy Pickens “saw four new coho come through the culvert and shoot up the creek. Three were females, 4-5-pounds. One was a red-sided male, about 7 or 8 pounds. The big male did something I’ve never seen before in all my years of watching at Fauntleroy Creek. It leaped entirely out of the water over weir #6, into the next pool. Spectacular sight. Just like you’ve seen in the movies.” The photo above shows that red-sided male, one of nine counted in the creek as of last night (if we get an update for today, we’ll add it). Find out more about Fauntleroy Creek here. (**ADDED 8:58 PM** As Dennis notes in comments, 4 more today – 13 total in 3 days.)

(back to original report) And we’ve heard a couple reports of salmon back in Longfellow Creek, too – John sent a photo:

He “counted at least five around and under the salmon bone bridge” during a visit on Monday morning. You can find out more about Longfellow Creek (and its Legacy Trail) on this city webpage.

Happening now: Browse local schools @ West Seattle Education Fair

October 28, 2014 6:31 pm
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We’re in the gym at Seattle Lutheran High School as the second annual West Seattle Education Fair gets under way. Until about 8 pm, come on over and meet reps from local pre-K through middle schools, all in one location. No admission charge, no signup required. Those here include:

Community School of West Seattle
Explorer West Middle School
Harbor School
Holy Rosary
Hope Lutheran
Morningside Academy
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Tilden School
West Seattle Montessori School
Westside School

Our obligatory “just so you know”: We’re sponsoring the fair, and five WSB sponsors happen to be in the mix – Explorer West, Harbor, Tilden, WS Montessori, and Westside. Meantime, if you haven’t been to SLHS before, the gym entrance is right on SW Genesee across from the parking lot at SW 41st.

POST-FAIR P.S. We’ll be adding photos. Thanks to everyone who visited and everyone who was part of it! Many schools have open houses coming up, listed on their websites (linked above) and also on our calendar.

ADDED WEDNESDAY MORNING: If you’re reading this from the home page, click ahead for photos – otherwise, scroll down!

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West Seattle scene: 35th SW meeting, afternoon edition

October 28, 2014 6:02 pm
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 |   Safety | Transportation | West Seattle news

The second of two meetings for the 35th Avenue SW Safety Project has wrapped up at Southwest Branch Library. We stopped by during the feedback session, post-presentation (if you missed the former, our report on the first meeting includes both video of the entire presentation plus the slide deck). SDOT’s project manager Jim Curtin says about 40 people attended – that’s what we counted at meeting #1 – but this group had some different interests, including parking. Listening to attendees who were invited to look at drawings of the road and write their thoughts next to specific areas, we heard continuing concerns that a “road diet” is in the cards. And again, Curtin said no plan’s been drawn up yet, but if a road diet is tried and doesn’t work – as happened in The Junction some years back – it can be undone by repainting the road.

WHAT’S NEXT: SDOT plans to continue “outreach” while creating design concepts, November through January; then in February (no specific dates announced yet) design alternatives will be unveiled and reviewed during another round of meetings. Questions or comments? jim.curtin@seattle.gov is the address to use.

West Seattle development: Equity Residential announces art-commission program, other details for Junction 47 project

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

The two-building Equity Residential project in the heart of The Junction, at California/Alaska/42nd, is “on schedule,” according to an ER executive, and expecting its first tenants to move in next summer.

Today, ER has just announced a plan to commission local artists for work inside and outside the project. This, though the company’s first vice president of development, Bradley Karvasek, says the original mandate for an art project no longer exists – the project has “abandoned” the underground alley vacation that was approved for the original development after a community agreement contingent on public benefits including art.

Karvasek talked with WSB today for the first official update on the project in almost two years; it’s now been under construction for one year, since demolition began in October 2013.

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Followup: West Seattle Health Club transition ‘moving faster than expected’; plus, new developments in ex-owner’s bankruptcy case

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

We’re continuing to track the transition at 2629 SW Andover from the suddenly shut-down West Seattle (Athletic) Club to the new West Seattle Health Club.

The former, owned by Sam Adams since early last year, announced a two-day closure last week but did not reopen on Saturday as promised; later Saturday, a representative of property owner John Pietromonaco announced that they’ve taken over and will open the facility as a new club.

First, the newest update, received this morning from that representative, Dan Lehr, who is managing the transition to WS Health Club and says it is “moving faster than expected.” He describes the points below (unedited, as we received them) as “updates from my staff”:

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Update: Pickup goes sideways on westbound bridge by Walking on Logs

12:50 PM: The westbound lanes of the Fauntleroy end of the bridge are blocked by the crash in the photo (thanks to Phillip for sending it) – a vehicle pickup truck gone sideways. More to come.

1:03 PM: We’re looking at the scene from the pedestrian overpass nearby. Westbound blocked, one lane open eastbound. Ambulance at the scene; Seattle Fire has cleared.

