Fauntleroy 1191 results

Election ’08: Senators Murray and Cantwell rally Dem doorbellers

October 18, 2008 11:40 am
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Just back from The Hall at Fauntleroy, where U.S. Senators Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell headlined a pep rally before hundreds of Democrats hit the streets of West Seattle, White Center, and beyond in a weekend blitz of Get-Out-The-Vote (GOTV) doorbelling. (That first clip shows the end of the rally, with Sen. Murray offering a few last words, then inviting two local D’s — State Sen. Joe McDermott and County Councilmember Dow Constantine – up to the stage; McDermott is on the ballot but, like the two other 34th District state legislators, running unopposed.) Local Republicans were fanning out from Westwood Village at about the same time, and supporters of Sound Transit Proposition 1 are also on the street (came home to find one of their doorhangers). This weekend is considered crucial because many people who vote by mail have just received their ballots and will be voting long before the official Election Day on Nov. 4. ADDED SATURDAY AFTERNOON: More from this morning’s rally — and why it wasn’t just about the presidential race:Read More

“Heroes” results, and what you can do next

October 16, 2008 7:09 pm
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Congratulations to Redmond’s Mike Town, who won the webpoll portion of the “Cox Conserves Heroes” competition in which Fauntleroy’s Judy Pickens was also among five people in Western Washington honored for their work to lend nature a helping hand. Thanks to everybody who voted for Judy, not just because she does great work, but also in hopes her chosen nonprofit, EarthCorps, would get the $5K donation in the winner’s name; you can still help EarthCorps right this second with an online donation. And you can help Judy and the Fauntleroy Creek coho by being at the creek overlook (across from the ferry dock) later this month for a special event – here’s her latest update:

The annual drumming to call the salmon home to Fauntleroy Creek needs a lead drummer or two. The event will be Sunday, Oct. 26, 5-6 p.m. at the fish-ladder viewpoint (SW Director and upper Fauntleroy Way SW) and typically draws 40-60 people of all ages to sing, act out salmon stories, and enjoy spirited drumming. If you’d like to set the beat, e-mail Judy_Pickens@msn.com. In case of rain, instruments will have canopy cover.

Three quick notes: Gas, glasses, greenery

FIRST SIGHTING OF WEST SEATTLE REGULAR GAS IN THE $3.10s: A short time ago at Gasco (35th/Henderson), it was down to $3.19. That’s a dime drop from their price at weekend’s end.

NOT EXACTLY ROSE-COLORED GLASSES: West Seattle entrepreneur Nate Eddings sent us his press release too, but we hadn’t gotten around to digitizing the profanity on his main product. Daily Weekly is PG-13 so they are showing his glasses in their full, um, glory.

AND THE WINNER IS … Channel 7’s 5 pm news tonight is scheduled to include the announcement of who won the Cox Conserves Heroes web vote. Thanks to everybody who voted for Fauntleroy’s Judy Pickens (and therefore for EarthCorps, which gets a $5K Cox donation if Judy wins).

Fauntleroy Schoolhouse update: FCA discussion, and more


A week ago tonight, we brought you word of a milestone in the Fauntleroy Community Service Agency‘s negotiations to purchase the Fauntleroy Schoolhouse, agreement on a “term sheet.” Last night, two FCSA reps joined the Fauntleroy Community Association‘s monthly meeting, at the schoolhouse, for an informal presentation about the latest developments, and Q/A. Read on for the newest information, including school board action expected tonight, plus a statement on the latest developments from the Fauntleroy Children’s Center director Kim Sheridan, which we received just before last night’s FCA meeting:Read More

The vote with $5,000 at stake for West Seattle: Final hours

The folks running the “Cox Conserves Heroes” competition say voting ends at 8 o’clock this morning our time – so this is the last chance to get out the vote for Fauntleroy’s Judy Pickens, who’s being honored in the contest (along with four other regional conservation volunteers) for her work at and for Fauntleroy Creek. Note that the results page was misbehaving for much of last night, so don’t assume anything – just vote if you haven’t already. What’s at stake: The winner gets $5,000 to donate to her/his chosen nonprofit – and Judy has chosen the restoration heroes of EarthCorps.

