Rotary Club of West Seattle 171 results

Looking for college cash? Application time for West Seattle Rotary’s Gambriell Scholarship

April 15, 2019 8:43 pm
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One of the ways in which the Rotary Club of West Seattle serves the community is by offering college-scholarship money. It’s application time for one of their programs – here’s the announcement:

Scholarship opportunity – The Rotary Club of West Seattle Service Foundation offers the Vern Gambriell Scholarship, an annual award totaling about $6,000, to one or more students in order to make it possible for students to pursue a post-secondary educational program at an accredited institution.

The specific desire of this West Seattle donor (Vern Gambriell) is that assistance is provided to students who would not otherwise be able to attend college and that preference will be given to residents of West Seattle. Therefore, this scholarship is awarded based on financial need and academic merit. Funds may be used for tuition and fees and is sent directly from the Scholarship Fund to the school once the information from the student is provided.

Application Deadline – May 17. Click here for more information.

100 students spend the morning with 200 Santas @ West Seattle Rotary Chlidren’s Shopping Spree

(WSB photos by Patrick Sand)

West Seattle holiday spirit spread 12 miles south to Tukwila early this morning, as the Rotary Club of West Seattle led a sleighful of volunteers at its annual Children’s Holiday Shopping Spree.

After the SODO Sears closed almost five years ago, the Rotary moved the event to Southcenter, where buses brought about 100 students from five West Seattle schools starting just before 7 am – Highland Park, Arbor Heights, Sanislo, and West Seattle Elementaries, and Louisa Boren STEM K-8.

Each arriving group got an ovation from the nearly 200 Rotarians and other volunteers who started their Saturday pre-dawn to provide the kids a holiday event to remember.

The kids get to shop for practical presents like coats and shoes:

They received fun gifts too – Rotarians donated small toys for goodie bags, for example. And a hearty breakfast is always part of the “spree”:

The West Seattle Rotary has been doing this for more than 45 years. Every year, volunteers from other organizations help make it happen, from student groups to community fraternities and sororities:

Lots of logistics involved – this year’s Rotary ringleader was Gary Potter of Potter Construction (WSB sponsor):

The Shopping Spree is one of several community projects every year for the club, which has lunch meetings every Tuesday and welcomes visitors.

VIDEO: Rotary Club of West Seattle gets visit from state Attorney General, looks ahead to Children’s Shopping Spree

November 20, 2018 9:31 pm
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A high-profile guest at today’s Rotary Club of West Seattle meeting – state Attorney General Bob Ferguson. And the club has another big event coming up. First, today’s visit:

Ferguson is a North Seattle resident who has been the state’s elected Attorney General since 2012 (here’s his bio). He told the West Seattle Rotarians that he had set a goal of visiting every Rotary Club in the state – more than 180 – and he has only about 40 to go. He spoke briefly and then answered questions. We recorded video:

Toplines: His office has 600+ lawyers, more than 100 of whom work on behalf of children – a major responsibility for the AG’s office. The office handles 20,000+ consumer complaints every year, many involving charity fraud. He shared anecdotes, including the story of prosecuting scammers who had bilked small businesses out of a fake $125 “fee.” The consumer-protection division pays for itself, he added, from proceeds of judgments.

Ferguson also mentioned having filed 32 lawsuits against the Trump Administration and winning 15 of them so far, 9 of which are no longer appealable, with the other 6 still in the appeal process. The lawsuit subjects range from DREAMers to “3D printed” plastic guns. Some ask him why he’s filing so many suits against the administration; Ferguson said he contends, the better question is, why does the administration so often flout the law?

First question: Who pays for those lawsuits?

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CONGRATULATIONS! Rotary Club of West Seattle scholarships for 6 local students

(Rotary photo: From left, Garbriella Rackner, Daniela Hernandez, Marcus Evans, Suscha Walker, Emily Mills; Maria DiFores)

Announced Tuesday night by the Rotary Club of West Seattle:

The Rotary Club of West Seattle awarded $19,200 in scholarships to six West Seattle students on June 5th. The monies came from two scholarship funds: Student of the Year and Gambriell.

The Student of the Year scholarship is available to students who have been Students of the Month in the immediately preceding academic year.

Students of the Month is a program which honors outstanding students in West Seattle high-school programs. Each month of the academic year, all five participating school programs name a student who is worthy of recognition.

