Tomorrow’s the day for the big statewide quake drill, the Great Washington Shake-Out – 10:17 am on 10/17. Timely – as the Pacific Plate continues to be very active, with large aftershocks in the Philippines, and two quakes in Papua, New Guinea (6.8, followed by 5.3).
Tonight, we’re continuing to build a “Go Bag” in honor of Washington State Disaster Preparedness Month, with the help of West Seattle Be Prepared, whose announcement for this round is:
First-aid supplies go into your bag today. A pre-purchased kit is easiest, but if you have these things around your home, put them in a ziplock or small toiletry bag: scissors, tweezers, thermometer, disposable hand wipes, non-latex gloves, Band-Aids, gauze, ACE or roller bandage, adhesive cloth tape, space blanket, antibiotic ointment packets, antiseptic wipe packets, aspirin, and a First Aid instruction book. A very complete list with suggested quantities can be seen here.
STILL haven’t started building your “Go Bag” yet? No problem – start with this, then backtrack, and when you’re caught up, move forward to rejoin us somewhere in the second half of the month. Our previous installments are all archived in reverse-chronological order here.