1:23 PM: Traffic is being routed around the scene on the right, as shown on the nearby SDOT camera. A commenter says the people in the pickup were OK; we’re checking with SFD regarding whether anyone was taken to the hospital.

1:33 PM: Pickup’s being towed. (And a few minutes later, via scanner: “Bridge open both ways.”)

5:39 PM: According to Seattle Fire spokesperson Kyle Moore, both people in the pickup – both in their 20s – were taken to hospitals with minor injuries.

West Seattle sinkhole followup: Sewer-line repair under way

October 28, 2014 12:40 pm
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(WSB photo from Monday morning as SDOT arrived to block off the sinkhole site)
Following up on the sinkhole first reported here Monday morning, on 45th SW between Alaska and Edmunds west of The Junction: Seattle Public Utilities confirms a broken sewer line is to blame, and says repair work is under way, likely to continue a few days. Here’s the notice they’re distributing in the neighborhood today:

Neighbors pointed out that the area had been patched before, but suddenly yesterday morning, it turned into what the city calls a “void.”

West Seattle park art: ‘Flyers’ now installed at expanded Westcrest

(Added: City of Seattle photo by Jason Huff, republished with permission)
Thanks to Lola for pointing out the announcement on the city Arts and Culture Department‘s website – the kinetic artwork “Flyers” is now in place at the Westcrest Park expansion in Highland Park. More than four years have passed since artist David Boyer announced the concept (here’s our coverage from June 2010).

2:16 PM NOTE: The city seems to be having a bit of website trouble; the story’s 404ing but here’s the cached version.

WEDNESDAY NOTE: The original link is working again.

West Seattle Tuesday: School-shopping at WS Education Fair; 2nd meeting for 35th SW; Westwood-Highland Park future…

October 28, 2014 10:53 am
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(Alki’s Lady Liberty, by Loren Beringer via Flickr, in honor of today’s 128th “birthday” of the original statue)
Four major highlights from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar, including our spotlight event:

WEST SEATTLE EDUCATION FAIR: Reviewing your school options for next year? 10+ local schools covering preK through 8th grade will have reps in one place tonight for the second annual WS Education Fair.

We’re sponsoring it; Seattle Lutheran High School is hosting it. 6:30-8 pm, SLHS Gym. (4100 SW Genesee)

Also on the highlight list for today/tonight:

35TH SW MEETING, EARLY EDITION: 3:30-5 pm, second kickoff meeting (mostly the same as the first, per SDOT) for the 35th SW Safety Project. Here’s our coverage of last Wednesday’s evening meeting. Upstairs at Southwest Branch Library. (35th/Henderson)

FESTIVAL OF THE LAST-MINUTE PUMPKIN CARVING: 5-8 pm, need some jack-o-lantern assistance? Come to Equilibrium Fitness (WSB sponsor) for the “Festival of the Last-Minute Pumpkin Carving” – explained here! (3270 California SW)

BLOCK WATCH CAPTAINS’ NETWORK: 6:30 pm at Southwest Precinct, featuring a demonstration of the new engravers the precinct has obtained to help you mark your valuables in case of theft. (Webster/Delridge)

WESTWOOD-HIGHLAND PARK NEIGHBORHOOD PLANNING: 7 pm at Big Al’s in White Center, as previewed here last night – all welcome to help start the conversation on potentially updating the 1999 plan, which is linked in the aforementioned preview. (9832 14th SW)

NIGHTLIFE … includes the blues, bingo, trivia, karaoke, singer/songwriter performances; see the venues and times by going directly to our calendar!

Change school start times? West Seattle rep needed!

Just over a month ago, we mentioned the task force that Seattle Public Schools is forming to figure out whether and how to change bell times. West Seattle’s School Board rep Marty McLaren now sends word that they’re specifically looking for someone from this area.

Here is a stimulating, highly important service opportunity for a West Seattleite! Seattle Schools needs a West Seattle Representative on the Bell Time Analysis Task Force.

As you may have heard, the Board has asked district staff to conduct an analysis of changing school start times in Seattle Public Schools, making elementary schools start earlier, and middle and high schools later. Most middle and high schools start at 7:50 AM, and there is overwhelming evidence that when middle and high school students start school at 8:30 AM or later they are healthier, more successful in school, happier and emotionally more stable. On the other hand, elementary students generally are wakeful and energetic in the earlier hours of the day.

To make such a change would involve coming to an understanding with many different groups – first of all, parents, and in addition, the Parks Department regarding use of athletic fields, after-school activities providers, child care providers, and so on.

The district is convening a task force to study the benefits and challenges of this change, and we need representation from the Southwest region. Our region has unique characteristics and it’s important that a person with some knowledge about West Seattle and its schools has a voice on the Task Force. Meetings will be from 4:30 to 6:30 PM on a weekday, generally once per month, with two meetings planned before winter break.

