West Seattle, Washington
09 Sunday
… though it won’t be open to the public (so far as we know). Bob in North Admiral shares the photo of a West Seattle home where every TD in tomorrow morning’s game will draw a cheer – from somebody. 10 am, Q13 FOX, Seahawks vs. Bears – and if you’re still deciding where to watch, we’ll have a list early tomorrow of West Seattle venues planning to open early and/or offering specials. Let us know if you’ve heard of one, or run a business that’s offering one. (Among what we’ve heard of so far – you can even get pizza for breakfast – Zeeks is delivering starting at 9 am citywide.)
ADDED SUNDAY MORNING: Places we’ve heard from (or seen via Twitter and/or Facebook) opening early (or early enough) and specifically mentioning game-viewing include: Elliott Bay Brewery, The Wing Dome (free popcorn chicken), and Talarico’s in The Junction, 9 am; Brickyard Bar-B-Q and Admiral Pub (free breakfast buffet) in Admiral, 9 am; Beveridge Place Pub in Morgan Junction (21+), 9:45 am; Christo’s on Alki (20% off game-watchers’ tickets), 10 am. And for an alternative – West 5 promises, via Twitter, a Football Widows’ Brunch: “No TVs, no bandwagon … hope we get to do it again next weekend.”
What a way to start the weekend: West Seattle-based kinder-rockin’ Caspar Babypants drew hundreds to High Point Community Center this morning. Our video shows this morning’s show-opening song, “Baby Bear.” There was at least one “Baby Seahawk” there too:
That photo was shared by Nicole via Facebook; she dubbed the most eager young concertgoers as “the baby mosh pit.” (added) Here’s a different view, shared by Tony:
Whether they moshed or bounced or boogied, the young concertgoers were offered treats by the PCC Natural Markets (WSB sponsor) Kid Picks crew, Clauda and Andrea:
The Caspar Babypants concert was part of High Point CC’s Fabulous Family Fun series, which has two more special presentations this quarter, both also at 10:30 am on Saturdays – a magic show on February 19th, and more music with The Board of Education on March 19th.
That’s not fog or mist … that’s steam rising off hot compost at the site of the future Community Orchard of West Seattle. A group estimated at up to 50 volunteers has just wrapped up a truly groundbreaking work party, putting down cardboard (remember the donations last fall?) and compost mulch along the orchard site, which is now on the northeast side of the South Seattle Community College campus. They worked at the site – undaunted by the steady rain – after a morning permaculture workshop.
ADDED: Two photos shared by organizer Aviva Furman (best known for Community Harvest of Southwest Seattle):
She has some words of gratitude in the comment section – and info on how you can get involved with the orchard.
(Photo added 3:12 pm)
2:18 PM: This is just south of West Seattle, but we got tips from Ann Marie and Maryann: 26th SW is closed just south of 106th SW for a crash investigation. Sheriff’s deputies at the scene tell us a pickup hit a pedestrian. The pedestrian was taken to Harborview. The closure is expected to continue a few hours; the Major Accident Response team just arrived a few minutes ago.
3:12 PM: Added a photo. Deputies say the black pickup in the photo was the vehicle that hit the person, whose belongings were still on the other side (southbound, right side of photo) of the street when we were there. No other details at this point, except that the crash happened around 12:30 pm. If you’re having trouble placing where this is, it’s just south of the small Shorewood market, and 106th SW is a busy road between Arbor Heights and White Center. (Here’s a map.)
5:31 PM UPDATE: We just went to the scene to check – 26th SW is open again. And while there’s no further official info, Bryce says via Facebook that he was among the first on the scene after the truck hit what he and other sources say is a male juvenile:
According to witnesses at the scene and the distraught young man driving the pickup; the teen darted out in front of his truck. It was an accident. My heart and prayers go out to both families involved. I hope the boy recovers 100%.
Because of the holiday weekend, we might not have official information before Tuesday.
6:40 PM UPDATE: King County Sheriff’s Office spokesperson Sgt. John Urquhart has sent a brief news release on the crash, but the only additional detail it contains is that the victim, described as “around 15 years old,” is in serious condition.
11:59 AM: It’s been a while since the last reported whale sighting off West Seattle shores, but Linda reports via Facebook that, about an hour ago, she “saw whales between Blake and tip of Bainbridge … from Lincoln Park. Not certain what type of whale.” Checking Twitter for any corroborating reports, we came across one from a Bainbridge resident reporting an orca sighting from “the ferry” with the past 15 minutes. No word on which direction, nor have we heard from our area’s whale experts, but a heads-up is always in order.
12:29 PM UPDATE: Orca Network just mentioned them on FB a moment ago:
We have reports from the Ferry Tilikum of 4-5 orcas in the Fauntleroy ferry lane at 10:32 AM, 6 or 7 seen by Melinda Simon heading north off Alki Point around 11:10 AM and of 6-8 orcas seen by Jeff Hogan at 11:25 in the Bainbridge ferry lane, still heading north. So far no definite ID’s but they are likely transients.