Those students, along with a school counselor, family members, and others important in the student’s life, are invited to be guests at the noon luncheon meeting of the Rotary Club of West Seattle held on the second Tuesday of the month at the Alki Masonic Center.

At that meeting, each student gives a short talk about his or her accomplishments and aspirations and receives a packet of information and gifts from the club. Students of the Month are encouraged to apply for Student of the Year scholarships.

The high-school programs responsible for the selection of the students are Chief Sealth International High School, Career Link/Alternative High Schools, Seattle Lutheran High School, West Seattle High School and Southwest Youth and Family Services.

Students of the Year for 2018 are Maria DiFores from Career Link, Emily Mills also from Career Link, Daniela Hernandez from Seattle Lutheran, and Garbriella Rackner.

The Gambriell Scholarship can be awarded to any student in Seattle, but preference is given to those who reside in West Seattle and those who would not be able to attend college or further their education without the scholarship. Variable amounts are awarded each year, depending on how many students apply.

Gambriell Scholarship recipients for 2018 are Marcus Evans from Chief Sealth, Emily Mills from Career Link and Suscha Walker, second-year student at the University of Washington.

SATURDAY: West Seattle Rotary continues 70th-anniversary celebration with wine pop-up

May 16, 2018 9:20 am
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(Photos displayed at West Seattle Rotary 70th anniversary lunch last November)

On Saturday, you’re invited to join the Rotary Club of West Seattle in a celebration that will cap the club’s 70th-anniversary festivities, a pop-up celebration of wine:

The Rotary Club of West Seattle will hold the culminating event of its 70th Anniversary Year Saturday, May 19th, at the Alki Masonic Center (4736 40th Ave SW) from 4 – 6:30 pm.

You’re invited for:

Wine tastings from local wineries.
Heavy appetizers served.
Wine & wine-related items for auction and for sale.
West Seattle Rotarians free admission; Guests $10 donation

WS Rotary 70th Anniversary Commemorative glasses will be given to the first 100 guests. Included in the auction/raffle are the following:

3L 2015 Doubleback Cabernet Sauvignon, etched and signed by winemaker and Drew Bledsoe (retail value w/o signatures: $540)

3L 2014 Fidelitas Cabernet Sauvignon, signed by owner/winemaker Charlie Hoppes

Wineries participating include Icy Road Vineyards, Bledsoe and DoubleBack Wineries (Walla Walla), Fidelitas Wines (Woodinville), and West Seattle’s Viscon Cellars.

The event will be an opportunity to taste numerous excellent Washington wines and to learn about the Rotary Club of West Seattle.

The celebrating began at a lunch last fall – here’s our coverage.

COMMUNITY GIVING: West Seattle Rotarians’ morning at Rotary Viewpoint Park

Thanks to Martha Sidlo from the Rotary Club of West Seattle for the photos and report:

This morning, several West Seattle Rotarians held a landscaping cleanup at the Rotary totem pole park on 35th Avenue SW, next to the golf course. [Read the park and pole’s history here.]

Seattle Parks and Recreation helped by providing tools and wood chips for the project.

Thanks to everyone who’s been sharing their stories of community cleanups and other projects! any time.

CONGRATULATIONS! 2 local students win Rotary Club scholarships for leadership training

Just announced:

The Rotary Club of West Seattle is pleased to announce the selection of two West Seattle students to receive scholarships to attend Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (“RYLA”) from March 15-18,2018 at Pacific Lutheran University.

The scholarship recipients are:

Konrad Gerhardt, son of Roxanne and Jon Gerhardt of West Seattle, is a sophomore at O’Dea High School, where he is the House Captain of Limerick Sophomore House and a member of the O’Dea Lacrosse team. Konrad is also an Adventure Scout and completed the high adventure trek at Philmont Scout Ranch last summer.

Zach Carver, son of Lars and Allison Carver of West Seattle, is a sophomore at Seattle Lutheran High School, where he is Sophomore Class Vice President and was honored as the 2nd Team All-League selection in football as a running back. Zach loves creative writing and making music.

RYLA is an intensive leadership training program for sophomore and junior students selected by their Rotary Clubs from Rotary Districts 5020 and 5030, encompassing the metropolitan Seattle area, Pierce County, Vancouver Island, and the Olympic Peninsula. We congratulate our scholarship recipients.

