Shorewood 15 results

Didn’t get to do enough shopping on West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day? Check out this nearby day of sales

Maybe you were a seller. Maybe you were busy doing something else. Or maybe six hours just wasn’t enough time to do all the shopping you wanted to do on West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 3+ weeks ago. So here’s another chance to shop till you drop – Shorewood on the Sound (within the Burien city limits) is bringing back its Streets of Sales this Saturday (June 11th), 9 am-4 pm. They are extending a special invitation to their northern neighbors (that’s us) to head a bit south and shop 30+ sales within a single square mile. Shorewood on the Sound has been doing this for 20+ years. This link will get you to their map.

YOU CAN HELP: Get North Shorewood Park ready for fall/winter

September 8, 2021 9:18 am
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(May photo by Gill Loring)

Just south of West Seattle, and west of White Center, you’ll find little North Shorewood Park. This Saturday, you can help get the park ready for the change of seasons. Here’s the announcement:

Restoration and Stewardship at North Shorewood Park
10044 24th Ave SW

Saturday, September 11, 2021
9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Space is limited; register here.

Car-on-side crash in North Shorewood

(Added: WSB photo)

Avoid 26th/106th for a while – deputies have the intersection blocked off until they clear a crash involving two vehicles, one on its side. No serious injuries.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: 3 theft reports – keepsake ring; car; bicycle

Three West Seattle Crime Watch reports:


My good friend lost her husband suddenly and unexpectedly not that long ago. She is raising their two young children alone. She was picking up her child at school and only ran in for less than 5 minutes. Her car window was smashed and her purse stolen. She carried her husband’s wallet, driver’s license and most importantly, his wedding ring around with her to keep him close. It was all in the purse. We are asking everyone to look out for the purse with the hopes that it was dumped somewhere. It could be in the Gatewood area or near either the Westwood or Junction QFC, as that is where they attempted to use her credit cards. If anyone knows anything about these items, please return them no questions asked.


Purse- black ‘shorty love’ purse/backpack
Wallet- light pink Kate Spade
Ring – tungsten carbide

We will add the police report # when we get it.

STOLEN CAR: From Conner:

Sometime in the early morning of 01/08/19, my dark blue 2002 Land Rover Discovery was stolen from my house in the Shorewood area. Last seen on 26th Ave. It was parked right in front on the street in a well-lit area, so it’s concerning. A neighbor was walking her dog around 5am and said that my car was still parked there when she walked past the house. Please post about my stolen vehicle and hopefully it will turn up!


Crime occurred Monday 1/6 approx 9:00 pm from 7100 block of Woodside Place SW.

As the video shows, the thief is a heavy-set bearded male wearing dark pants, a letterman’s or baseball-style jacket with lighter colored sleeves, and a baseball cap.

Bike stolen was a black men’s Raleigh Tokul 2 with gumwall tires and no reflectors. Police report has been filed.

UPDATE: 2 cars collide on 26th SW at SW 106th/107th

(West Seattle Blog/White Center Now photo by Patrick Sand)

11:46 AM: A busy route between West Seattle and White Center/Shorewood is blocked right now by a crash response. 26th SW is closed at the intersection where SW 106th becomes 107th because of the crash in our photo above. Our crew says 2 vehicles were involved and one person is being taken to Harborview. King County’s major crash investigations team is on the way out so this is likely to be closed for a while. Our crew says east-west traffic is being allowed through one lane at a time, but we’d advise avoiding the area entirely.

12:11 PM: Metro has sent this re-route alert – “not serving stop at 26th/106th, use stop at Seola Beach Dr. SW & SW 106th or 26th/SW 100th.”

2:21 PM: Just went back to check – intersection completely blocked.

3:53 PM: Metro has just texted/tweeted that its bus stop on 26th SW has reopened, which we’ll take as an announcement that the intersection has opened to all vehicles.

ADDED MONDAY NIGHT: A bit more information from KCSO spokesperson Sgt. Cindi West – the collision happened around 11:13 this morning. The driver of the Toyota SUV suffered a “head laceration” and reportedly lost consciousness at some point so that’s why he was taken to Harborview. She expects access to the crash report at some point tomorrow so we’ll check back to see if there’s anything more to report.

