Change school start times? West Seattle rep needed!

Just over a month ago, we mentioned the task force that Seattle Public Schools is forming to figure out whether and how to change bell times. West Seattle’s School Board rep Marty McLaren now sends word that they’re specifically looking for someone from this area.

Here is a stimulating, highly important service opportunity for a West Seattleite! Seattle Schools needs a West Seattle Representative on the Bell Time Analysis Task Force.

As you may have heard, the Board has asked district staff to conduct an analysis of changing school start times in Seattle Public Schools, making elementary schools start earlier, and middle and high schools later. Most middle and high schools start at 7:50 AM, and there is overwhelming evidence that when middle and high school students start school at 8:30 AM or later they are healthier, more successful in school, happier and emotionally more stable. On the other hand, elementary students generally are wakeful and energetic in the earlier hours of the day.

To make such a change would involve coming to an understanding with many different groups – first of all, parents, and in addition, the Parks Department regarding use of athletic fields, after-school activities providers, child care providers, and so on.

The district is convening a task force to study the benefits and challenges of this change, and we need representation from the Southwest region. Our region has unique characteristics and it’s important that a person with some knowledge about West Seattle and its schools has a voice on the Task Force. Meetings will be from 4:30 to 6:30 PM on a weekday, generally once per month, with two meetings planned before winter break.

I hope you’ll consider volunteering to join in this vital work. For information, email, call or email Joan Dingfield,, or visit the website.

8 Replies to "Change school start times? West Seattle rep needed!"

  • AmandaKH October 28, 2014 (9:41 am)

    And maybe, just maybe, if they started elementary a little earlier, they could have a longer recess and lunch period!

  • SomeGuy October 28, 2014 (1:03 pm)

    Task force? How about this:
    “Here’s the deal. August 2015, all elementary schools start 7:50. All middle and high schools 8:30. If you have kids, adjust your routines and figure it out.”


  • zark00 October 28, 2014 (2:30 pm)

    Certainly hope they don’t change elementary to earlier start time – that’d just be sacrificing elementary school kids performance in favor of mid-high school kids performance. All ages suffer declining performance from earlier start times.

  • Lynn October 28, 2014 (2:56 pm)


    We have three tiers of school start times right now – so that our buses can run three routes in the am and pm. Where would you find the money to increase our transportation costs by 50%?

  • kirsty October 28, 2014 (3:16 pm)

    I’d be for an earlier start time for elementary school students- as a parent of one, I can vouch: they’re up anyway! Plus, for 8-5 working parents who currently need before-care this might mean some of us can cut back on childcare costs.

  • zark00 October 28, 2014 (4:43 pm)

    Had gatewoods early start last year – nightmare in a word. Later start this year at new school makes mornings not total chaos and half asleep kids every day. No my kids don’t stay up late, they just like to sleep I guess.

  • SomeGuy October 28, 2014 (7:54 pm)

    One set of early bus routes, a second set of later bus routes. BAM! Just chopped one whole tier – how much does that save?

  • rob October 28, 2014 (10:44 pm)

    Does someone with the seattle public schools just wake up one morning and say lets start the day by screwing things up. I dont know how we ever made it through school back in the day.

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