West Seattle, Washington
07 Friday
In honor of Washington Disaster Preparedness Month, we’re continuing to publish day-by-day instructions on making the “Go Bag” that you want to have in case of disaster (big earthquake, longrunning power outage, etc.). Some of the items on the list so far are things you might well already have around the house. This one probably is not. From West Seattle Be Prepared:
It’s Saturday, so hopefully you should have time to shop for this item; a hand-crank AM/FM radio with NOAA weather radio channel. If it also has a USB charger, that’s even better.
In Seattle there are several commercial radio stations that would become official emergency-channel radio stations: KIRO-AM 710 and/or FM 100.7, KOMO-AM 1000, KNWX-AM 770, and KVI-AM 570. But to hear directly from the National Weather Service, a NOAA Weather Radio is best. It also has a warning alarm feature, and site-specific and event-select capabilities. It serves as Washington’s “all-hazards” warning system, including tsunamis, volcanoes, and hazardous releases. Lots of detailed information about weather Radios and the spotter system we have in Washington can be found here.
You can look for this type of radio at a variety of stores – hardware and electronics, among them. If you can’t find one at a store, order it online and put it in the bag as soon as it arrives. We found them on websites including Radio Shack (here) and Amazon (here) – and you can even buy yours from the Red Cross!
Haven’t started the “Go Bag” yet? Don’t feel guilty! Just get GO-ing. Find the suitcase or backpack you’re going to designate (that was Day 1) and scroll through this WSB archive page to find the items for days 2-10.
Here’s tonight’s installment of what to put in your “Go Bag” – which we’re building one day at a time during Washington Disaster Preparedness Month, with the help of West Seattle Be Prepared:
Put these basic hygiene items in your kit today: toothbrush, travel size toothpaste, comb, hand sanitizer. A ziplock bag is a great way to keep all these together.
WEEKEND ALERT: We’re still only a third of the way in and this weekend is another perfect opportunity to catch up, even if you are starting from scratch (first thing to do: find the suitcase or backpack that will be your “Go Bag”). So Saturday’s installment will be published here by 9 am tomorrow, so that you can go shop, whether you’re looking for the next item, or catching up on what’s gone into the bag so far, or both.
Catch up with previous installments by going here. The most recent installment is always linked atop the BIG STORIES list in the sidebar on the right side of WSB pages.
If you still haven’t jumped into our item-at-a-time “Go Bag” preparedness series in honor of Washington State Disaster Preparedness Month – we’re getting closer to the weekend, great time to catch up! But the next items to put in your bag are fairly simple. From West Seattle Be Prepared:
We’re going to do a couple of days of hygiene supplies. Put 1 roll of toilet paper and one washcloth per person in your kit this time. Heads up – start looking in the stores for a small first aid kit, so when that comes up, you know where to get one, or think about what you might already have around that house that could be collected together.
Catch up with previous installments – and join in as we head toward the goal of finishing October with a vital preparedness item on hand – by going here.
How’s your “Go Bag” going? In honor of Washington State Disaster Preparedness Month, we’re leading you through the process of putting one together, one day/item at a time, with the help of Cindi Barker from West Seattle Be Prepared. The next item on the list:
Back to food items – today put 3 cans of fruit and 3 granola/trail bars per person in your kit. Fruit can be applesauce or good old fruit cocktail; you are adding variety and different vitamins with the fruits. The trail bars can be the energy bars as well, and it’s fine to have more than 3 – they can provide lots of calories in a small package.
Remember that the disaster most likely to strike in our area is an earthquake – smaller ones happen frequently, and if you need a reminder, check the U.S. Geological Survey website – as we write this, we see that site showing a string of quakes in California – none big, but quake prediction remains elusive, so all you can do is be prepared.
Catching up? Our previous PACK YOUR BAG! installments are archived here, newest to oldest.
