How to help 4116 results

West Seattle students’ help: Toys from Westside, food from Madison

We told you yesterday about the urgent need for toy donations at High Point Community Center, to fulfill the holiday wishes of families who were left empty-handed when a toy-drive delivery for distribution this past Monday didn’t come through. Among those who have stepped up to the plate, students from Westside School – Rebecca Hall from HPCC sent that photo with this update:

Westside School hosted a toy drive and brought all of the toys and dropped them off at High Point CC this morning.

We’re awaiting a progress report on how far donations have gotten toward the request for 400 toys, for kids 3-18; HPCC says you can drop off donations through Saturday afternoon – their hours and location are here. Meantime, word of other local kids doing good deeds:

From Jeanne Merritt at Madison Middle School, that photo and report on results of a recent food drive:

Madison Middle School’s students showed a great spirit of generosity with their recent food drive. Science teachers arranged a competition between all the science classes. Alisha Taylor’s class, the winners, brought in over 700 pounds of food. All in all students gathered 1800 pounds of food! (School nurse Sami Hoag weighed it all.) The food was distributed to Madison families in 41 Thanksgiving food baskets.

Last night, we published an update on what West Seattle Food Bank needs for the holiday; coming up in the next few hours, our update on how you can help White Center Food Bank. (Lots of additional ideas for how to help, including Giving Trees and donation drives, can be found on the West Seattle Holidays page.)

What West Seattle Food Bank needs before Christmas

(Photo provided by West Seattle Food Bank, as Admiral Co-Op Preschool students celebrate recent donation drive)
By Lauri Hennessey
Reporting for West Seattle Blog

With just over a week to go till Christmas, the West Seattle Food Bank is finding plenty of need in the community, and supplies are dwindling. In fact, the food bank has seen a 27 percent increase in the number of households served over a year ago.

The food bank has also seen an increase in the number of times individual families need the food bank, with a 17 percent increase in the number of times households are coming to the food bank.

Still, Executive Director Fran Yeatts is hopefuly the food bank will continue to weather the storm, to a large degree because of the ongoing generosity of the West Seattle community.

We asked what they need for Christmas – read on for the answer, as the story continues:Read More

Urgent call for help: High Point Community Center needs 400 toys

Thanks to Kendra for letting us know about this – we’ve just confirmed it with Brian Judd at High Point Community Center: They were supposed to have a Toys for Tots distribution event at the center this past Monday, but Toys for Tots has been having a regional shortage, and didn’t bring toys to distribute to the families. So now they are trying to directly collect enough toys to make holiday wishes come true for the families NEXT Monday at 2 pm. Between now and Saturday afternoon, bring unwrapped toys for any age, 3 through 18, to High Point CC (6920 34th SW; here’s a map; they’re open till 9 tonight, 10 am-9 pm tomorrow, 1-9 pm Friday, 10 am-5 pm Saturday) – they hope to have 400 by the time the families all show up again on Monday. ADDED 5:04 PM: If you have extra donation ability, here’s another request we received, from Maria at DNDA:

We provide affordable housing to low income families and are in dire need of gifts for their families. We have about 17 families that need gifts this year.We have a lot of children that will be needing toys this year and are going with out. If you can provide a toy or donate money please contact Phillippia Goldsmith at or call at (206) 935-2999

Another way to help – and updates on 2 ways you already have

RAFFLE TO HELP VAL KLEITZ: Aaron’s Bicycle Repair proprietor Aaron Goss shares that photo with word that its subject, longtime shop worker and friend Val Kleitz, is fighting cancer, and, “While his prognosis is good, his medical bills are adding up” – so a fundraising raffle’s been arranged. A new turquoise 2010 Redline 925 donated by Seattle Bike Supply and assembled by Aaron’s will be raffled off at 1 pm Dec. 20. Till then, anyone 18+ can buy $5 tickets to get in on it – all proceeds to help with Val’s medical bills. They’re on sale at the shop (6527 California SW), or you can simply make a medical-bills-fund donation from the raffle-info page on Aaron’s site.

