West Seattle, Washington
17 Monday
(click to see larger version of the photo)
From WSB contributing photojournalist Matt Durham: “Medic 32‘s Mark Colley strolls back and forth along the rear bay of Station 32 on SW Alaska St. as he exercises his pipes. Seattle Firefighters Pipes and Drums’ newest member was kilted at the annual 9/11 police and fire get-together at the Red Door this year. The group plays at memorial and ceremonial events associated with fire and police.” Prints of Matt’s WSB photos and his other work are available at his site, mattdurhamphotography.com.
(view from the northeast – if you were looking down from a helicopter high over Admiral Starbucks – click for larger version)
Even before tonight’s community meeting, the folks at Safeway cautioned that what they are showing tonight is more their “vision” for the sight than what they will take to the Design Review Board next week — since there’s a set procedure for those meetings, reviewing three options for general size, shape, layout, etc. But nonetheless, it’s our first look at what they are hoping to build on their current store site that takes up the southern half-plus of the block fronting California and 42nd between Admiral and Lander: a bigger new store, plus more than 30 residential units, and a separate small retail building on the northwest corner of the lot. Just ahead, three more views (all four are courtesy Fuller/Sears Architects), plus Safeway’s description of its hopes and dreams (followed by our bullet points from tonight’s meeting:Read More
(click image to see full three-page document with city’s “final design”)
First update from tonight’s Alki Community Council meeting: Issues are still simmering with the city plan to finish the sidewalk on the north side of Alki Sw, from 63rd SW west to the other side of Alki Point. What you see above – difficult as it may be to decipher (even if you click on the image to see the full three-page document) – is what’s described on the city’s webpage for the project as “the final design,” and labeled on the document as “100% review” (dated tomorrow, by the way). At one point, the ACC had hoped that city project manager “Sam” Woods would be at tonight’s meeting; instead, she has been going door-to-door through the affected area this week to talk with residents. Just one problem, said a few attendees at tonight’s meeting: The letter from SDOT director Grace Crunican (read it here) says those visits were happening yesterday and today – but some didn’t even get the letter till today. They say they still have safety concerns about the plan and would like to see it presented one last time (the previous, contentious community meeting was this one in April) – with safety details highlighted (beyond the two raised crosswalks, at 64th and at Alki/Beach, as reported here in July) — before it’s finalized prior to construction (which Crunican’s letter says will start early next year). ACC secretary Larry Carpenter says he’s certain that such a meeting is already in the city’s plans; we’ll check with SDOT tomorrow, and we’ll also be asking about a report tonight that the project is $150,000 over the original budget.
We told you recently that two of the three 2007 West Seattle murder cases both ended with plea bargains instead of trial — Brian Walsh pleaded guilty last month to a reduced charge of second-degree murder for killing “Benny” Reside at Cal-Mor Circle and is awaiting sentencing; Jabarie Phillips pleaded guilty earlier in the year to a reduced charge of manslaughter for killing Dewayne West outside West’s house at 37th/Findlay, and was sentenced last month to 13 years in prison. That leaves the case of the shooting last October 13th inside a car at 59th/Admiral (10/13/07 scene photo at left, arrow points to the car) that killed 33-year-old Francisco Bailey-Ortiz. The suspect, an Alki resident, was 17 when it happened and is now 18; we stopped identifying him when his defense labeled him a victim of child sexual abuse (detailed in our report last October 29th). He has remained in jail, though his bail was cut to $200,000, and we have continued to watch the case through a fairly standard string of hearings, continuations, legal motions, etc. Now, it looks like the case is going to trial; a date’s been set for early October, and a pretrial “omnibus” hearing is scheduled for tomorrow. We checked with the suspect’s lawyer, Robert Perez, today, to find out if there was any chance a plea bargain was in the works for this case too. His reply: “I can assure you there will be no plea bargaining in this case. (The defendant) is not a felon and he has no intention of becoming one based on the victimization that led to this tragedy. He will seek justice from a jury of his peers. The case will go to trial during the week of October 6.”
It’s a tradition for some school-board members and now West Seattle’s Steve Sundquist is jumping in: He plans a monthly coffee hour during which anyone can drop by to “discuss education issues.” It’ll be the fourth Wednesday of the month, 9 am, Coffee to a Tea with Sugar in The Junction. First one is next Wednesday.
The neighborhood: The Junction.
The events: The first-ever West Seattle Junction Car Show (co-sponsored by WSB), 8 am-4 pm Sunday, and Holy Rosary’s West Fest (WSB sponsor), 6-10 pm Friday, 10 am-10 pm Saturday.
The highlights: At West Fest on Friday-Saturday, live music for all ages, bouncy rides for kids, food, fun; see our full preview here (including info about advance purchase of wristbands). At the Junction Car Show on Sunday, more than 200 classic cars — among them, the 1968 convertible Dodge Dart GT shown above; Knight — who just moved to West Seattle — tells WSB, “This will be the 1st car show I’ve ever entered since I bought the car in Florida 2 years ago.” 2 1/2 blocks of California will be closed, block by block, between Edmunds and the post office. There’s still room for day-of entries – first come, first served, staging entry will be from the east side of Edmunds/42nd. Breakfast options now include a special Elliott Bay Brewery breakfast menu 10 am-2 pm (in addition to the West Seattle Eagles‘ Sunday breakfast starting early, at 7, and Puerto Vallarta breakfast at 7).