So we’ve been talking for more than a week now about what to put in your “Go Bag,” to achieve a certain level of preparedness one day at a time … how about what NOT to put in your bag?
Thanks to Mat McBride for sharing the clip!
Meantime – today brought another “natural” reminder of the topic at hand. Lightning, thunder, downpour, yet again – no cataclysmic events that we know of in West Seattle, but imagine that kind of downpour lasting for hours and hours and hours, as happened recently in Colorado … it’s another scenario for which you need to be ready. Today is Day 8 of Go Bag-building in honor of Washington State Disaster Preparedness Month, and here’s the next item, thanks again to Cindi Barker of West Seattle Be Prepared:
This time we’re adding to your MacGyver equipment: basic tools, pliers, screwdrivers, hammer, gloves, disposable dust mask, camping or utility knife. Check around your garage for odd tools lying around; they are perfect for the kit. Also, around this time of year, some of the hardware stores have very nice basic tool kits that go on sale for the pre-Christmas sales season. Just don’t overdo it; you will need to lift this pack at the end.
Cindi also reminds us that a “Go Bag” isn’t a use-it-all-at-once-or-nothing item – once you have yours in place, you will know where to find one or two or three items you might need for specific situations like short-term power outages!
Catching up? Our previous PACK YOUR BAG! installments are archived here, newest to oldest.
Sorry to be late with publishing today’s addition to the “go bag” we’re building together, one day/item at a time, here during Washington State Disaster Preparedness Month. Part of the reason we’re late is coverage of one of the smaller “disasters” that might wreak a little havoc in your life – or a lot: This afternoon/evening’s West Seattle power outage.
Usually, if an outage strikes, it’s a few hours at most. Then, there’s a situation like the windstorm power outages of December 2006, when some in West Seattle lost their power for more than a week (left). And if a major catastrophe like a big quake hit – it might take a lot longer to get it back, and, unlike those post-storm days, there might NOT be anywhere nearby where the power stayed on.
So, here we are on Day 6 of bag-building. (Remember, you can catch up at any time – any way that works for you – the goal here is just to get SOME preparedness into your life/home.) From Cindi Barker of West Seattle Be Prepared:
Today you should put “comfort” items in your bag. Toys for children, a deck of cards, a book, the things that can keep you busy should you have to evacuate to a shelter.
Bonus preparedness info: Cindi says the Seattle Times (WSB partner) earthquake story linked here the other day had a companion “pullout page” in the Sunday print edition – and now that guide can be seen online.
Catching up? Our previous PACK YOUR BAG! installments are archived here, newest to oldest.
Earthquakes can happen any time, anywhere. Thirty years ago tomorrow, a 5.3-magnitude quake rattled people in upstate New York – not what you might think of when you think “earthquake country.” Here, we KNOW we are in quake country, so there’s no excuse not to have at least a little disaster preparedness happening in your home.
That’s the premise behind what we’re doing all month – Washington State Disaster Preparedness Month – here on WSB, with the help of Cindi Barker from West Seattle Be Prepared: Putting together a “go bag.” Today is Day 5 of adding an item a day – but don’t be put off if you’re just getting going – you can catch up in a big hurry OR go start at day 1 and take it from there. Here’s Cindi’s item du jour –
Today we’ll start storing water. Set aside 2 gallons of water per person. You can store tap water in cleaned one litre soda bottles, in which case you would store 4 litres per person. Here is a good guide on how to clean soda bottles and label them for the tap water – go here.
Otherwise, you can just buy the gallon containers at the grocery store.
Advance hint: If you don’t want to drag the collection of water out, fill a total of 7 gallons (14 litres) for each person today and you’ll be completely done with the water needed for your kit. The Red Cross does recommend a bigger stash than I’m suggesting right now, they suggest having a 3-day supply for evacuation and a 2-week supply for home. So if you have lots of room (a 4 person family would have 68 gallons of water to stash!), go for it. But I’m taking a more achievable path and suggesting you store one week’s worth per person, and if you have to evacuate, grab the 3 gallons you would need for those first 3 days. You’re right, it won’t all fit in the kit; start thinking about a place where you can store the kit and the water together. When we get to the end, we’ll talk about the best place to store all this.