SUCCESSFUL CELL-PHONE DRIVE CONCLUDES: Megan Wilson Tutty sends word via Facebook that the cell-phone collection drive at Easy Street Records (to help domestic-violence victims, as first reported here in October) is over, so please don’t take any more phones there. She says the drive to help the Victim Support Team, with which she volunteers, collected 138 phones!

MERRILL GARDENS’ FUNDRAISING TOTAL FOR OFFICERS’ FAMILIES: After last Wednesday night’s fundraising pasta dinners at both West Seattle locations of Merrill Gardens (WSB sponsor), we reported their $1,500 total – but those were only two of 21 MG locations participating. Now we know that the fundraiser’s grand total is $25,000, including an MG corporate donation of $5,000. They expect to make a presentation to the officers’ guild soon. If you missed this fundraiser and the $126,000 Papa John’s two-day event, you can still donate directly to the Lakewood fund by going here.

West Seattle holiday help: WestSide Baby’s special donation hours

With 12 days to go till Christmas, it’s prime time to expand your giving to the nonprofit donation drives and Giving Trees around West Seattle/White Center. Many are listed on our West Seattle Holidays page. And here’s an update just in from Nancy Woodland at WestSide Baby, along with the accompanying photos:

To try to fill our shelves before Christmas, WestSide Baby will hold special Holiday Donation hours of Mon-Friday 9-4pm and Thursday evening 7pm-9pm now through December 22. WestSide Baby will also host an After Hours volunteer sorting event on Thursday December 17, 7-9pm at our facility in White Center. Volunteers ages 14+ will gather to sort through donations of gently used clothes and enjoy a festive “holiday” evening. If you can attend, please email our Volunteer Coordinator at

Many families and businesses in the area are benefitting WestSide Baby as they gather together to celebrate the holidays. THANK YOU!! Friday evening, kids and parents carrying diapers and bags of warm clothes filed into the new West Seattle Little Gym [WSB sponsor] for a party hosted by two local families. 2500 diapers were collected and 6 bags of winter clothes for children 0 to size 12 appeared to fill the very scarce shelves at WestSide Baby! The Little Gym generously donated space while their staff and owner, Birgit, donated time (and smiles) as they successfully corralled, somersaulted and flipped more than 50 children while parents mingled in the lobby. Local efforts at businesses, schools and private gatherings have resulted in 50 winter coats and thousands of diapers for little ones in King County just this month. See WestSide Baby Donation Drives for details of places where you can drop off your items out in the community if our location or open hours are not convenient.

Also note that WestSide Baby has set the date for its annual tea – February 6 – tickets are on sale now here, and tomorrow’s the deadline to sign up if you’d like to be a Table Captain.

Today: Come help Delridge Super 24 store’s healthy evolution

The Super 24 mini-market on Delridge has gotten extra attention lately for that three-month-old mural and for a citywide media spotlight – this story by our partners at the Seattle Times; both are for the same reason: The store is a trailblazer in the push to make more healthy food available in Delridge, despite the absence of a grocery store. Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association sent word of a work party/event today and is extending the participation invitation community-wide. Here’s some of what’ll be involved, 11 am-3 pm today:

* Healthy food sampling and “voting” for healthy snack offerings in the Super 24 corner store.
* Removal of excessive tobacco and alcohol ads at front entrance of store.
* Interior store transformation
* “Limited” TEAM Delridge T-shirts to volunteers who participate more than 5 hours.

Anyone and everyone who cares about the Delridge community is invited to join us.

Super 24 is at Delridge and Findlay; here’s a map.