Election ’08: Door-to-door senators; signup deadline; I-1000 forum

October 14, 2008 3:05 pm
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 |   Fauntleroy | West Seattle news | West Seattle politics

Early door-to-door alert: You might find a senator on your doorstep this Saturday. With ballots arriving in mailboxes this week, a major get-out-the-vote Democratic door-knocking effort starts with a rally at The Hall at Fauntleroy at 9:45 am Saturday, checkbox.jpgand our state’s U.S. Senators Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell are scheduled to join them. More info here (it’s also on the 34th District Democrats‘ website; disclosure, they’re a WSB sponsor this month to get out the word about their “sample ballot” with 34th DD endorsements). By the way, if you are not currently registered to vote in WA, you can still register if you do it in person at county elections HQ in Renton – here’s a map – and this page has info on extended hours on deadline day next Monday. ONE MORE NOTE: Statewide Initiative 1000, “Death With Dignity,” will be the topic of a West Seattle forum Thursday 10/23; local churches opposed to I-1000 are sponsoring it but have invited advocates from both sides and are inviting you too — 7:30 pm 10/23 at West Seattle High School. More info on I-1000 and other races/ballot measures on the WSB Election page.

“Conservation hero” vote update: Go, Judy (and EarthCorps)!

It’s not entirely clear how many days remain for voting in the Cox Conserves Heroes competition so we’re operating as if it could close at any time — just checked the results; Fauntleroy’s Judy Pickens is a VERY close second! If you or anyone you know hasn’t voted yet, vote now! Not just because of all the work Judy has done for helping bring Fauntleroy Creek back to life, but also because if she wins, EarthCorps gets $5K. Vote here. 9:02 PM UPDATE: Watch the comments – now a tie for first – keep it up! TUESDAY MORNING UPDATE: Just received word that the voting ends tomorrow (Wednesday 10/15) morning, 8 am.

Update: West Seattle contender’s in 2nd in “hero” vote

October 12, 2008 7:26 pm
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Have you voted yet in the “Cox Conserves Heroes” competition? Fauntleroy’s Judy Pickens is now in second, and there are just a few days left to vote — if she wins, EarthCorps (which works on greenspace restoration in West Seattle and elsewhere) gets a $5,000 donation. Judy is shown at left in the photo above with some of the many visitors young and old who come to Fauntleroy Creek, for which she has worked tirelessly (we won’t soon forget spending some time with her by the creek in March, when a few tiny salmon fry were clearly visible, fighting the current). Take a minute – go here to vote – tell your friends. Two weeks from today, by the way, you can join Judy and other friends of Fauntleroy Creek, drumming to call the salmon home, 5 pm 10/26 at the overlook across from the ferry dock. P.S. There’s a new creek update on fauntleroy.net – a grant application to restore “the last degraded reach of the creek” – read about it here.

Rezoning for 6-story building now part of The Kenney’s plan


At the first of two community meetings about the $150 million plan to “reinvent” The Kenney, the century-old retirement center in Fauntleroy, management and consultants revealed two big changes since the plan was first previewed over the summer (not only in this WSB article, but also in meetings with Kenney residents): There’s more “park-like” space planned for the northwest section of the site, which is famous for its greenery now, but in order to make that happen, The Kenney wants to double the height of one new building in the middle of the complex — that means six stories, and it would require rezoning, if the City Council approves. Tonight is the second of two community meetings to discuss the latest plans for the project – here’s our full report on what happened at the first meeting:Read More

Two chances to get answers about The Kenney’s big project

September 11, 2008 11:41 am
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 |   Development | Fauntleroy | The Kenney | West Seattle news


Last month, we brought you in-depth details of the $150 million redevelopment project on the drawing board for The Kenney, the longtime retirement community in Fauntleroy. (Read our story here.) Today, we get word from The Kenney’s CEO Kevin McFeely that two meetings are set next week to discuss the project with, and answer questions from, neighbors and other area residents/community leaders: 6 pm Wednesday at Fauntleroy Church (with official invitations going out to everyone within a half-mile radius), 6 pm next Thursday (9/18) at The Kenney (targeting local neighborhood associations and business groups). The project also is tentatively scheduled for its first Design Review Board hearing — which is a public meeting too — at 8 pm October 23rd (location TBA); here’s the city’s project page.

A letter to the community from Fauntleroy Church

This morning, we finally heard from Fauntleroy Church (UCC) leadership regarding the Tent City 3 proposal, which, as we reported on Sunday with reader assistance, is now tabled. Rev. David Kratz forwarded a letter to the community dated Sunday, and added a few additional comments. First, the letter, in its entirety:

Dear Neighborhood Friends,

During the first week of October, a small group of men and women from Tent City 3 (TC3) came to our church to present information, and to ask if we would consider hosting them from December through February because of their pressing need for somewhere to live at that time. Because of their need, we agreed to have TC3 make a similar presentation to our congregation last Sunday. A majority of church members at the meeting favored exploring the possibility of hosting TC3, but there were many concerns about whether we are well-positioned to explore this question right now.