Next item, tomorrow – again, don’t feel overwhelmed, do what you can, when you can – the “item a day” plan is intended to be a manageable way to get you from unprepared to somewhat prepared! Catch up by seeing the stories in the WSB “preparedness” archive.
It’s the first weekend of Washington State Disaster Preparedness Month – and if you haven’t joined in our daily PACK YOUR BAG! activities yet, this weekend is a great time to catch up so at least you have that “go bag” of emergency supplies ready, should disaster strike. Every day, we’re publishing an item announced by Cindi Barker of West Seattle Be Prepared, the volunteer group that has been working on preparedness here for the past several years (check out the map of emergency communication hubs when you can spare a few minutes, and memorize the one nearest you).
As extra inspiration, we’re tracking the most recent earthquakes, as an ongoing reminder that we could get shaken up at any time, without warning. Just this past hour, according to the U.S. Geological Service, Alaska had two quakes and Southern California had one. Don’t wait till it’s too late – keep packing that bag. From Cindi:
Put 2 flashlights in your bag, along with 2 changes of batteries for each. A battery-powered lantern (and batteries) is a bonus if you want to have “hands-free” light. Also, people traditionally have put candles in their kits, but those are no longer listed by the Red Cross, due to the fire hazard and if you have to go to a shelter, they do not allow candles. Get a few glow sticks instead.
If you’re catching up, this is Day 4 – the previous three days (beginning with, pull out a suitcase or backpack or whatever you have on hand and just use that!) are all archived here, newest to oldest. Next item tomorrow!
California has the earthquake reputation. But we have the REALLY big earthquake threat. This book excerpt published today at SeattleTimes.com (WSB partner) can turn you from skeptic to believer, if necessary.
And it’s necessary if you still haven’t bought into the premise of what we’re doing every day through the end of the month – in honor of Washington State Disaster Preparedness Month. We’re packing a “go bag” for you to have ready in case of catastrophe, putting it together an item or two at a time, something you can do every night (or catch up with, a couple days at a time), so that you’re actually taking action to be prepared JUST IN CASE, instead of feeling overwhelmed by how NOT prepared you are.
Cindi Barker from West Seattle Be Prepared is leading us through the daily bag-packing addition(s):
Today’s activity:
Put some rope, 20 feet or so, and a roll of duct tape in your bag. You never know when you might have to MacGyver something!
Catch up with Days 1 and 2 – or get started this weekend, if you haven’t yet – by going to the WSB “preparedness” archive.
If you missed Day 1 – in honor of Washington State Disaster Preparedness Month, WSB is working with Cindi Barker from West Seattle Be Prepared to help you take one major step toward personal/family preparedness, with one simple action every day, resulting in your “go bag” being packed and ready in case of disaster.
In our state, that disaster is most likely to be an earthquake. We haven’t had a big one since the Nisqually quake in 2001, but it could happen without warning. And quakes are happening in many places every day, so Cindi will share quake info every day along with the tip for what to do next to PACK YOUR BAG! Ready?
On Wednesday, there were 9 earthquakes, all between 3.0 and 4.0 magnitude, the closest being a 3.4 in the ocean, off southern BC. There has been a lot of activity going on in that area; the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network Facebook group often posts charts showing the latest swarm of quakes that goes on in our greater Northwest area.
The Day 1 action to take was: Get a suitcase or backpack and designate it your go bag. Today on Day 2, we start packing:
PACKING YOUR BAG TODAY: Put 3 cans of ready-to-eat soup for each person in your bag, plus a hand-operated can opener. You won’t want to be using precious water to dilute soup; that’s why ready-to-eat soup is recommended. Hand can openers can be found at the local dollar store (and often at garage sales).