West Seattle Holidays: Give the gift of a Giving Tree wish fulfilled

December 12, 2009 1:24 am
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That’s Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor) proprietor Lora Lewis with some of the items that have come in for the Pet Giving Tree at Hotwire. Teri Ensley from Furry Faces Foundation says two-thirds of the tree’s 24 tags have been taken, and the presents are now starting to come in – including more than 100 pounds of donated pet food. Teri says, “We took (the) first load of ‘pet gifts’ to White Center Food Bank. Both Rick Jump and Audrey Zemke were there so they helped unload with big smiles on their faces. Since some of the items came in Christmas gift bags, they are going to give them to their clients in the bags–so it truly is a pet gift. The next load of pet gifts will be taken to West Seattle Food Bank. Thanks again to Lora Lewis of Hotwire for coming up with this brilliant giving tree and thanks to everyone that is taking their time and money to help animal companions be able to stay with their people.” This is just one of MANY Giving Trees around West Seattle – and this weekend is PRIME TIME to go see which one still have unclaimed tags, so that you can help make this a merrier Christmas for somebody – go to the West Seattle Holidays page and look for the Giving Trees/Fundraisers list. (Also, re: Furry Faces, note their Wrap It Up wrapping fundraiser at Shadow Land 1-6 pm today!)

You be the judge: WSHS marketing club adviser seeks volunteers

December 11, 2009 11:25 am
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Just out of the WSB inbox — WSB’ers stepped up to help with this type of judging before, and those who participated reported having a great time (here’s the report we published in May):

* Michelle Sloan, the DECA Club Adviser at West Seattle High School, is searching for judges for Automotive Marketing competition at the DECA Regional Competitions on Tuesday, January 12th, at the Meydenbauer Center in Bellevue, 9 am – 4 pm.

* Anyone with ANY Marketing experience will be great!

* We will need the names of any “possibles” (ASAP), as we’d like to have our final list organized before the holidays (no one wants to commit to anything the first week in January!)

DECA Marketing Regional Competition
* Tuesday, January 12, 2010
* 9 am – 1 pm
* Meydenbauer Center, Bellevue, WA

Benefits of participating?
* Supporting the DECA Marketing students at WSHS and the region!
* Free lunch!
* Free coffee!
* Networking with hundreds of other DECA judges from the state of Washington!

Thank you so much for your help!

Interested judges may contact Michelle Sloan,, or, for more information!

Helping officers’ families: Papa John’s tally $126,000; 1 more event

The Tuesday and Wednesday donation of profits from all regional Papa John’s Pizza tallies hit six figures, according to our partners at the Seattle Timesthey say the company announced the total donation would surpass $126,000, after huge demand at the 40-plus participating stores (including West Seattle, photographed above on Tuesday night). As reported here Wednesday night, that night’s Merrill Gardens (WSB sponsor) fundraising pasta dinner raised $1,500 between the 2 West Seattle locations (haven’t heard yet about the rest of the chain). And you have another chance to show your support for the Lakewood officers’ families without leaving West Seattle – this Saturday, 9 am-5 pm, West Seattle Tiger Scouts plan to set up a table outside the Holy Rosary Tree Lot at California/Lander (map) to collect donations and also get signatures on a big card for the families.

Today/tonight in West Seattle: 3 ways to help, 1 way to celebrate

TWO FUNDRAISERS FOR OFFICERS’ FAMILIES: It’s the 2nd of two days for the Papa John’s Pizza “profits to the Lakewood officers’ families” fundraiser – as reported here last night (with help from many commenters), the response was massive. There’s another way to enjoy yummy food and know you’re helping the officers’ families: Pasta dinner for a $10 donation at both West Seattle Merrill Gardens (WSB sponsor) locations, 5-7 tonight – details here.

ANIMALS FIRST FOUNDATION FUN @ FEEDBACK: Fundraiser tonight at the Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor) on behalf of Animals First Foundation – 7 pm, $10 donation gets you snacks, games, and a chance to hear from local animal advocates including West Seattle’s own Teri Ensley of Furry Faces Foundation.