Homelessness and housing is a multi-faceted issue that seriously concerns us. The growing gap between the rich and the poor, the diminishing of the middle class, the rapid loss of affordable housing across the nation and in Seattle, and more importantly coming to know individual homeless people prompt us to discern how we should respond as followers of Christ.

Fauntleroy Church has a long history of service on behalf of the poor. One of the things we’re most proud of is having helped found the original First Avenue Service Center in downtown Seattle (now called the Family and Adult Service Center). FASC is a program that provides the homeless with basic human services, such as nutritious meals, a place to shower, laundry facilities, access to phone and computer services, as well as case management, assistance finding safe and affordable housing, vocational training, and much more.

This morning our Church Council decided not to host Tent City 3 in the near future. We do plan to continue educating ourselves on the issue of homelessness. We directed our Outreach Ministry to create a Homelessness Task Force, with the charge to explore the whole range of theological, biblical, social, and psychological dimensions of homelessness and seek appropriate responses for our church. We plan to start this effort in 2008. We will keep you apprised of our process. Perhaps you may want to join our conversations and learn with us–we would welcome your wisdom and questions. We honor our relationship with you just as much as we do our call to serve the “least among us.”


David Kratz, Senior Pastor
Susan Towner Larsen, Associate Pastor
Steve Sundquist, Moderator, Church Council

Rev. Kratz added in his e-mail to WSB that he has read the comments on our previous posts and, “I would invite anyone who would like to participate in a broader conversation about how to respond to people who are homeless to become part of a mailing list we are starting. As the letter states in the winter we will take a broader
look and would welcome the wisdom of concerned folks.”

Reader update on Fauntleroy Church/Tent City proposal

In case you don’t catch it in the comments on our original report, WSB reader Bonnie just posted:

I just returned from the Fauntleroy Fall Festival and was told that they have decided NOT to host the tent city. There was a meeting this morning where it was decided.

That’s all we can tell you – still haven’t heard anything from the church.

Fauntleroy Fall Festival today

October 14, 2007 5:04 am
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This big bright banner on the side of the Corner Inn (Fauntleroy/Cali) says it all:


Events are planned at The Hall at Fauntleroy, Fauntleroy Church (full lineup in last Sunday’s bulletin), and Fauntleroy YMCA. Many great local performers are participating, including the West Seattle Big Band (4-6 pm @ The Hall).

Fauntleroy Church talks about possibly helping Tent City 3

This is a sensitive issue, obvious since we first heard about it Wednesday. Within the span of a few hours, we received several notes from WSB readers asking if we had heard a rumor about Tent City 3, the rotating-site church-sponsored homeless camp, possibly coming to Fauntleroy Church (UCC) later this year. Our first stage of research quickly turned up a mention on the church website, saying that it was under discussion. Knowing the movements of other Tent City camps have led to community concern and questions elsewhere around Western Washington, we decided to seek comment and context rather than just slapping something up here on WSB. We left messages Wednesday afternoon for leaders at Fauntleroy Church, and also contacted the Church Council of Greater Seattle. While the Church Council did respond to our queries and after some discussion ultimately decided to take an official “no comment” position, we still have not heard back from Fauntleroy Church. Yet this is clearly being talked about in the community — yet more local residents have contacted us to inquire; one has forwarded a letter that the church-based Little Pilgrim preschool has sent to its families; another has forwarded a letter that was sent to the church on behalf of concerned neighbors. So in hopes of helping calm rumors, we want to share what we have found out so far:Read More

Also almost outta here: The Upper Fauntleroy sinkhole

October 12, 2007 2:16 pm
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 |   December 2006 windstorm | Fauntleroy | Utilities | West Seattle news


Sunday marks 10 months since the raucous rainstorm that preceded the wild windstorm. One of the first effects of the pounding rain on December 14th of last year was the Upper Fauntleroy sinkhole at Thistle/Northrop (above photo shows the site today). Save for a little cleanup, and a temporary bridge built in January so walkers could still use the Thistle hillside stairs, plus improvements to city storm drains nearby, the sinkhole has remained, gaping, barely cordoned off, ever since. But not for much longer; flyers have just appeared in the Seattle Public Utilities sign by the sinkhole, saying that “we have resolved the outstanding property issues and are ready to commence with the repair project. We are currently waiting for authorization from the State/FEMA … We are anticipating on receiving authorization within the next week.” The flyer says the sinkhole, which the city calls a “gully,” will be filled in with “structural fill.” It’s accumulated some unofficial fill over these long months:


As for how this work might affect you if you use this area — the city says it may start “quickly and on very short notice,” will take 4-5 days, will involve some traffic restrictions at that sharp corner, and most significantly (the city flyer puts it in bold, so we will too): The stairs will be temporarily closed during the duration of the repair work. Very popular for people walking to and from Lincoln Park, so plan alternate routes.