OK, we’re off to the store. Got yours? Send us a pic! (editor@westseattleblog.com) And watch tomorrow for the next item(s) to pack. If you miss a day, this info is all in the WSB “Preparedness” archives – westseattleblog.com/category/preparedness.
October has a lot of identities. A big one for people in our area: Washington State Disaster Preparedness Month.
Here at WSB, preparedness is one of our favorite topics. It’s something YOU can do, without spending a lot of time or money – little steps that could make a big difference if something major happened.
West Seattle is fortunate to have the area’s premier grass-roots preparedness group, West Seattle Be Prepared, which launched an incredibly info-packed website years ago, and continues to work on initiatives to help people around the peninsula be prepared. And WSBP’s Cindi Barker is working with WSB this month on daily advice that will get you from here to the vital preparedness step of having a packed “go back.”
For inspiration, we’ll be reminding you that earthquakes – the most likely kind of disaster around here – can happen anywhere. WSBP’s home page is tracking all the 3.0-or-more quakes around our country this month. Scroll down westseattlebeprepared.org to see the list of what’s been recorded today alone! 3.0 isn’t a megaquake but it’s enough to be a wakeup call.
So jump into the spirit with us. PACK YOUR BAG! For starters, today’s step to take – just GET the bag. As Cindi puts it:
Today, find a backpack (for 2 people) or suitcase (for 4 people). Look around in your garage or attic for one you haven’t used in a while, or check out thrift stores for inexpensive ones. The West Seattle Senior Center Thrift Store had a 50% off sale on luggage the other day; might still be going on!
We’re going to designate one too; we’ve always had a “go bag” for our news-producing gear (laptop, extra power, portable Internet, etc.) but not one with other basics. So we’ll build along with you. Sometime tonight when you’re at home – find that suitcase. Maybe even send us a pic, so we can publish it as inspiration! (editor@westseattleblog.com) And watch tomorrow for what to start putting IN it. If you miss a day, this info will all be in our archives for preparedness – westseattleblog.com/category/preparedness.
A text about 45 minutes ago asked if there had been an earthquake; we checked the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network‘s site, and at the time, nothing was showing – subsequently, though, PNSN has posted information on a 3.6 earthquake that did happen right about then, but nowhere nearby. We’re mentioning it because we’ve since received a few more inquiries. See it on the map here; the epicenter was equidistant from Bremerton and Tacoma, according to the earthquake’s “event page.” P.S. Are you prepared, in case something big hits? Check out the West Seattle Be Prepared website and find your nearest hub, for starters.
12:40 PM NOTE: Eric reminds us via Facebook that geologists would appreciate getting an official report from everyone who did feel it – the link is here.
(Photos courtesy West Seattle Amateur Radio Club)
This weekend, West Seattleites of all ages are welcome to go look, learn, and listen during amateur-radio operators’ annual Field Day, a national event that will locally be running around the clock for more than 24 hours starting at 11 am Saturday on the south field at South Seattle Community College (WSB sponsor).
Read on for the details:
The timing was a coincidence – but, just hours after the Skagit River I-5 bridge collapse, firefighters from Seattle and other metro-area departments were here in West Seattle, practicing skills they would need if faced with a disaster or attack requiring people to be rescued from wreckage and debris.
The “structural collapse and heavy rescue” training was at the Joint Training Facility, off Myers Way South in the city limits’ southern pocket east of White Center, north of Top Hat.
The facility is specially set up to facilitate training for situations that rescuers seldom get to see, but need to know how to handle:
SFD Lt. Frank Brennan offered more specifics:
According to the media advisory sent late yesterday by Seattle Fire, while this training is applicable to other types of rescue situations, it’s funded by a regional grant that’s part of the federal Department of Homeland Security’s Urban Areas Security Initiative. The program is described on a federal web page as involving “the unique planning, organization, equipment, training, and exercise needs of high-threat, high-density urban areas, and assists them in building an enhanced and sustainable capacity to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from acts of terrorism.”
