Back from the pockets

Here’s what we saw: City Light truck briefly stopping on Webster, east of 35th; no crews seen in or around the Fauntleroy/Raymond pocket; a City Light crew parked briefly on Cali near Thriftway, sipping coffee and looking world-weary; plenty of activity near the Alki pocket (along 57th), where we snapped some of the out-of-town crews hired to help City Light (this one is from WAY out of town, note the locale scrawled on the truck’s side):


4 Replies to "Back from the pockets"

  • Bill December 21, 2006 (2:00 pm)

    Stopping on Webster E of 35th is good news for us (hopefully). We’re one of the going-on-seven-day pockets in that immediate area. Hope everyone’s power gets back on soon. Thanks for the updates.

  • Eric December 21, 2006 (2:54 pm)

    Do we really need to know who’s drinking coffee and where? Give them a break.

  • Bill S December 21, 2006 (3:40 pm)

    We live on the corner of 32nd and Webster. My wife was at our house 5 minutes ago and our pod of homes in that area is still dark!

  • cami December 22, 2006 (1:45 pm)

    We love the BEND Oregon crew! It took them about an hour to restore power on 57th Ave. Yes, ABOUT AN HOUR! We were without power from Thursday THRU Thursday and it was about a ONE HOUR FIX! It was comical because the City Light rep that was here kept repeating “We can’t make any promises that the power will be back up today(Thursday). The straight talking Bend crew walked up and said,
    “I can guarantee your power will be up and soon”. And it was.

    Warm Holiday wishes will forever have new meaning for our family. Happy Holidays to WSBlogger.

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