34TH DISTRICT DEMOCRATS’ HOLIDAY PARTY: No business, just celebration, says the 34th DDs’ website, capping a year in which one of their own longtime members ascended to the County Executive’s office. 6 pm, The Hall at Fauntleroy. It’s a potluck, so don’t come empty-handed. P.S. Congratulations to the 34th DDs’ webmaster Bill Schrier, who’s also City of Seattle Chief Information Officer, and in that capacity has just landed on the Computerworld Top 100 list of Premier IT Leaders

For more holiday haps – the West Seattle Holidays page is chock-full (just three days till the Christmas Ship‘s big West Seattle weekend, and four days till the next Hometown Holidays Sunday in The Junction!) – and for other events, including a Stand for Children recruitment event in WS tonight, see the WSB West Seattle Events page.

West Seattle scene: WS Food Bank celebrates its volunteers

December 8, 2009 10:16 pm
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They’ve helped keep thousands from going hungry — and their only reward is knowing what a difference they’ve made in all those lives. But tonight, West Seattle Food Bank volunteers got a special thanks – a dinner in their honor at The Hall at Fauntleroy. Food Bank board president Pete Spalding (honored last weekend with a West Seattle Volunteer Recognition award) says it’s important to celebrate them for “all of their hard work and dedication to helping our clients.” You can, of course, help the Food Bank even without volunteering – just go here. (PS – There are many ways to help those in need this holiday season, listed on our West Seattle Holidays page, and even if there’s not a specific holiday drive, if you’re with a nonprofit that would like to put out a specific request for ways people can help, please let us know so we can share – we often hear from people asking “what can I do to help?”.)

West Seattle lines up for Papa John’s, to help officers’ families

Kristina and Tamara both shared the news that after dark, a crowd gathered at Papa John’s in West Seattle, on the first of two days during which the chain is donating its Puget Sound profits to the families of the four murdered Lakewood Police officers, whose three-hour memorial service ended an hour ago. We are down there checking on it right now – the cameraphone photo (more pix to come) above confirms, there’s indeed a line for takeout, and we’re told a big wait for delivery too. Remember Papa John’s is doing this again tomorrow (and there are other fundraisers in West Seattle, including tomorrow night’s pasta dinner at both WS Merrill Gardens [WSB sponsor] communities – full details of all the fundraisers can be found here). ADDED 6:44 PM: The crowd inside:

7:22 PM: As some commenters are noting, and as Carrie Ann said via Facebook, it appears they’re no longer taking orders for tonight – but remember, this continues tomorrow.

Happening now: Memorial for murdered Lakewood officers

It started an hour later than expected because the nearly 2,000-vehicle-long procession took extra time, but the service with tens of thousands in attendance at the Tacoma Dome is officially under way as of shortly after 2 pm. Watch it live on Here’s our earlier story with several West Seattle ways to help the officers’ families – today, tomorrow, this weekend and beyond. To contribute directly to the fund, go here.

Memorial today for murdered Lakewood officers – & fundraisers

Today, thousands of law-enforcement officers and other mourners will gather at the Tacoma Dome to remember the four Lakewood Police officers murdered at a Pierce County coffee shop nine days ago. If you plan to go to Pierce County to pay tribute, the info you need is all here; meantime, today, tomorrow and this weekend, there are several fundraisers through which you can help raise money for the officers’ families:

PAPA JOHN’S PIZZA, TODAY AND TOMORROW: Papa John’s stores around Puget Sound – including West Seattle – are donating the profits (what they bring in above and beyond their costs) of all sales today and tomorrow. They open at 11; you can order online here.

IVAR’S CHOWDER, TODAY: Ivar’s will donate all proceeds – that’s the total sale price – from chowder sales today, at all its locations, to the fund for the officers’ families. Closest locations to West Seattle are on the downtown waterfront (next to the fire station that’s just north of Colman Dock ferry terminal) and the Ivar’s Seafood Bar in Burien (map).

PASTA DINNER AT MERRILL GARDENS’ WEST SEATTLE COMMUNITIES TOMORROW: 5-7 pm Wednesday, Merrill Gardens at Admiral Heights (2326 California SW) & West Seattle (4611 35th SW) — both WSB sponsors — will host a Pasta Dinner to raise money for the families of the fallen police officers – minimum donation $10/person, and all the money received will go to the fund for the families.