In the last Cafe Revo update, proprietors Sean and Sofia Zadra Goff mentioned a mural would be painted on the south side of their Avalon/Luna Park building. Drove by today and noticed the mural’s in progress — no surprise it features a scooter! Not far away, a reminder outside Delridge Community Center:
Saturday afternoon’s health fair is part of a new effort to get the city Parks and Recreation Department more involved in helping people stay healthy. And a little ways further south on Delridge, the first sighting of a regular-gas price in the $3.60s:
Yes, we know Arco is usually somewhat lower, but some of the other stations aren’t too far behind – about 15 minutes earlier we noticed the California/Charlestown 7-11 and California/Andover 76 were both down to $3.72 for regular.
HIKE: Last reminder, the Nature Consortium‘s free monthly guided hike through West Duwamish Greenbelt is 1-2:30 tomorrow afternoon (last summery chance to enjoy the walk? here’s our report from the May version) – meet at 14th SW/SW Holly (map); RSVP by e-mail, lisa@naturec.org
BIKE: Stu Hennessey from Alki Bike and Board is gathering a group to ride from West Seattle to the U-District tomorrow night to see “Battle in Seattle” (the movie about the 1999 WTO protests – here’s the trailer). He’s inviting anyone who wants to join the group to meet at his shop (east side of California, just west of Admiral Safeway) at 6 pm tomorrow to make the 7:10 show – there’s a 9:30 pm showing too so he’s asking for e-mail from anyone interested in joining, and/or interested in the later show. (He also suggests buying tickets online before joining the ride.) E-mail: alkistu@hotmail.com
If you haven’t checked out the WSB Forums lately – a few threads percolating right now: A protest planned outside Mars Hill-West Seattle when it televises the Ballard seminar by a controversial parenting author; a local singer/songwriter has produced a music video for his song “Yes We Can” (bet you can guess which candidate it’s for), which at least one forum member already has reposted to Daily Kos; and if you’re noticing more spiders in your house – you’re far from alone. Want to start a conversation about something? The Forum’s the place.
Take a sec, spare a click to help a local school get TV time: We mentioned this yesterday, and the deadline’s tonight: The West Seattle High School-O’Dea matchup will be featured on channel 7’s Friday night sportscast – IF it wins the webpoll on this page. P.S. Thanks to Jonathan French for sending this Times link that notes the Wildcats are bidding to be the first WSHS team to knock off O’Dea. The game’s at West Seattle Stadium, 7 pm tomorrow.
At the first of two community meetings about the $150 million plan to “reinvent” The Kenney, the century-old retirement center in Fauntleroy, management and consultants revealed two big changes since the plan was first previewed over the summer (not only in this WSB article, but also in meetings with Kenney residents): There’s more “park-like” space planned for the northwest section of the site, which is famous for its greenery now, but in order to make that happen, The Kenney wants to double the height of one new building in the middle of the complex — that means six stories, and it would require rezoning, if the City Council approves. Tonight is the second of two community meetings to discuss the latest plans for the project – here’s our full report on what happened at the first meeting:Read More
ADMIRAL SAFEWAY: We first reported in February that Safeway had advised the Admiral Neighborhood Association its long-anticipated plan to redevelop the store site was ramping up. Last month, general bullet points emerged when Safeway applied for a permit. Tonight, the company unveils its design at a community meeting at Hiawatha, 7 pm.
THE KENNEY: Last night, the century-old Fauntleroy retirement center discussed its major redevelopment plan — all but one building will be torn down — last night with neighbors. (Our article will be published later this morning; two major changes were revealed last night, including the proposal for one building to be 6 stories high.) Tonight, The Kenney’s management and consultants are presenting the plan again, in a meeting geared toward local community groups and organizations (though everyone’s welcome), at The Kenney, 6 pm.
ALKI COMMUNITY COUNCIL: West Seattle’s fabled beach community has had a lot going on this summer – what’s ahead for fall? Attend tonight’s ACC meeting to find out. 7 pm, Alki Community Center.
Later today – we look ahead to a few of the big events coming up in the next few days beyond tonight, including Holy Rosary’s West Fest (WSB sponsor) tomorrow and Saturday and the first-ever West Seattle Junction Car Show (co-sponsored by WSB) Sunday.
This Saturday morning, if you get to a certain Gatewood address in time, you will score one (or more) of those repurposed buckets, planted with winter veggies, for … believe it or not … $5 each. So says the Urban Land Army, in announcing its Bucket Brigade. Here’s how Sandy Pederson explains it:
Where and when, you ask? 3726 SW Austin (map), 9 am-noon this Saturday. (Side note: Their site points to Not-Just-For-Profit; our fellow small/sustainable businesspeople may want to check it out.) AFTERNOON UPDATE: Sandy says KOMO Radio saw this item and called for an interview, so you may hear her on AM 1000.Bucket Brigade is a project of West Seattle-based Urban Land Army (www.urbanlandarmy.com), a new local business and website that connects urbanites who want to become more self-sufficient and improve the health of their neighborhood. Growing more of our own food and reducing waste is a big focus, and Bucket Brigade lets us do both!
The buckets are donated by a local westside bakery, Little Rae’s Bakery. They are sturdy, food-safe containers, but they cannot be recycled in Seattle, so we have rescued them from the landfill and planted them up for the people! We have cooking buckets with swiss chard, kale, Pac Choi, beet greens, mustards, and Chinese Cabbage, and Fresh Eats buckets with 3 kinds of lettuce and spinach. All of these plants can be harvested through the winter and are easy to care for (but we have instructions just in case!). They are perfect for people in apartments or condos, fun for kids, and for those who just love a good veggie bucket.
It’s the bank with the most branches in West Seattle (five by our count, including the Junction driveup and the Thriftway in-store), so you might be interested in this helpful “what does the situation mean to you?” Q-and-A that the P-I put together. If you still want to know more about the whole “federally insured deposit” promise, the FDIC website has lots o’links here.