ADDED TUESDAY AFTERNOON: Sgt. West gave us this additional information: The 61-year-old man driving the Toyota Sequoia had the green light; the 69-year-old woman driving the Nissan Murano briefly stopped while northbound on 26th but then proceeded to run the red and hit the Toyota, which then hit the light pole. Its driver was taken to the hospital with a head injury, but as his wife reported in comments, he has been released and is back home.


She also says their dog, assisted at the scene as shown in the reader photo above (thanks for sending it and our apologies for not adding it yesterday), was found at a shelter.

Saw the flash? Heard the boom? Big power outage south of here

2:23 AM: Some West Seattleites saw one or more flashes and heard booms about the time more than 4,300 homes and businesses lost power south of here – parts of White Center, Shorewood, Boulevard Park, also a pocket of the southeastern edge of WS at Olson/Myers. We’re covering it on partner site White Center Now but thought we’d mention it here too, because of the sights and sounds. No official word on the cause yet but Seattle City Light says crews are headed toward its Duwamish Substation.

3:39 PM: Most have been back on for some time but City Light spokesperson Scott Thomsen says about 10 percent of those originally affected remain out – he also updated us on the cause: “A tree fell into wires, which caused a fault current that was big enough that it damaged some of the wire. So crews have been working to replace the damaged wire. There are about 450 customers still out. We estimate having them back in service around 4:15 pm.”

Update: Shooting, robbery attempt on 28th SW east of Arbor Heights

(WSB photo: At left, a sheriff’s car that was on ‘containment’ earlier, on 106th at 26th)
FIRST REPORT, 7 PM: If you’re in Shorewood/east Arbor Heights, you might be noticing a major law enforcement presence: Sheriff’s deputies are getting help from SPD in their search for a suspect in a reported shooting near 10300 block 28th SW (map). No word on shooting circumstances/victim yet.

7:11 PM UPDATE: KCSO says the male victim is expected to survive. A K-9 team is helping search for the person who shot him.

7:38 PM UPDATE: KCSO says the K-9 track wasn’t able to find a suspect. They’re still sorting out the motive, possibly robbery.

9:40 PM UPDATE: We just checked in with KCSO spokesperson Sgt. DB Gates. She won’t have more information until morning but did say that as far as she knows, the shooting, while it happened near Grace Church (as discussed in comments), had no connection to the church.

TUESDAY MORNING, 10 AM: From Sgt. Gates:

There were four males in a parked car smoking marijuana when the suspect approached the car, opened one of the doors, displayed a handgun, and demanded their belongings.

For whatever reason, just a few seconds after the initial demand the victims felt the suspect was spooked by something outside the car. He then fired one shot into the car which hit a 17 year old seated in the driver’s seat. The suspect fled immediately on foot.

One of the males in the car also fled on foot, presumably because he had the marijuana. The other two (ages 19 and 20) remained with their friend and cooperated with responding deputies.

A K9 unit from Renton PD responded and a track was done but it was unsuccessful. Renton PD’s dog assisted as calling for an on duty dog is often quicker than calling out one of our K9 units from home. We also were assisted by Seattle Police.

The unknown suspect is described as a black/white mixed race male in his late 20s, approximately 5′ 10″ and medium build. He had short dreadlocks and tattoos on his neck and hands, last seen wearing a gray hoodie, red T-shirt and jeans. The victim vehicle was impounded for processing by detectives.

West Seattle traffic alert: Pickup crash blocking SW 106th

We’ve added this to our daily traffic watch already, but are also noting it separately here because a somewhat busy route connecting Arbor Heights, Shorewood, and White Center is blocked right now – SW 106th by 32nd, where a pickup truck has gone off the road and dented a fence on the north side of 106th. At least one person is being taken to the hospital by private ambulance.

3:51 PM UPDATE: Just checked – and the road is open again.

West Seattle (and vicinity) Crime Watch: Alan Polevia in jail

Remember Alan Polevia, subject of an air and land manhunt centered in Shorewood on March 5th, resulting in school lockdowns, days after he escaped from custody while being taken to Harborview Medical Center – in handcuffs? He is back behind bars today, according to the King County Jail Register. Before his escape, he had been arrested on warrants related to theft allegations, and our research showed that in November 2006, he was found guilty of third-degree assault for a West Seattle incident involving him and his father getting kicked out of Poggie’s in The Junction, then going across the street and attacking a man outside Talarico’s with a beer bottle and a tire iron. Meantime, as for how he was caught this time around, Sgt. Cindi West from the King County Sheriff’s Office tells WSB this afternoon that last Friday night he was found “rummaging through a dumpster behind a building” in Burien. He at first told deputies his name was Alex Polevia; they used a photo and tattoo descriptions to identify him as Alan, at which time, deputies report, he “apologized for lying about his name.”