(Photo courtesy Aviva Furman)
While mulching material was being moved to the new site of the future Community Orchard of West Seattle, that little salamander turned up. Not sure if s/he will be there, but you’re invited to pitch in at an orchard-site work party and design workshop today – details here … Also from the WSB West Seattle Events calendar: Need a little more purring around the house? Though technically closed for the season, Kitty Harbor is opening today for a special one-day adoption event, noon-6 pm, with more than 50 cats and kittens from local rescue groups. 3422 Harbor Avenue SW. … A little ways up the road, divers at Alki Cove 2 will be part of the Seattle Aquarium‘s Giant Pacific Octopus Census, 9 am-1 pm … Need help paying your utility bills? Assistance is available – but you might not know how to find it, so there’s a special sign-up event continuing today (and tomorrow) at Southwest Youth and Family Services, 9 am-3 pm (details here) … Looking to move? New WSB sponsor Link – the almost-done building in The Triangle – is officially pre-leasing; look for the Airstream along 38th SW between Fauntleroy and Alaska, 8 am-5 pm … If you’re looking to fix up the place where you live now, West Seattle businesses are part of the Remodeling Expo at the Convention Center downtown today (and tomorrow), including WSB sponsors Potter Construction and NCompass Cottage Company (find show info here) … Another downtown event featuring a West Seattleite: An afternoon of poetry with Eugenia Toledo, 2-4 pm at Central Library … And West Seattle Community Clinic is having one of its periodic events offering free health exams to women 40-65 who are uninsured or underinsured – call to check if they have any appointments open; 206-937-9722 (if they’re booked up … Also call on this one before you go: Learn the history of High Tea, at Merrill Gardens West Seattle (WSB sponsor), 4611 35th SW, free, but RSVP to 206-932-5480 … Finally, a reminder about the West Seattle Eagles‘ dinner tonight to benefit the family of Brian Teachout – here’s our preview with details. … More on the calendar!
6:42 AM: A full house-fire response has gone to the 9000 block of 37th SW (map). But most of the units are being canceled after one crew discovered most of the smoke in the house was caused by a “smoldering couch,” according to scanner traffic.
6:49 AM: This is announced as a “tapped” (as in, more or less out) fire.
SATURDAY NIGHT NOTE: As discussed in comments, SFD was called back to this house tonight. We went over to check it out; it appeared to be something of a false alarm – what we could find out at the scene indicated someone smelled smoke again and called 911 just in case.
Tomorrow marks two years since the fire, blamed on a Christmas-lights malfunction, that blackened the inside of the city-landmark Alki Homestead and forced its beloved restaurant to close. While its owner has proposed “reconstructing” the historic log structure and including other businesses on the site, and even took steps toward applying for a permit, it’s been 14 months since that proposal went before the Architectural Review Committee of the city Landmark Preservation Board, whose signoff is required – and it has not reappeared in that venue.
Last July, owner Tom Lin announced he would sell the Homestead, offering it first to preservation/cultural groups, then to the general public. No public listing ever appeared, and no deal has ever been announced. We have left Lin messages asking for comment on its status, but no reply. However, an announcement came Friday afternoon from the Southwest Seattle Historical Society, headquartered half a block away at what was the Homestead’s carriage house: They plan a media event Sunday morning, on the fire anniversary:
A coalition of four heritage organizations — the Southwest Seattle Historical Society, Historic Seattle, 4Culture and the Washington Trust for Historic Preservation — will hold a press conference to provide updates on the potential for protection, preservation and restoration of the city-landmark 1904 log building known as Fir Lodge and the Alki Homestead Restaurant.
Those are the same four Lin mentioned in his July announcement offering the Homestead for sale. They also were part of last July’s “This Place Matters” photo gathering, part of this nationwide historic-site-awareness campaign. But at the time, at least one of those organizations made a point of saying they’re not in the building-buying business. So what’s their plan? They’ll discuss it at the Log House Museum, 11 am Sunday.
(Photos by Christopher Boffoli for WSB – added 1:31 am)
1:05 AM: Heavy-rescue call at 38th and Oregon – avoid the area. Christopher Boffoli is there for WSB. He says it’s an overturned car. The “heavy-rescue” part of it has been closed quickly – indicating fire/rescue crews not needed after all. But we’ve heard police say via scanner, the stop sign on the southeast corner of 39th and Oregon will need repair/replacement.
1:12 AM UPDATE: Christopher reports, “SPD tells me that there are no serious injuries despite the fact that one car overturned. It seemed everyone was wearing seat belts. An out-of-town driver missed a stop sign that was leaning way over and t-boned another car. Everyone is shook up but OK. SPD says no evidence alcohol or drugs are involved.”
1:41 AM UPDATE: Added photos, and here’s more info from Christopher: “It was a Mini versus a little Ford. … The woman driving the Mini was a designated driver for the night. She’s visiting from Boston. She was headed north on 38th and blew through the stop sign at Oregon (which) was leaning way over. Looks like someone hit it and no one noticed. Amazingly, there were barely a few scratches on the front bumper of the Mini. SPD said they considered it an accident and wouldn’t be citing anyone. The tow truck was just arriving a few minutes ago before I left. They should have Oregon open to traffic again within 15 minutes.”