Wild signs of fall

Those colors on Harbor Ave keep brightening …


The migratory waterfowl are returning; here are scoters spotted off the Fauntleroy ferry dock, first swimming toward the ferry, then ducking when its engines revved…


Also from the dock (and from a distance), a loon!


Creek restored & ready for returnees

September 18, 2007 6:16 am
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A comprehensive update at Fauntleroy.net tells the tale of the Fauntleroy Creek “Reach to the Beach” project, all finished except revegetation, just south of the ferry dock …


Next step: Awaiting the salmon. According to the Fauntleroy.net writeup, some coho already have been seen off Lincoln Park, so they “are optimistic watchers will have fish to watch” when the annual Salmon Watch begins along Fauntleroy Creek next month. Sign-ups for volunteers are under way now; scroll to the bottom of this Fauntleroy.net page for contact information, and also mark your calendar for 5 pm Sunday, October 21st, when the community will gather at the creek’s fish-ladder viewpoint for drumming to call the salmon home.

Have you seen Hugo?

Haven’t run a lost-pet post in a while, but Hugo’s disappearance is an unusual case. His owners say housekeepers accidentally let him out today at their Upper Fauntleroy home, but he’s a fast runner and could be anywhere by now. No collar. He’s a “big whippet that looks like a greyhound,” as his heartbroken owners describe him, and they say he’s under treatment for cancer. If you see him, call April at 206-351-9756 or John at 206-954-2694. 8:42 PM UPDATE: Note in the comments says Hugo’s been found.



Fauntleroy fire follow-up

A preliminary Fire Department report confirms the fire last night at the Endolyne Garden building in Fauntleroy started in the garage. That’s where most of the damage is confined so far as we could tell from stopping by for a look this morning (that’s ceiling material dangling down onto the cars):


The west-side entrance canopy for Guadalajara Mexican Restaurant also burned:


5:42 PM UPDATE: We have just been forwarded e-mail about the restaurant’s status — it was not damaged by the flames but was closed for today “to clear out the smell of smoke”; owners were considering opening on a limited basis tonight, but DEFINITELY plan to be fully open tomorrow so Guadalajara can participate as planned in the fundraiser for the Fauntleroy Fall Festival — as a sandwich board sign across the street from the restaurant reminds passers-by, a portion of tomorrow night’s proceeds from Guadalajara are to go toward next month’s festival.

More Fauntleroy fire scene photos

September 10, 2007 2:06 am
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 |   Fauntleroy | West Seattle fires | WS breaking news

These photographs just in from Christopher Boffoli show you more of what it was like at 45th/Wildwood at the height of the Fire Department response a short time ago:


Fire in Fauntleroy apartment/condo/restaurant building

September 10, 2007 1:07 am
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All those sirens were for a fire at Endolyne Garden, the bright blue apt/condo building kitty-corner from the Original Bakery/Endolyne Joe’s business block — same building with Guadalajara Mexican Restaurant on the ground floor.


No, those aren’t flames in the center, just fire-truck lights — which lit up the night (along with the huge floodlight atop one of the biggest trucks) for blocks around. Witnesses we talked to say they saw flames, but fire crews got it out fast. The scanner report we heard earlier about a possible car fire being involved seemed borne out by this:


What you see there is smoke curling from some sort of smoldering wreckage just behind what’s left of the wall in front of the ground-floor garage, adjacent to the restaurant — we will check on its status first thing tomorrow. No ambulance/aid car activity while we were at the fire scene, so here’s hoping nobody got hurt.

Big fire callout

Sirens are piercing the early early morning air here on the south side of WS: it’s a call to a building at 9212 45th SW. Not sure yet how serious; one scanner report said there’s a possible car fire at the address. More to come.

Fauntleroy Creek’s best friends, hard at work again

Just south of the ferry dock, work has begun in earnest on a project Fauntleroy Creek stewards call “the reach to the beach.” Over the next 2 weeks, with the help of EarthCorps, they are working to transform the last stretch of FC into something more natural. Judy Pickens tells us major work won’t start till tomorrow, but we noticed a definite difference between the view of the beach this afternoon (first photo below) and yesterday (second photo below):


The coho salmon of Fauntleroy Creek need all the help they can get, after a disappointing year; here’s hoping this project does the trick. By the way, the FC fish ladder on the other side of Fauntleroy Way celebrates its 10th anniversary next year!