(November 24th WSB/WCN photo by Patrick Sand)
The night of the November 24th house fire that killed 71-year-old Peggy Munsen, we heard from her friend Lissa Stephens, who explained she had seen the WSB coverage and went to the scene to tell authorities she knew the victim’s identity – since she wasn’t sure they would be able to reach Ms. Munsen’s out-of-town family. As a result of that, Lissa and her husband wanted to share information to make sure that others could be sure that their families could be reached in case of tragedy or disaster. Here’s their message to you:
A Note to Our Friends and Neighbors of West Seattle and beyond –
Our friend Peggy Munsen passed away tragically from a fire in her home on November 24th. To quote her sister, Kay, “Peggy was a friend to all.” She was a wonderfully sweet and kind lady with a wicked sense of humor and a hearty laugh that could make you laugh; a dear friend who will be greatly missed.
When we first saw the article about the fire on the Blog, all I could think of was “How would they find her sisters to let them know she passed?” and so we (my husband and I) raced over to Peggy’s that night and gave the fire commander the contact information, who then contacted her sister, Kay, of Bremerton.
With Peggy’s passing, it became very apparent to us that very few people would know how to reach our families (all out of town) if such circumstances were to happen to us.
I would like to ask everyone to take a few minutes to really consider the importance of having an emergency contact information sheet. In the last few days I have asked several of my friends “If you perished in a house fire, how would people know how to notify your next-of-kin?” Nobody had a good answer, me included. Our hope is that this small note will get people thinking and taking action to make sure their emergency contact information is in order and with a neighbor, a copy in the freezer or with friends.
Here is a sample template of an emergency contact sheet that is downloadable and alterable to fit your family and circumstances. site.beaniedesigns.com/blog/emergency-contact-sheet-template
There are many samples on the internet, most free. In our case we will also include our pets and any medications.
It is also suggested to put a contact listing in your cell phone titled “ICE” – in-case-of-emergency, with important contact information and phone numbers.
During this busy holiday season please take a few minutes to update your emergency information.
Be grateful for your friends and family who are still with you.
Wishing everyone safe and happy holidays!Lissa and Bill Stephens
As noted in Ms. Munsen’s obituary, published here earlier this morning, her memorial service is at Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church tomorrow.
Today we’ve received media alerts about two upcoming local multi-agency drills that MIGHT catch your eye – so we’re mentioning them briefly and inviting you to file the info away just in case: Sunday afternoon near First and Holgate in SODO, a drill is planned to simulate terrorism targeting a passenger train. All day Monday, it’ll be a drill simulating response to a threat onboard a state ferry, which will be somewhere between north Vashon Island and Edmonds as it all unfolds (with both helicopters and boats involved in that one). So now you know.
The state Ecology Department just sent advance word about a drill planned for this Wednesday, off Blake Island on the other side of Puget Sound from West Seattle’s west-facing shores. While Ecology says it’ll be happening on the west side of the island – which would mean, facing Kitsap County – we’re publishing the alert in case unusual boat/aircraft traffic and other sightings catch your eye while participants are heading to and from the site:
Anyone spotting oil skimming vessels, containment boom and other response equipment on the west side of Blake Island in Puget Sound Wednesday Oct. 24 shouldn’t be alarmed.
The Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology) is testing the ability of six area oil companies to mount a rapid, aggressive and well-coordinated response to a major oil spill in central Puget Sound.
No oil will be discharged during the drill.
Harley Marine Services is sponsoring the multi-party oil spill preparedness drill with its cleanup contractor Marine Spill Response Corp. MSRC is a private, non-profit company supported by oil terminal and shipping company members.