SCOUTS COLLECTING DONATIONS ON SATURDAY: West Seattle Tiger Scouts plan to have a table at the Holy Rosary School Christmas Tree Lot this Saturday (December 12) from 9 am-5 pm to collect donations for the fund to help the officers’ families. Den leader Stan Debiec says, “We are also hoping to have a “giant card” available for people to sign. If we can muster up the card and people sign it, we will then get a group of us scout parents and scouts to drive it down to the Lakewood Police Department and present it to them.”

WEST SEATTLE-BASED SPORE DONATING PART OF PROCEEDS: Last but not least, we heard from Lily at Spore, a West Seattle-based company with a distinct niche – doorbell buttons. Some come with blue lights. Per Lily: “Until the end of January, we will donate 25 percent of each order from customers who purchase any of our products and use the code BLUE at checkout to officer memorial funds. We will also ship the order for free. Although our blue products were our inspiration, customers do not have to order a blue colored product to use the code.”

Happening now: Educational fundraiser @ C&P – plus Junction preps

December 5, 2009 4:52 pm
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The volunteers of Scholastic Journey await you at C&P Coffee till 7 pm – ornaments on that tree are for sale, as are baked goods and other crafts, to raise money for their work, which helps educate Third World kids. (Some of the ornaments were made in a drop-in workshop just a few days ago!) Right now they’re helping kids in Bali. You can find out more about their work by stopping in, as well as taking the opportunity to support it. Meantime, about half a mile north of C&P … the bonfires are going and the stage is set …

The Junction Tree Lighting is coming up within the hour. That’s the tree at left, and the tent with the stage, which this year is on the north side of the Farmers’ Market lot, instead of the west side. If you don’t see this before 5:20 or so you can probably still get there in time for the actual lighting – if you can’t make it, check our Twitter feed at for photos as it happens.

Two food fundraisers in West Seattle for Lakewood Police families

First – you’ve no doubt heard by now about the Papa John’s Pizza fundraiser, in which the company says it will donate its regional profits from orders next Tuesday/Wednesday to the families of the four Lakewood Police officers killed last Sunday. We just confirmed that the Papa John’s in West Seattle is participating. Meantime, another dining fundraiser has just been announced by Merrill Gardens (WSB sponsor), which has two West Seattle locations, where all proceeds from this event will go to the officers’ families:

Wednesday, December 9, 5-7 pm, Merrill Gardens at Admiral Heights & West Seattle will host a Pasta Dinner with all the fixings to raise money for the families of the fallen police officers in Western Washington. The dinner will be available for a minimum $10 donation. All money collected will be donated to the fund for the families.

Residents and team members at each of the 22 Washington State Merrill Gardens retirement communities will host this fundraiser that is open to family, friends and the general public. All food and beverages will be donated by Merrill Gardens.

Where: Merrill Gardens at Admiral Heights
2326 California Ave. SW, (206) 938-3964

Merrill Gardens at West Seattle
4611 35th Ave. SW, (206) 932-5480

Today/tonight: Ornaments; NDNC; HPAC; Fairmount Playground

(Thanks to Gary Jones for sharing his photo of this morning’s full-moon moonset over the Olympics)

ORNAMENTS FOR EDUCATION: From the WSB West Seattle Holidays page (keep checking it, we’re adding new events daily!) – Join Scholastic Journey at a drop-in workshop, noon-5 pm downstairs at West Seattle (Admiral) Library (map), to help make ornaments for an upcoming fundraiser to help get school supplies and uniforms for kids in developing countries. “Drop in for a few minutes or a few hours!” says Krista Livingston (, who adds that it’s free to participate.

NORTH DELRIDGE NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL MEETING/POTLUCK: NDNC is forming new committees on public safety, outreach, beautification, streets/pedestrian, transportation, land use/economic development, and hopes to see a good turnout of North Delridge neighbors tonight for a potluck meeting to talk about those issues and how to make a difference, 6:30 at Delridge Library (map) – bring something to share if you can. “We need YOU to help us make a difference!” says board member Holli Margell.