I hope you’ll consider volunteering to join in this vital work. For information, email arrivaltimes@seattleschools.org, call or email Joan Dingfield, jodingfield@seattleschools.org, or visit the website.

High-school football: 2 more games set for WSHS Wildcats

October 28, 2014 9:00 am
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(WSB photo from Friday’s game: #35 Binh Nguyen, #72 Richard Kawano, #57 Dustin McLean)
High-school football is now in the post-season, and West Seattle High School‘s athletic director Trevor Leopold tells WSB this morning that the Wildcats now have two more games set, following last Friday’s 52-12 victory over Franklin at Memorial Stadium (photo above). First, WSHS will visit Rainier Beach this Thursday (October 30th) at 7 pm. Then, they’ll be home on Saturday, November 8th, hosting Highline HS at 6 pm.


(WS bridge and Highway 99 views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
Heading for the peak commute time, no trouble outbound from here so far, aside from the rain.

2ND ‘KICKOFF MEETING’ FOR 35TH SW SAFETY PROJECT: If you’re available at 3:30 pm today, SDOT’s second “kickoff meeting” for the 35th SW Safety Project starts then, upstairs at Southwest Library (35th/Henderson). Here’s our report from the first meeting last Wednesday night.

7:43 AM: From WSDOT: “On I-5 southbound just south of West Seattle Bridge, there is a collision blocking the 2 left lanes.”

8:38 AM: From Nancy via Twitter:

8:48 AM: Thanks to the texter who mentioned a crash that’s not on the 911 log (which just means, no injuries), Delridge/Oregon. We’re off to see if that’s still a factor.

9:23 AM: That’s clear. But while trying to get there, we found eastbound Spokane at a standstill under the bridge.

9:53 AM: Likely standing-water problems, we’re told by people who commuted earlier, including:

Live/work in Westwood/Highland Park? Neighborhood-planning committee’s first meeting Tuesday night

Following up on last month’s joint meeting of Highland Park Action Committee and Westwood-Roxhill-Arbor Heights Community Council, WWRHAH chair Amanda Kay Helmick invites you to a Tuesday meeting:

The Westwood / Highland Park Neighborhood Planning Committee is holding its first informal meeting tomorrow night at Big Al’s. 7:00 pm. We are starting the discussion on what a Westwood / Highland Park update would look like and what people see as the future of our area. The meeting is open to anyone who might be interested.

Big Al’s is in White Center, 9832 14th Ave. SW. Here’s the area covered by the 1999 WW-HP plan; see the full plan here.

Update: Shooting, robbery attempt on 28th SW east of Arbor Heights

(WSB photo: At left, a sheriff’s car that was on ‘containment’ earlier, on 106th at 26th)
FIRST REPORT, 7 PM: If you’re in Shorewood/east Arbor Heights, you might be noticing a major law enforcement presence: Sheriff’s deputies are getting help from SPD in their search for a suspect in a reported shooting near 10300 block 28th SW (map). No word on shooting circumstances/victim yet.

7:11 PM UPDATE: KCSO says the male victim is expected to survive. A K-9 team is helping search for the person who shot him.

7:38 PM UPDATE: KCSO says the K-9 track wasn’t able to find a suspect. They’re still sorting out the motive, possibly robbery.

9:40 PM UPDATE: We just checked in with KCSO spokesperson Sgt. DB Gates. She won’t have more information until morning but did say that as far as she knows, the shooting, while it happened near Grace Church (as discussed in comments), had no connection to the church.

TUESDAY MORNING, 10 AM: From Sgt. Gates:

There were four males in a parked car smoking marijuana when the suspect approached the car, opened one of the doors, displayed a handgun, and demanded their belongings.

For whatever reason, just a few seconds after the initial demand the victims felt the suspect was spooked by something outside the car. He then fired one shot into the car which hit a 17 year old seated in the driver’s seat. The suspect fled immediately on foot.

One of the males in the car also fled on foot, presumably because he had the marijuana. The other two (ages 19 and 20) remained with their friend and cooperated with responding deputies.

A K9 unit from Renton PD responded and a track was done but it was unsuccessful. Renton PD’s dog assisted as calling for an on duty dog is often quicker than calling out one of our K9 units from home. We also were assisted by Seattle Police.

The unknown suspect is described as a black/white mixed race male in his late 20s, approximately 5′ 10″ and medium build. He had short dreadlocks and tattoos on his neck and hands, last seen wearing a gray hoodie, red T-shirt and jeans. The victim vehicle was impounded for processing by detectives.

Traffic alert: Emergency lane closures on southbound I-5 tonight

WSDOT is doing “emergency expansion joint repairs” on southbound I-5 at the West Seattle Bridge right now. According to a late-in-the-day alert, the center lane should already be closed, and then starting at 7 pm, crews will close three southbound lanes for about two hours, with the warning: “Drivers heading south on I-5 should expect significant delays or take alternate routes such as SR 99 or Airport Way.” (Thanks to Jann for the tip.)