West Seattle Rotary and hundreds of helpers give the gifts of fun and warmth @ Children’s Shopping Spree

(WSB photos/video)

Still think Santa Claus just shows up in the middle of the night? On this day every year – the first Saturday in December – hundreds of Santas rise very early, not to drop off gifts and fly away, but to escort local kids through a wonderland of dining and shopping, during the Rotary Club of West Seattle-organized Children’s Shopping Spree.

Southcenter Mall was the location again this year, since it has the nearest Sears, fourth Shopping Spree since the old location in SODO closed. Organizers and volunteers gathered long before dawn, getting their instructions from Rotarian Josh Sutton:

They cheered for each group of kids arriving on school buses from West Seattle:

Pairs of volunteers are matched with kids:

And it’s off to breakfast:

Some shopping happens inside Sears.

Some, at tables stacked with socks and coats:

The gifts are bought via Rotary donations and fundraisers. And the time given by members and volunteers is priceless. Some of the groups represented this morning included Alpha Kappa Alpha, Omega Psi Phi, Alpha Phi Alpha, Phi Beta Sigma, Kappa Alpha Psi, Zeta Phi Beta, Delta Upsilon Omega, Omega Delta Phi, Delta Sigma Theta, and UW Rotaract. Even Seattle Lutheran High School basketball players!

And as noted on the Rotary page featuring the history of the Shopping Spree – which goes back 45 years! – school administrators and counselors are a big part of the morning’s success too. Schools represented this year included Lafayette, Roxhill, Concord, Genesee Hill elementaries, and Pathfinder K-8.

VIDEO: Rotary Club of West Seattle celebrates 70th anniversary

November 7, 2017 6:20 pm
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By Tracy Record and Patrick Sand
West Seattle Blog co-publishers

The Rotary Club of West Seattle‘s weekly meeting today wasn’t just a luncheon, it was a party – 70th-anniversary party, to be specific.

The club was chartered in November 1947.

(King County Executive Dow Constantine and West Seattle Rotary President Brian Waid)

One of the club’s most prominent members, King County Executive Dow Constantine – who’s on today’s ballot, running for a third term – read a proclamation declaring this “Rotary Club of West Seattle’s 70th Anniversary Day” in King County, and urged all in King County to thank the club for its seven decades of service:

The club currently meets at the Alki Masonic Center in The Junction, and according to the around-the-room introductions, today’s celebration drew guests including representatives of other Rotary Clubs around the area as well as former members.

(Clay Eals with Rotarian Gary Potter)

Featured speaker was Clay Eals, a journalist, author, historian, community advocate, and more, who recently left as executive director of the Southwest Seattle Historical Society.

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Free training for teen leaders! Rotary Club of West Seattle accepting applicants

January 29, 2017 12:07 pm
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If you are, or know, a 10th- or 11th-grader who’s interested in leadership in their school and community – here’s a chance for free training. The Rotary Club of West Seattle is accepting applications for the Rotary Youth Leadership Award, which covers the costs of an annual seminar March 16-19 at Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma, described as “taught by leadership experts and directed at teens in high school. Fully chaperoned, meals included. … Great addition to a college application.” For questions and/or an application, e-mail West Seattle Rotary president Dr. Susanne Gee at

VIDEO: Early Christmas for kids at West Seattle Rotary’s annual Shopping Spree

December 3, 2016 8:45 am
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(WSB photos/video)

Long before dawn, Christmas arrived early for almost 100 local kids, thanks to about 200 volunteer Santas turning the annual Rotary Club of West Seattle Children’s Shopping Spree from plan to reality:

First to arrive, kids from Arbor Heights Elementary, a few minutes before 7 am. The Rotarians had just finished a rousing briefing for volunteers before the first bus pulled up at Southcenter, where the Shopping Spree had to move starting in 2014, after the SODO Sears shut down.

Kids from five schools are participating this year – along with AHES, they are from Highland Park, Sanislo, and West Seattle Elementaries, and Louisa Boren STEM K-8. Each one is paired with a volunteer to share breakfast – this year, at BJ’s Restaurant – before the “spree,” which focuses on practical items like coats and shoes.