More details, including “who’s participating,” ahead:Read More
11:11 AM: Fun morning so far at “Reach Out” – the volunteer-organized preparedness event happening till 2 pm at Arbor Heights Elementary (3701 SW 104th). We and others who are tabling and talking are in the school cafeteria; next door in the gym, presentations are happening almost continuously – here’s what’s still ahead:
Now till noon – JoAnn Jordan with SNAP! (Seattle Neighborhoods Actively Prepare)
Noon-12:30 pm – Lunch break (Bigfood has a truck outside, selling lunch)
12:30-1:15 pm – Seattle Red Cross
1:15 pm-1:35 pm – Seattle Animal Shelter
1:35 pm-2 pm – Seattle Fire Department
Many other organizations are here too – including the volunteers behind the West Seattle Be Prepared Emergency Communications Hubs:
Each of those locations is a “hub” where preparedness volunteers will set up in case of disaster – know your nearest one, so you can go there and find out if all other channels of communication are down. Again, this is on till 2 pm – and we’re told a fire truck just arrived (for visits, not crisis) – looking out the window, we see it’s Engine 37 from Sunrise Heights:
More to come!
11:57 AM: Just wrapping up, the SNAP demonstration with JoAnn Jordan:
SNAP is a city-sponsored program with workshops around the city all year – keep an eye on their calendar to see when one’s coming to West Seattle. Back outside, Engine 37 continues to be a hit:
12:50 PM NOTE: Still time to come visit – the event’s on till 2, and the “preparedness with pets” presentation from the animal shelter at 1:15 pm is up next.
(Click image to get full-size flyer [PDF])
Tomorrow’s the day – whichever part of West Seattle you’re from, come on over to Arbor Heights Elementary (3701 SW 104th) and be part of “Emergency Reach Out.” The preparedness event is happening 10 am to 2 pm, but you can drop by for whatever amount of time you can spare, four minutes or the full four hours. The day starts with free espresso cart/treats 10 am-noon. You can stop by tables to meet, talk with, and/or gather information from organizations including: American Red Cross, CoolMom.org, Make It Through, Seattle Animal Shelter, Seattle Fire Department, Seattle Neighborhoods Actively Prepare (SNAP), Seattle Police Department‘s Living Room Conversations, Seattle Public Utilities, West Seattle Be Prepared, West Seattle Blockwatch Captains’ Network, and the YMCA.
And us! (If you saw our previous story, one note: Our WSB-branded ice scrapers were held up at the factory, so we won’t have them tomorrow – sorry – but we hope to get them in time to bring them to our Pumpkin Bowling booth at next weekend’s Junction Harvest Festival.) Here’s the schedule, so far (doublecheck when you get there)
10:00 – 10:30 West Seattle Be Prepared
10:30 – 10:45 West Seattle Block Watch and Seattle Public Utilities
10:45 – 11:00 Break
11:00 – 12:00 SNAP (Seattle Neighborhoods Actively Prepare)
Noon – 12:30 Break
12:30 – 1:15 Red Cross
1:15 – 1:35 Seattle Animal Shelter
1:35 – 2:00 Seattle Fire Department
Also planned: The FREE latte and pastry cart from 10:00 to noon; snacks and grilled items available for purchase from BigFood Truck; raffle prizes and gifts. A fast, fun way to learn about being ready for big trouble from winter storms to earthquakes and beyond. AH neighbors got a city grant to put this on – so come get a life-saving lesson or two! Here’s a map – see you there!
(Click image to get full-size flyer [PDF])
On Saturday, October 20th, you have a chance to get ready for anything – winter weather, other types of emergencies/disasters – at a fun and important event in Arbor Heights; we at WSB are proud to be part of it. It’s the “Emergency Reach Out,” and it’s NOT your average “sit down and watch PowerPoints” type of event – it’s a place to get information, meet neighbors, learn, and enjoy. With treats! Here’s the plan:
Learn about emergency preparedness and connect with your community.
