West Seattle, Washington
10 Monday
Three reader reports to share tonight – starting with this one from a West Seattleite who doesn’t want to be identified:
I’d like to let people know about an attempted break-in (last) night near 34th SW and SW Henderson (by the Southwest branch of the library). The miscreant(s) removed an outdoor light that illuminated the area, slashed the screen in a back door, and then apparently used a baseball bat or crowbar to break the kitchen window. No one got in the house but it’s very unsettling to hear glass breaking when you’re sound asleep. I think it’s good for people in the area to be aware of these incidents so they can stay alert.
Second – be on the lookout for a little kid’s bike, spraypainted gold, stolen from a Highland Park home where its 4-year-old owner is heartbroken. More details and a photo are in this WSB Forums post.
And thanks to the tipster who spotted and photographed this abandoned – stolen? lost? -stroller:
It was spotted by the end of the Rite-Aid drive-thru in Westwood Village this afternoon.
**Rescheduled to November 5th, same time/place**
Parents and teens/tweens are invited to an organizational/informational meeting planned in two weeks for a new youth service club that the Rotary Club of West Seattle is organizing. The announcement:
West Seattle Rotary Club is excited to announce our new Interact club. It is for youth ages 12-18 who want to connect with others in their community or school. Interact club members have fun while carrying out service projects and learning about the world. Interact clubs organize at least two service projects a year: one that benefits their community and one that encourages international understanding. While Interact clubs receive guidance from individual Rotary clubs, they govern and support themselves.
South of Morgan Junction, development plans are on file for the sites of three houses on the west side of the 6900 block of California SW. For starters, the three lots themselves are part of a “lot-boundary adjustment” proposal.
The largest proposed structure is a 3-story, 30-unit apartment building with no parking, proposed for the southernmost site, 6917 California SW, which now holds the 102-year-old house in the photo above. Meantime, 6911 California SW, the 99-year-old house in our next photo, is proposed as the address of a 4-unit rowhouse townhouse building.
And 2 single-family homes are proposed along the alley on the west side of the sites, at the address 6915 California, currently holding this 99-year-old house:
The lots are zoned LR-2, which according to the city guide says homes can be up to 25 feet, rowhouses and apartments up to 35 feet (that’s the maximum with bonus height for a roof of a certain pitch). The developer for the rowhouses/houses sites is listed on city webpages as DL Builders, currently about to build two houses on teardown sites a few blocks uphill, in the 7300 block of California SW.
Tomorrow’s the day for the big statewide quake drill, the Great Washington Shake-Out – 10:17 am on 10/17. Timely – as the Pacific Plate continues to be very active, with large aftershocks in the Philippines, and two quakes in Papua, New Guinea (6.8, followed by 5.3).
Tonight, we’re continuing to build a “Go Bag” in honor of Washington State Disaster Preparedness Month, with the help of West Seattle Be Prepared, whose announcement for this round is:
First-aid supplies go into your bag today. A pre-purchased kit is easiest, but if you have these things around your home, put them in a ziplock or small toiletry bag: scissors, tweezers, thermometer, disposable hand wipes, non-latex gloves, Band-Aids, gauze, ACE or roller bandage, adhesive cloth tape, space blanket, antibiotic ointment packets, antiseptic wipe packets, aspirin, and a First Aid instruction book. A very complete list with suggested quantities can be seen here.
STILL haven’t started building your “Go Bag” yet? No problem – start with this, then backtrack, and when you’re caught up, move forward to rejoin us somewhere in the second half of the month. Our previous installments are all archived in reverse-chronological order here.
Today we welcome a new WSB sponsor, The Gatewood Bed and Breakfast. Here’s what its proprietors want you to know about this beautiful century-old West Seattle home, now open as guest lodging:
(The Gatewood‘s main room, with proprietors Margaret and Mary)
In 1910, British-born Francis Harper built The Gatewood for his wife Pontine and six children. The home holds more than 100 years of stories and history of the families who have lived here and after whom our guestrooms are named: the Harpers, Clarks, Frosts, and Odekirks.
Although only a short drive to downtown or the airport, the home is tucked away in a peaceful greenbelt with beautiful grounds and picturesque views. It is also a very walkable distance to Lincoln Park. To Margaret, Lincoln Park is an integral part of the experience of The Gatewood.
The Hayes family purchased the house in 1987 to raise their children and provide a place for her large, extended family to gather and bond. With the intent to restore the property with consideration of its era, they feel very fortunate to be the latest keepers of this wonderful place in West Seattle. The Hayes’s, as well as lots of aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents, created many fond memories at this extraordinary place. At Thanksgiving it became a tradition for everyone to take a leisurely walk together down to Lincoln Park and back to walk off the large meal … and avoid the dishes.