As the first group settled down to breakfast, the second arrived, from WSES, also to raucous cheers:

They were followed by Sanislo, STEM, and Highland Park, the last group to be greeted, as the sky just outside the mall entrance brightened to gray. Volunteers and students got to know each other as they paired off and headed to breakfast. “What grade are you in?” was the icebreaker question heard time and again.

Following breakfast, shopping time.


Here’s Arbor Heights principal Christy Collins helping supervise:


And just as that got going, we had a Santa Claus sighting:

A chat and pic with St. Nick is part of the plan too:


West Seattle Rotary raises money for this each year through a variety of events including a benefit breakfast featuring a guest speaker (this year, weather analyst Cliff Mass). And the volunteer help, from within the club ranks as well as other groups around the region, is priceless. The groups/businesses participating today included:

Grace Gospel
Sigma Gamma Rho
Zeta Phi Beta
Kappa Alpha Psi
Alpha Phi Alpha
Phi Beta Sigma
Epsilon Epsilon Sigma
(and chapter Omega Psi Phi)
Ferguson Plumbing Supplies
Paula’s Choice Skincare

The Shopping Spree continues on into the morning, with Santa visits and more, and memories that will last a long time – for the adults as well as the kids who are going home with much-needed gifts.


West Seattle scene: Rotary’s benefit breakfast features Cliff Mass

May 24, 2016 4:38 pm
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(WSB photos)

The Rotary Club of West Seattle drew about 200 people to its annual fundraising breakfast this morning at Salty’s on Alki (WSB sponsor). This year’s keynote speaker is well-known to weather-watchers in particular: Cliff Mass, described on the program as “University of Washington Professor of Atmospheric Sciences and renowned Seattle weather prognosticator/personality.” We photographed him with incoming West Seattle Rotary president Dr. Susanne Gee:


Mass has often said he’s not a forecaster, but more of an analyst. And as those at today’s event heard, he’s outspoken on a variety of related topics, including no love lost for some news media’s tendency to engage in hyperbole related to weather events. He also talked about what he sees for the Pacific Northwest in terms of climate change – including more rain, less snow, between now and 2050, but no “dramatic” increase in temperature until later this century. You can find him online here.

P.S. Today’s fundraising will benefit Rotary projects including the Children’s Holiday Shopping Spree and Pencil Me In For Kids.

ELECTION 2016: Republican governor candidate Bill Bryant ends his Port Commission career with Rotary Club of West Seattle speech

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Before Bill Bryant becomes a full-time candidate for governor, he had one last thing on his to-do list as a two-term Seattle Port Commissioner: A speech to the Rotary Club of West Seattle.

That speech today at Salty’s on Alki (WSB sponsor) brought him full circle, Bryant said, because he announced his Port Commission run at nearby Jack Block Park in 2006.

His run for governor, by contrast, was announced online. And here’s our video of what he told the Rotary Club today:

Bryant delivered more of a valedictory for his 8 years on the commission than a speech looking ahead to what he would hope to do as governor. He said he ran on a platform that eventually spanned four key points:

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VIDEO: High fives and happy holidays at West Seattle Rotary Children’s Shopping Spree

On this cold, wet night, about 100 West Seattle kids are keeping warm thanks to the Rotary Club of West Seattle‘s annual Holiday Shopping Spree. Local Rotarians and hundreds of volunteers take over Southcenter Sears before dawn to get the kids in for warm clothing including coats and shoes.

And there’s always fun along the way – including a round of high-fives:

The high-fives accompanied a loud round of cheers for each group of kids to arrive – see for yourself in our video!

Each child was accompanied by volunteers as they shopped for what they needed.

The young participants also got a meal and a visit with Santa Claus before they headed back this way – and smiles invariably result, for the volunteers as well as the kids:

West Seattle Rotarians have been doing this since 1972 – it’s the club’s signature event. The students participating this year were from Concord, Gatewood, Lafayette, Pathfinder, and Roxhill.