HIGHLAND PARK ACTION COMMITTEE HOLIDAY POTLUCK: You’re invited to come help HPAC trim the tree at the historic Highland Park Improvement Club building (where the group always meets) and enjoy a holiday potluck – 7 pm, 1116 SW Holden (map).

FAIRMOUNT PLAYGROUND IMPROVEMENTS MEETING: Reminder that tonight’s your chance to have a say in how this Parks and Green Spaces Levy-funded project will improve the playground at Fairmount Playfield. 6:30 pm, High Point Library (map) – here’s our previous preview.

Also tonight — “Plaid Tidings” opens at ArtsWest – more on that coming up! Check our Events calendar and Holidays page (which also has ongoing lists, like tree lots and giving opportunities) for lots more of what’s happening around West Seattle.

West Seattle Holidays: Firewood donations needed for tree lighting

December 1, 2009 4:10 pm
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treesgraphic.jpgFrom Liz at the West Seattle Junction Association: They’re looking for donations totaling about a quarter-cord of “clean-burning wood like cedar” for bonfires at Saturday night’s Hometown Holidays Tree Lighting in The Junction. They’d be happy to get multiple small donations totaling a quarter-cord, or if anyone can donate the entire amount, that’s great too. They need it by 2 pm Saturday. Please call the WSJA office at 206-935-0904 or e-mail (The tree lighting is in the Farmers’ Market parking lot at 5 pm Saturday, emceed by Marty Riemer, featuring music by the Endolyne Children’s Choir.)

Need volunteer help? Here’s a chance to find it in West Seattle

November 29, 2009 2:42 pm
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If you’re with a group that can use student volunteers, here’s a chance to find them:

Chief Sealth High School will be hosting a Service Learning Fair for non-profit organizations that offer Service Learning opportunities to high school youth, 14-21 years of age, on Monday, December 7, 9:00 – 11:00 AM. (Service Learning is volunteer work with learning and reflection.) Non-profit organizations that want to participate are invited to contact Chris Syrjala, Career Specialist, Chief Sealth High School, 252-8635 by Thursday, December 3.

Here’s the registration form.

Santa at Westwood Village, day 1: Bring food & diaper donations

Note the barrel in the foreground of our shot from Santa’s House in Westwood Village – it’s not just a place for the little ones to share their holiday wishes, it’s also a place for you to help make somebody else’s holiday dreams come true – Santa photos are free with a nonperishable food donation; there’s also a diaper drive for WestSide Baby, and giving trees large and small:

Noon-4 pm, Saturdays and Sundays till Christmas, you’ll find Santa in his own storefront on the Westwood Village breezeway across from 24 Hour Fitness. (Santa photo opportunities start in The Junction next weekend; info on that, and lots more holiday happenings, abounds here.)

Happening now: Holy Rosary School Tree Lot, day 1

The gate swung open at noon, though the final touches are still in progress, for the Holy Rosary School Christmas Tree Lot behind Admiral Safeway (map). Through December 20th, it’s open 9 am-9 pm Saturdays and Sundays, 3 pm-9 pm Mondays-Fridays. Holy Rosary’s official announcement notes, “As in years past, 15% of the proceeds support local charities including the West Seattle Food Bank, West Seattle Helpline and Hickman House of West Seattle.” For your full range of options, we’ve listed all the local treesellers we know of on the WSB West Seattle Holidays page, plus a link to U-Cut tree info (outside the area), which came up in the WSB Forums. Plus lots of new listings for other holiday events – tree lightings, Santa, Hometown Holidays in The Junction (co-sponsored by WSB), concerts, plays, bazaars, more – have been added too. (Click “Holidays” in the tabs atop any WSB page, any time.)