Update: Car-theft suspect arrested after Shorewood air, ground search

(One of more than half a dozen law-enforcement cars spread out over search area in Shorewood)
9:38 AM: We’re getting a few reports of the King County Sheriff’s Office helicopter Guardian One over the Shorewood area again. Just checked with KCSO spokesperson Sgt. Cindi West and she confirms the helicopter is assisting with a ground search, but no details just yet – so far it does not seem to be related to the recent search in that area. We’re headed that way and will update with new information when we get it.

9:55 AM: The search is centered even further south so at this point unless we receive information of it heading north, we’ll be focusing our updates on partner site White Center Now.

10:36 AM: Again, more details at that link (including 3 Highline Public Schools campuses taking precautions), but bottom line in new info from KCSO: Deputies pulled over a stolen car; someone inside had a car-theft warrant, and bolted.

10:43 AM: As updated on WCN – Sgt. West says the suspect is in custody, so this situation is wrapping up.

Update: Deputies searching for escapee in Shorewood; schools take precautions; suspect’s West Seattle record

(SCROLL DOWN for updates)

12:02 PM: We started this coverage as part of our earlier story about helicopter sightings – but it’s ongoing, so we’ve moved it here. Here’s the man deputies are looking for in the Shorewood Market vicinity (map) – escapee Alan Polevia:

He had been arrested on theft warrants last week and was being taken to Harborview Medical Center after apparent drug ingestion, when he bolted – still in handcuffs. (Read more about the case in this Monday update from KCSO spokesperson Sgt. Cindi West says Polevia’s head is now shaven, since that photo. He is described as 5’8″ and about 170 pounds. ADDED: Here’s what Sgt. West told us a few minutes ago:

12:26 PM: Just checked back in the search zone – deputies still staked out. Will check back again shortly.

12:52 PM: Still searching. We’ll update if and when he’s found. If you see him – call 911.

1:41 PM: See comments for some reports of schools that took precautions, though there is no report at this point that he was seen anywhere near a school. We’ve got an inquiry out to the district for a topline report on public schools’ status. Meantime, we looked up Polevia’s background. In November 2006, he was found guilty of third-degree assault for an incident involving him and his father getting kicked out of Poggie’s in The Junction, then going across the street and attacking a man outside Talarico’s with a beer bottle and a tire iron.

1:51 PM: Two more updates. First, from Teresa Wippel at Seattle Public Schools: “Sanislo, Roxhill, Arbor Heights, Sealth/Denny, Boren STEM, Highland Park, West Seattle Elementary” were under “shelter in place” at least for a while – she’s checking on who still is. Second, we are reminded by the West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network leadership that Polevia has one more West Seattle tie: He is the suspect arrested – but apparently to date not charged – in connection with the theft case related to the 36th/Morgan nuisance house in September.

2:12 PM UPDATE: Wippel says no one (in Seattle Public Schools, anyway) is in shelter-in-place – they’re all allowed to end their days as usual.

3:06 PM UPDATE: From Sgt. West at KCSO – an updated photo of Alan Polevia:

4:23 PM UPDATE: Just checked in with Sgt. West again; he’s still on the loose, no new updates. She is researching a case that put him in jail for a short stay in December – we saw that on the King County Jail Register, a four-day stay for investigation of burglary and for a “failure to appear” case involving theft, for which he had spent a day and a half in jail a week and a half before that. The jail register also shows his two-day stay in the 36th/Morgan related case, for investigation of stolen-property possession.