Before Santa, there’s oompah: Celebrate Oktoberfest with West Seattle Rotarians to help fund Children’s Holiday Spree & more

October 16, 2015 2:27 pm
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(WSB photo, December 2014)
Every year in early December, the Rotary Club of West Seattle brings holiday gifts and fun to about a hundred local students in need via its annual Children’s Shopping Spree. The rest of the year, the club has other events and donation drives to raise money for its charitable projects, including the spree. You’re invited to be part of a fall fundraiser that’s now just eight days away:

Saturday, October 24, 2015, the Rotary Club of West Seattle will host its 2nd annual Oktoberfest from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM at Alki Masonic Hall, 4736 40th Ave SW. Free parking is available in the lot adjacent to the hall.

The festivities will include German & local microbrew BEER, authentic German FOOD, an Oompah BAND, and a RAFFLE.

Net proceeds from the event will be used to support the Club’s charitable projects. Tickets are $45 and may be purchased (must be age 21 or older) on the Club’s website.

West Seattle scene: Pencil Me In For Kids back-to-school party

It’s one of the most fun nights of (almost-)fall for Rotary Club of West Seattle members … the back-to-school sorting party for Pencil Me In For Kids, their signature charity distributing donated school supplies to local students. As Rotarians and friends gathered Wednesday night in a Westwood backyard, they knew that every local elementary has kids getting a boost from PMIFK (that was noted at this week’s Rotary meeting). Member or not, you can help too, through PMIFK – here’s how.

Local speech, global overview: What Navy Region NW commander Rear Adm. Jeff Ruth told West Seattle Rotary

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

The U.S. Navy‘s presence in the Northwest – and much of the rest of the world – is vital, on a planet where 80 percent of all people live close to oceans or other waterways, and 90 percent of the world’s trade goes by water.

That’s what Rear Admiral Jeff Ruth, commander of Navy Region Northwest, told the Rotary Club of West Seattle this afternoon, as guest speaker at their weekly lunch. This region, in particular, he noted, is reliant on those trade routes, and in turn on the security provided by the Navy.

The turnout filled the lower meeting room at Salty’s on Alki (WSB sponsor). The admiral’s resume – detailed here – includes two years commanding the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz. And his speech was far more global than local.

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Congratulations! West Seattle Rotary scholarships for local students

(WSB photos by Patrick Sand)
School’s out – and some are looking ahead to the next stage of their education, like the seven students to whom the Rotary Club of West Seattle awarded scholarships today – Student of the Month and Gambriell scholarships totaling $15,500. We stopped by the Rotary lunch meeting to photograph the students who were there to accept them – from left, Julia Nark (Career Link), Tin Vo (West Seattle High School), Caprice Villeza (West Seattle HS), Naeem Ghodsian (Career Link), and Joey Werlech (now a Central Washington University student); recipients not pictured are Brisa Mendez-Alvarez (Chief Sealth International High School) and Carolina Sayuri Sasai (Seattle Lutheran). The club explains, “The Students of the Month program honors outstanding students in West Seattle (area) high-school programs selected by their school counselors. Each year all Students of the Month are encouraged to apply for the available scholarships. Also every year, the club awards two or three Gambriell Scholarships based on financial need and academic merit to graduating West Seattle-area seniors who apply and might not otherwise be able to attend college.”

A Rotarian with extra reason to smile about all this is Len Burton-Hardin:

Starting next month, he’ll be in charge of the club’s vocational/educational outreach.

P.S. The next big West Seattle Rotary-sponsored event, the WS Grand Parade, is now just one month away – Saturday, July 18th!

Congratulations! Jim Edwards honored by West Seattle Rotary

(WSB photos)
The Rotary Club of West Seattle was up extra-early today for a special occasion – a breakfast event at Salty’s on Alki (WSB sponsor). At right above is Jim Edwards, honored by the Rotary with the Paul Harris Fellow award, named after Rotary’s founder. Jim’s long history of community service includes coordinating the West Seattle Grand Parade, which is now presented by the Rotary. He accepted the award with his daughter Michelle Edwards, who works with him on the parade, as does Dave Vague, at left, honored by the Rotary last year. (One of the other things for which you might know Jim right now is the West Seattle Big Band, which donates its earnings to student programs.) This year’s parade, by the way, is coming up fast – Saturday, July 18th, from The Admiral District to The Junction as always.

Rotarians also heard from King County Executive Dow Constantine this morning:

The centerpiece of his talk was his new initiative, Best Starts for Kids, announced in his recent State of the County address as a plan to “provide the resources needed to prevent negative outcomes in the community and put every child on a path toward lifelong success.” Its components include mental-health and developmental screenings and a host of other services aimed at the notion that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Voters will be asked to approve a levy to fund it. Early childhood is a subject not only important to Constantine as a leader but also as a parent, and he noted that daughter Sabrina is about to turn 1.