Pre-Thanksgiving giving: Food banks; SLHS; Pet Giving Tree

First, one more pre-Thanksgiving food bank pitch. The West Seattle Food Bank is open till 3 pm today – one more hour – the White Center Food Bank (which serves part of southern WS too) is (THIS IS AN UPDATE) open till 7 pm. You’ve probably seen our pitches to help make sure your neighbors have a happy holiday. Here’s one we received from Rob:

Just wanted to let you know that I spoke to Audrey at the WC Food Bank last night and she said they still need large turkeys, dinner rolls and cranberry sauce. When I dropped off some cranberry sauce this morning they told me that had run out of it altogether.

I didn’t even know there was a WC Food Bank until I read your post mentioning the need for the turkeys and such. A bit embarrassing to say that since I live only about 25 blocks from it, but my point is that I didn’t know and your post made me aware of it. Here’s hoping it opens more people’s eyes.

The WC Food Bank is at 10829 8th SW; directions here. The WS Food Bank is at the southeast corner of 35th/Morgan. (3:01 PM NOTE: We went to WCFB to clarify when they’re open and what they need. Director Rick Jump says they’ve got what they need for holiday distributions and thanks everyone who’s helped. Our note: Both local food banks have a tremendous ongoing demand – donating $ to them online will give them the most buying power, as they have a lot of bulk deals.)

One more story of giving. It’s a tradition for Seattle Lutheran High School students – a day of giving right before the holiday. Today, they’ve been working on a variety of projects around West Seattle – including painting a mural in the nursery at neighboring Hope Lutheran Church/School:

Other groups of SLHS students did work including pulling invasives at Me-Kwa-Mooks and performing music for local elders. ADDED 2:16 PM: One other giving option we meant to mention – it’s among the “ongoing” listings on the WSB West Seattle Holidays page – as of today, there’s a Pet Giving Tree at Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor):

Many other giving trees in West Seattle too – we’re continuing to add to the listings on the WS Holidays page – let us know if we’re missing any!

Today/tonight preview — County Executive swearing-in edition

TODAY’S MAIN EVENT: As of shortly after 4 pm today, West Seattle will be home to the officeholders of two of the state’s three top political jobs. That status isn’t permanent, but even after the changing of the mayoral guard in January, we’ll still be home-‘hood to the guy who runs the county. Dow Constantine takes the oath of office downtown at Daniels Recital Hall (the former First United Methodist Church) this afternoon at 4, and everyone’s invited. (Photo at left is one of our pictures from his primary-election-night party.) Also on the docket today:

GIVE!!!! Two days till Turkey Day. The folks fed by our local food banks need you, if you’re able to give. Here’s a few stats explaining why – from the White Center Food Bank page on Facebook, Beth Grieser (West Seattle Volunteer Recognition winner) pulled a shift at WCFB today and reported: “We fed 85 families on our shift today – 287 families for the day. The White Center Food Bank is low on large turkeys 16 lbs, cranberry sauce and dinner rolls.” You can take donations to WCFB 8:30 am-5 pm; they serve the southern third of West Seattle but all the rest is in the territory of the West Seattle Food Bank and they will be thrilled to get donations too – 9 am-3 pm today.

GIVE, #2: Tonight at Porterhouse in the Admiral District, West Seattle Helpline benefits from a sock and underwear drive — bring ’em, new — 6-8 pm, hosted by Rogue Brewing (full details on Facebook).

GIVE BY BUYING: Wreaths and poinsettias, anyone? They’ll be on sale at Southwest Youth and Family Services today, 9 am-7 pm – walk-in sales are promised, and if you preordered one (or more), it’s pickup time.

CURRICULUM ALIGNMENT: It’s been another year of hot issues for Seattle Public Schools, and here’s another one: Aligning what’s taught to who, where and when. How will it affect the student(s) in your family – if at all? Come talk with district reps, 6:30 pm, West Seattle High School.

TRIVIA TIMES TWO: If your brain brims with factoids large and small, old and new, you have your choice of two venues tonight and every Tuesday night: In Morgan Junction, Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor, and now open 11:30 am daily) is all about the tunes, with rock ‘n’ roll trivia starting at 8; at the beach, Christo’s on Alki trivia, hosted by Tom Hutyler, new starting time, 7 pm. Cash prizes at both.