Arbor Heights Elementary School received an Emergency and Disaster Preparedness grant from the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods. As part of this grant they will be hosting an Emergency Preparedness Workshop Event at the school (3701 S.W. 104th Street) for parents and neighbors in the Arbor Heights area and surrounding communities in West Seattle and White Center on Saturday, October 20th, from 10:00 to 2:00.
What would you do if there was a natural disaster or emergency? Would you be prepared? What about your family, friends, and neighbors? Leaders and experts will provide you with the emergency preparedness know-how and tools to get you and your loved ones ready for the “just in case.”
These organizations will be there to provide vital information: American Red Cross, Cool Moms, Make It Through, Seattle Animal Shelter, Seattle Fire Department, Seattle Neighborhoods Actively Prepare (SNAP), Seattle Police Department’s Living Room Conversations, Seattle Public Utilities, West Seattle Be Prepared, West Seattle Blog, West Seattle Block Watch Captains’ Network, and the YMCA.
There is no charge to attend and you do not need to live in the Arbor Heights area. People can attend all 4 hours or any portion of this time. The tentative schedule of presentations is as follows:
10:00 – 10:30 West Seattle Be Prepared
10:30 – 10:45 West Seattle Block Watch and Seattle Public Utilities
10:45 – 11:00 Break
11:00 – 12:00 SNAP (Seattle Neighborhoods Activily Prepare)
Noon – 12:30 Break
12:30 – 1:15 Red Cross
1:15 – 1:35 Seattle Animal Shelter
1:35 – 2:00 Seattle Fire DepartmentFREE Latte and Pastry Cart from 10:00 to Noon.
Snacks and grill items available for purchase from BigFood Trucks.
Amazing Raffle Prizes and Gifts for attendees.
And if you didn’t get to the West Seattle Junction Car Show in time for the first-ever WSB-branded freebie – the lovely ice scrapers shown below – come to “Emergency Reach Out” to get one – we’ve ordered another couple boxes:
10 am-2 pm on Saturday, October 20th, Arbor Heights Elementary, 3701 SW 104th (map) – see you there!
Preparedness is for all ages – and that’s the lesson learned at Explorer West Middle School (WSB sponsor) today. Students took to the field this morning for an earthquake simulation, complete with role-playing. Some students practiced first-aid, others practiced being patients, and John Zilke from the Burien Fire Department even came to help oversee (he’s at left in the photo below, with science teacher Kristin Moore):
For Explorer West, it was all hands on deck – in the field – including head of school Evan Hundley:
The drill is an EW tradition (here’s our report on the 2010 edition).
SIDE NOTE: The city has a variety of preparedness classes coming up in West Seattle – see the schedule here.
Just days after their first-ever Appreciation Party (WSB coverage here), the West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network is indeed having a regular meeting tomorrow night, 6:30-8 pm at the Southwest Precinct (if you come early, around 6 pm, there’s leftover Zippy’s root beer and Full Tilt Ice Cream from the party). The main topic: Getting ready for this year’s Night Out crime-prevention/community-building Block Parties. WSBWCN leaders explain, “If you want packets to pass out at your Night Out, you are welcome to come stuff your materials during the meeting. There will be bags for kids and adults with information about crime prevention and emergency preparedness.” P.S. Register your block for Night Out by going to this SPD webpage.
If you can spare a few hours next Saturday morning, the volunteer-run West Seattle Emergency Communication Hubs would love to have your help as a “citizen actor.” It’s another drill – this time with a terrorism scenario – and two of the 11 West Seattle hubs are scheduled to be “activated,” along with at least 10 others around the city. The “hubs” are neighborhood spots designated as places you would be able to go to find information if some kind of disaster takes out the regular communications channels, and local volunteers “activate” them periodically in drills, to stay fresh with the procedures and skills that might have to be put to use someday. The drill is scheduled for Saturday (May 19th) 8:30-noon at hubs in High Point and Fauntleroy; to volunteer as a potential “citizen actor,” role TBA, please e-mail Cindi at cbarker@Qwest.net.