Have breakfast with West Seattle Rotary & King County Executive Dow Constantine on May 5th

April 15, 2015 6:16 am
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Less than three weeks till your chance to break your breakfast routine and support nonprofits by having breakfast with the Rotary Club of West Seattle and special guest:

King County Executive (and West Seattle Rotarian) Dow Constantine will speak at the West Seattle Rotary Club’s annual Fundraising Breakfast at Salty’s on May 5, 2015, 7-9 am. Go to the club website for more information and to register.

The Rotary Club of West Seattle supports local projects including Pencil Me In For Kids, the Children’s Shopping Spree, Students of the Month, the Kiddie Parade, and the Grand Parade.

(WSB photo of Executive Constantine from March 28th dedication of M/V Sally Fox on Vashon Island)

Future college student in the house? Application time for scholarships offered by Rotary Club of West Seattle

February 24, 2015 9:28 am
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This is the time of year when most college applications are in and students await acceptance letters. Then there’s the matter of how to pay for college. The Rotary Club of West Seattle is inviting applications right now for its annual Gambriell Scholarships, awarded to two or three local graduating seniors:

Here are the requirements:
· Available to any graduating high school senior student.
· Based on financial need and academic merit.
· Student would not otherwise be able to attend college without these funds.
· Preference given to West Seattle residents.

This year each recipient will receive $3,000 to $5,000, depending on number of recipients.
· Funds must be used on tuition and fees to accredited post-secondary educational programs.

The deadline for applications is fast approaching: April 15th, 2015. Recipients will be chosen by April 30th, 2015. Please e-mail Dotty Hughes,, for an application. Applications may be returned by email, given to any West Seattle Rotarian, or mailed to the address on the application form.

The Rotary Club of West Seattle utilizes five avenues of service: Club, Vocational, International, New Generations and Community. The club’s foundation board (West Seattle Rotary Service Foundation) allocates funding annually to each avenue of service for projects. The Gambriell Scholarship is one of the Community Service projects of the club.

West Seattle Rotary Children’s Shopping Spree 2014: New location, same giving

(WSB photos by Torin Record-Sand)
He sees you when you’re sleeping … he sees when you’re awake …” The all-seeing Santa can even see you when you’re smiling right behind him. So went the holiday joy this morning during the Rotary Club of West Seattle‘s annual Children’s Holiday Shopping Spree – which had one big change this year:

It happened bright and early this morning at Sears in Southcenter – after many years at Sears in SODO, which closed earlier this year, requiring the Rotarians to find someplace new to bring the dozens of students who would spend the morning shopping with volunteers.

It’s a huge effort to organize – so the Rotarians are joined by many other volunteers, including other service organizations, like the Omega Psi Phi fraternity:

Participating kids also get to dine during the spree, and Southcenter’s Rainforest Café stepped up to help with that:

That’s Rotarian Dave Nichols with one of the café mascots. As always, kids went home with new wintertime wear, to be sure they’ll stay warm:

And they’ll remember warm smiles, like that of Rotarian Tara Luckie:

The club has fundraisers throughout the year to pay for the annual Shopping Spree – here’s how to donate.

And if you’re interested in checking out Rotary membership, stop by one of their weekly lunch meetings, usually noon Tuesdays at Salty’s on Alki (WSB sponsor).

West Seattle Rotary’s new site for Children’s Shopping Spree

November 15, 2014 3:24 pm
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Three weeks from today, right about this time in the afternoon, dozens and dozens of local kids will be returning home with many reasons to smile after the annual Rotary Club of West Seattle Children’s Holiday Shopping Spree. In addition to raising money and organizing volunteers for this year’s spree – the 43rd! – the West Seattle Rotary had one more big task: Find a new location – since SODO Sears was closing, as announced in February. They’ve found one, and this year, when the shopping spree – which also involves food, music, and Santa – starts bright and early Saturday, December 6th, it’ll be happening at Sears (and Rainforest Café) in Southcenter. You can contribute to help cover the costs – there’s a link on this page of the Rotary website.