Margaret Hayes (current owner) and her daughter Mary are also in contact with the four previous owners’ families in order to capture their stories and extend the welcome back to their family home. The response has been remarkable. Some have even stayed at the house since its conversion to a B&B and expressed their deep appreciation for the loving care taken in the restoration.
In the desire to share this gem of a house, Margaret converted the residence into a Bed & Breakfast. We are confident that the environment will provide a restful, calming experience for everyone who visits. West Seattle is a unique place – the residents here genuinely care about their neighbors, local businesses, and the community as a whole. We feel we can be that home-away-from-home for those who are visiting West Seattle and extend that community and connection to them. Whether it’s the interaction with the hosts, the grounds, or the home itself, we provide guests an intimate experience. We are proud to be here in West Seattle and value greatly the support provided by the community.
We do provide recommendations to West Seattle restaurants and services for our guests. We also have partnered with several local Seattle artists to display their works throughout the house.
The Gatewood Bed and Breakfast is at 7446 Gatewood Road SW; you can see photos and book a reservation online at gatewoodwestseattle.com. Or, call 206-938-3482.
We thank The Gatewood Bed & Breakfast for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news via WSB; find our current sponsor team listed in directory format here, and find info on joining the team by going here.
When the crew we photographed at work on SW Oregon west of California SW today is done, The Junction will have seven fewer trees. But West Seattle Junction Association director Susan Melrose tells WSB they will all be replaced. We had seen the tree-removal notices on two SW Oregon trees last week, noting “poor health” and “poor form”:
Then came a tip today from Eddie, who noticed the removal work in progress. There’s also a tree in front of West 5 that’s being taken out, and pear trees that – as mentioned in our coverage of September’s Southwest District Council meeting, which was attended by Seattle’s city arborist – weren’t thriving either. Melrose says the crew will grind down the stumps both for these trees and others that have fallen down recently, and will mulch the tree wells; replacements will arrive next spring, though the species hasn’t been finalized yet.
While Election Day is almost three weeks away, the voting begins at your home as soon as tomorrow – since King County Elections has announced that ballots for the November 5th election are going out in the mail today. Once again, they’ll have drop vans in West Seattle and White Center, this time on November 2nd, 4th, and 5th. More information here on how to get your ballot back to the county – remember that if you mail it, it needs a stamp.
It was a staple, almost a cliché, decades ago .. the Tupperware party. You might not have heard much about it lately – but it’s never really gone away. Proof: There’s a big fun one this Friday night at the Senior Center of West Seattle (WSB sponsor). Tickets are free; the Tupperware benefits local seniors. The announcement:
Senior Center of West Seattle announced plans today to host a first of its kind Tupperware party to raise funds for Seattle seniors. The event is scheduled to take place on Friday, October 18th, at the Senior Center, located at 4217 SW Oregon Street, in The Junction.
Entertainment for the event will be provided by Seattle’s very own Sylvia O’ Stayformore & LaTrina Bidet, who will also be acting as the mistresses of ceremony and co-hosts for this landmark charity event.
“We are very excited to be hosting such a groundbreaking and unconventional event to raise funds and create awareness about the various services offered by our organization to the community,” said Karen Sisson, the Executive Director at The Senior Center of West Seattle.
According to Sisson, Tupperware products will be available for purchase throughout the evening, with up to 40% of all the proceeds being donated to The Senior Center. She added that the event is open to all age groups, and promises to be a memorable night full of good food, fun, and laughter, for all the guests.
Among the supporters of this spectacular event are Trader Joe’s, Nerium Skin Care, and the nonprofit organization, Gays for Good/Seattle. Event guests will be able to sample delectable offerings from a menu of 1950’s retrothemed cuisine, prepared specially for this occasion.
A limited number of tickets for this free event are available via The Senior Center website at www.sc-ws.org or by calling (206) 932-4044. All donations are accepted and greatly appreciated.
Thanks to Lynn Hall for sharing last night’s colorful sunset view from Luna/Anchor Park. By the time we get to tonight’s sunset, a busy night will be under way, as evidenced by these highlights from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
BOUNDARIES INTRODUCED AT SCHOOL BOARD: The Seattle School Board‘s meeting starts at 4:15 pm, but the introduction of the second draft of the “Growth Boundaries” (here’s WSB coverage from last Friday; here’s the district page with details) is not scheduled until after 6 pm; public comment – for which the list is already locked in (see the revised agenda) – begins at 5 pm. (3rd and Lander)
EXPLORER WEST MIDDLE SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE: 6:30-8:00 pm, come visit Explorer West (longtime WSB sponsor):
Explorer West welcomes prospective parents and students to drop by at 6:30pm to begin an interactive school tour including art and drama demonstrations. Meet faculty and current parents/students as well as try out some classroom activities. If you cannot make it this week, additional Open Houses will be held on Saturday, November 16th, 10-11:30 am & Tuesday, December 10th, 6:30-8 pm.