Followup: Memorial this Sunday for Shorewood teen hit by car

February 8, 2011 7:57 pm
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Family friends of Carter Allen, the 14-year-old Shorewood boy who died last weekend of injuries suffered when a car hit him three weeks earlier, asked us to share word of his memorial. It’ll be at 2 pm this Sunday at the school he attended, in the gym at Evergreen High School (830 SW 116th; here’s a map). Family friend Ericka adds:

HS3 will need volunteers to help set up or bake cookies for a reception following. Donations for the family can be made through PayPal (link) and 100% of the funds will go to Carter’s family to cover medical, funeral and other necessary expenses. Cards & donations can also be sent to Carter’s father:

Derek Allen
10805 26th Ave SW
Seattle, WA 98146-1991

Shorewood crash turns fatal; teen victim’s family needs help

(WSB photo from January 15th)
The crash that closed 26th SW by Shorewood Market for hours three weeks ago has turned fatal. The 14-year-old boy hit by a truck, identified by family friends as Carter Allen, died this weekend. According to family friend Ericka, his injuries included irreversible brain damage, and he died after being taken off life support. She says Carter was autistic, a student at White Center’s Evergreen High School, raised by his single dad Derek Allen, who also went to EHS. Ericka writes:

Carter was a very happy boy who always had a smile on his face. Derek has been by Carter’s side in the hospital nonstop since the day of the accident, going through the ups and downs holding out hope and waiting for the day that Carter would open his eyes and he could hear his voice. He was told that it would be a long road to recovery, but never figured it would come to this.

Throughout this whole ordeal, Derek has never once asked for any help and has just said when asked that they will be fine and work things out as he can. Derek is the type of person that he would give his last dollar and the shoes off his feet if someone was in need, and he never wants to bother anyone with his troubles. It would be wonderful if his friends and those that know Carter could show them just how important they are. The medical bills are going to be outrageous and the funeral expenses are to be many, so any financial help that we can give him will help and be very appreciated. I know that Derek would do the same for someone else if they were in this situation, no matter how little he had.

A PayPal account has been set up for anyone who would like to donate, and Ericka says there will be a fundraising event in the near future. While the crash remains under investigation, King County Sheriff’s Deputies had said days afterward that it appeared to be an accident.

Followup: Shorewood crash truly an accident, investigators believe

January 18, 2011 10:02 am
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(WSB photo looking south toward the crash scene on Saturday afternoon)
The King County Sheriff’s Office has sent an update this morning on last Saturday’s Shorewood truck-pedestrian crash, which shut down 26th SW south of SW 106th (map) for several hours and sent a teenager to Harborview Medical Center:

A 14 year-old boy was seriously injured when struck by a pick-up truck about 12:30 PM on Saturday, January 15th. The accident occurred in the 10800 block of 26th Ave SW, which is in unincorporated King County just south of Seattle.

Investigating detectives believe the boy came running out of a driveway and into the street. He was hit by a 2005 Dodge Ram pick-up driven by a 21 year-old man, who was not able to stop or avoid the boy. The man lives several blocks from the scene of the accident.

Detectives do not believe there were any contributing factors in the accident, such as alcohol or drugs.

10:37 AM UPDATE: According to KCSO spokesperson Sgt. John Urquhart, the boy was reported this morning to be in serious condition. The case isn’t entirely closed, though; he tells WSB, “The case is still under investigation and there have been no arrests or citations issued.”

Update: Crash closes 26th SW in Shorewood, sends 1 to hospital

(Photo added 3:12 pm)
2:18 PM: This is just south of West Seattle, but we got tips from Ann Marie and Maryann: 26th SW is closed just south of 106th SW for a crash investigation. Sheriff’s deputies at the scene tell us a pickup hit a pedestrian. The pedestrian was taken to Harborview. The closure is expected to continue a few hours; the Major Accident Response team just arrived a few minutes ago.

3:12 PM: Added a photo. Deputies say the black pickup in the photo was the vehicle that hit the person, whose belongings were still on the other side (southbound, right side of photo) of the street when we were there. No other details at this point, except that the crash happened around 12:30 pm. If you’re having trouble placing where this is, it’s just south of the small Shorewood market, and 106th SW is a busy road between Arbor Heights and White Center. (Here’s a map.)

5:31 PM UPDATE: We just went to the scene to check – 26th SW is open again. And while there’s no further official info, Bryce says via Facebook that he was among the first on the scene after the truck hit what he and other sources say is a male juvenile:

According to witnesses at the scene and the distraught young man driving the pickup; the teen darted out in front of his truck. It was an accident. My heart and prayers go out to both families involved. I hope the boy recovers 100%.

Because of the holiday weekend, we might not have official information before Tuesday.

6:40 PM UPDATE: King County Sheriff’s Office spokesperson Sgt. John Urquhart has sent a brief news release on the crash, but the only additional detail it contains is that the victim, described as “around 15 years old,” is in serious condition.