More information is available at explorer-west.org
(Explorer West is at 10015 28th SW)
MORGAN COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION: MoCA’s quarterly meeting, 7 pm in the lower-level meeting room at The Kenney (WSB sponsor). Busy agenda including City Council candidates Kshama Sawant and Sam Bellomio, as well as speakers on behalf of the West Seattle Transportation Coalition, the West Seattle Green Space Coalition, Getting It Right-West Seattle, and more. See the full agenda on the MoCA home page. (7125 Fauntleroy Way SW)
CHIEF SEALTH PTSA: 7 pm in the library at Chief Sealth International High School, the Sealth PTSA will hear from new principal Aida Fraser-Hammer with an overview of the school year, ASB treasurer Randi Rankin with an update on what’s going on with the student body (including this year’s Grad Night), and community partners including the Y will provide updates too, according to PTSA president Ted Reed. (2600 SW Thistle)
HARBOR SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE: The first fall open house for Harbor School (WSB sponsor), a Vashon Island independent school for 4th-8th graders, 7 pm. (15920 Vashon Highway SW)
DELRIDGE NEIGHBORHOODS DISTRICT COUNCIL: Reps from community groups/organizations around eastern West Seattle meet tonight at 7 at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center. The agenda includes Pierce Murphy, the director of the city Office of Professional Accountability, as well as an update on the Barton combined-sewer-overflow-control project. (4408 Delridge Way SW)
LAUGH IT OFF: The next comedy night at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor) is tonight, 8 pm, hosted by West Seattle’s own Mona Concepcion – see the lineup in our calendar listing. (6451 California SW)
Local nonprofits run with a lot of help from volunteer power. Sometimes it’s thankless – but sometimes, stellar volunteers get some recognition, as happened last night for the volunteer shown above with her family in a photo shared by Josh Sutton from the West Seattle YMCA (WSB sponsor). He explains:
Last night, about 200 Y volunteers and leaders from around King County gathered to recognize our amazing volunteers who give so much to others through the Y.
Andrea Escame Hedger (in photo with her family) was recognized for her volunteer leadership through the West Seattle & Fauntleroy Y.
From the Y program:
“Andrea has been a Y member since she was a small child in the Fauntleroy community. The Y was a big part of her formative years; from playing in youth sports to working as a counselor at YMCA Camp Colman, Andrea progressed from participant to leader.
“Andrea says her involvement with youth programs at the Y inspired her to become a school teacher. She continues to give back – coaching her sons’ teams in Y youth sports for the last six years.
“Andrea is a knowledgeable resource for the Y sports programs and is happy to help new volunteers. Her family is also involved in Adventure Guides, camps, and she somehow finds time to fundraise for Y program support.
“Thank you, Andrea, for all that you do!”
(East-facing camera on the West Seattle Bridge; see other cams on the WSB Traffic page)
7:33 AM: Nothing unusual reported so far this morning commute. If you drive to/past our area’s two public high schools, you’ll notice different traffic flows today – it’s a two-hours-early-release day for WSHS, while some Chief Sealth students are starting late because it’s a testing day for two grades. Weather-wise, as you can see from the bridge camera if you haven’t been outside yet, it’s clearer than the past few mornings; forecasters expect sun later.
9:38 AM: Big response heading onto northbound I-5 for a reported rollover crash on the offramp to Highway 520.
5:37 PM: Scanner report – trouble at 8th and Roxbury again, either a crash or a stalled/broken-down vehicle in the westbound lanes.
(Photos by WSB co-publisher Patrick Sand)
A crosstown rematch for West Seattle High School and Chief Sealth International High School girls-varsity soccer on Thursday afternoon at Hiawatha Playfield – and the division-leading Wildcats took the match. Sealth started strong and kept the pressure on, but couldn’t get a goal past WSHS keeper Sarah DuLong.
The Wildcats’ scoring came from Annie Murphy with two goals and Tess Beck, Lindsay Hage, and Kate Veenhuizen with one each.
Next opponents: WSHS hosts Franklin at 3:30 pm Thursday, Walt Hundley Playfield in High Point; Sealth hosts Blanchet at 4 pm Friday, Southwest Athletic Complex.